
Amino-4-hydroxybutyric acid; a hydroxyamino acid differing from serine in the possession of an additional CH2 group. An intermediate in the biosynthesis of cystathionine, threonine, and methionine.
- h. deaminase SYN: cystathionine γ-lyase.
- h. dehydratase SYN: cystathionine γ-lyase.
- h. lactone the cyclic ester ( i.e., the δ-lactone) of h.; formed by the reaction of cyanogen bromide on methionyl residues in peptides and proteins.

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ho·mo·ser·ine .--'ser-.ēn, .häm-ō-, -'sēr- n an amino acid C4H9NO3 that is formed in the conversion of methionine to cysteine see HOMOCYSTEINE

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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