
Erotic attraction or activity, including sexual congress, between individuals of the same sex, especially past puberty. SYN: homoerotism, homoeroticism.
- ego-dystonic h. a psychological or psychiatric disorder in which an individual experiences persistent distress associated with same-sex preference and a strong need to change the behavior or, at least, to alleviate the distress associated with the h.; no longer a DSM-recognized diagnosis; now included under sexual disorder, not otherwise specified.
- female h. erotic predisposition, or activity, including sexual congress, between two women past the age of puberty.
- latent h. an erotic inclination toward members of the same sex not consciously experienced or expressed in overt action, as opposed to overt h. Use of this term is disappearing because of both its potentially iatrogenic effect and the inability to validate the phenomenon by techniques outside of psychoanalytic theory. SYN: unconscious h..
- male h. erotic predisposition, or activity, including sexual congress, between two men, past the age of puberty.
- overt h. homosexual inclinations consciously experienced and expressed in actual homosexual behavior.
- unconscious h. SYN: latent h..

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ho·mo·sex·u·al·i·ty .--.sek-shə-'wal-ət-ē n, pl -ties
1) the quality or state of being homosexual
2) erotic activity with another of the same sex

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the condition of being sexually attracted, covertly or overtly, by members of one's own sex: it can affect either sex (see also lesbianism). The cause of homosexuality remains unclear, although there is some evidence of a genetic basis. Homosexuality is no longer regarded as a psychological disorder, but help is sometimes offered to individuals wishing to change their sexual orientation. There are no drugs available for changing sexual orientation, although it is possible to depress the sexual drive. Persons seeking help for their homosexuality are more likely to benefit from counselling to reduce any anxiety and guilt that may be associated with the condition, rather than trying to change their sexual behaviour.
homosexual adj. n.

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ho·mo·sex·u·al·i·ty (homo-sekshoo-alґĭ-te) [homo- + sexuality] sexual orientation toward or activity with those of the same sex, as distinguished from heterosexuality.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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