immunobiology — immunobiologic /im yeuh noh buy euh loj ik, i myooh /, immunobiological, adj. immunobiologist, n. /im yeuh noh buy ol euh jee, i myooh /, n. the study of the immune response and the biological aspects of immunity to disease. [1955 60; IMMUNO +… … Universalium
immunobiology — noun The branch of biology that deals with the biological effects of the immune system … Wiktionary
immunobiology — im·mu·no·biology … English syllables
immunobiology — noun see immunobiologic * * * immunobiologic /im yeuh noh buy euh loj ik, i myooh /, immunobiological, adj. immunobiologist, n. /im yeuh noh buy ol euh jee, i myooh /, n. the study of the immune response and the biological aspects of immunity to… … Useful english dictionary
Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics — The Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics (MPI) in Freiburg, Germany, is an interdisciplinary research institute that conducts basic research in modern immunobiology and developmental biology. It was founded in 1961 as Max Planck… … Wikipedia
Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology — The Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology is a research institute of the Max Planck Society located in Freiburg, Germany. The institute was founded on the premises of a pharmaceutical company in 1961. The 1984 Nobel Prize winning biologist… … Wikipedia
Complement system — This article is about an aspect of the immune system. For other uses, see complement (disambiguation). The complement system helps or “complements” the ability of antibodies and phagocytic cells to clear pathogens from an organism. It is part of… … Wikipedia
Charles Janeway — Charles Alderson Janeway, Jr. (1943–2003) was a noted immunologist. A member of the National Academy of Sciences, he held a faculty position at Yale University s Medical School and was an HHMI Investigator. Born in Boston on February 5, 1943 to… … Wikipedia
Mannose-bindendes Lektin — Masse/Länge Primärstruktur 228 Aminosäuren … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ellen Vitetta — is the director of the Cancer Immunobiology Center at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. Vitetta is an immunologist who does translational (“bench to bedside”) research. She and her colleagues first described IgD on… … Wikipedia