- hearing impairment, hearing loss
- A reduction in the ability to perceive sound; may range from slight inability to complete deafness. SEE ALSO: deafness, threshold shift.- hereditary h. h. occurring in syndromic forms (in which there are other anomalies in addition to the h.) and nonsyndromic forms (in which h. is the only unusual finding) with autosomal dominant and recessive, X-linked, and mitochondrial modes of transmission; may be congenital, of early onset in childhood, or late onset in mid-life and advanced age.- high-frequency h. selective loss of hearing for high frequencies, usually associated with sensory damage; common in acoustic trauma and noise-induced hearing loss.- hysterical h. SYN: psychogenic h..- neural hearing loss form of sensorineural hearing loss due to a lesion in the auditory division of the 8th cranial nerve.- noise-induced hearing loss sensory hearing loss due to exposure to intense impulse or continuous sound. SYN: boilermaker's hearing loss, industrial hearing loss, occupational hearing loss.- organic h. deafness due to a pathologic process or an organic cause, as opposed to psychogenic h..- psychogenic h. h. without evidence of organic cause; often follows severe psychic shock. SYN: functional h., hysterical h..- retrocochlear hearing loss term for sensorineural h.; suggesting a lesion proximal to the cochlea.
Medical dictionary. 2011.