- illness
- manic-depressive i. an older term for manic-depressive disorder, which is now called bipolar disorder in the current DSM.- mental i. 1. a broadly inclusive term, generally denoting one or all of the following: 1) a disease of the brain, with predominant behavioral symptoms, as in paresis or acute alcoholism; 2) a disease of the “mind” or personality, evidenced by abnormal behavior, as in hysteria or schizophrenia; also called mental or emotional disease, disturbance, or disorder, or behavior disorder; 2. any psychiatric i. listed in Current Medical Information and Terminology of the American Medical Association or in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association. SEE ALSO: behavior disorder.- nonspecific building-related illnesses a heterogeneous group of work- or domicile-related symptoms without clear objective physical or laboratory findings. Cf.:specific building-related illnesses.- severity of i. the degree of i. and risk of disease manifested by patients, based either on clinical data from the medical records or on hospital discharge/billing data. Outcome comparisons usually are interpreted in terms of severity of i. to ensure meaningful data interpretations are made.- specific building-related illnesses a group of infectious, allergic, and immunologic diseases with fairly homogeneous clinical signs whose causes can be traced to factors in buildings in which afflicted patients work or reside. Cf.:nonspecific building-related illnesses.
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ill·ness (ilґnis) disease.
Medical dictionary. 2011.