Ascocarp — Diagram of an apothecium showing sterile tissues as well as developing and mature asci. An ascocarp, or ascoma (plural: ascomata), is the fruiting body (sporocarp) of an ascomycete fungus. It consists of very tightly interwoven hyphae and may… … Wikipedia
Arthroderma — A genus of ascomycetous fungi composed of the anamorph genera Microsporium and Trichophyton species. * * * Ar·thro·der·ma (ahr″thro durґmə) a genus of fungi of the family Gymnoascaceae; the hyphae around the gymnothecium are… … Medical dictionary
ascocarp — A fungus structure, of varying complexity, which bears asci and ascospores. [G. askos, bag, + karpos, fruit] * * * as·co·carp as kə .kärp n the mature fruiting body of an ascomycetous fungus broadly such a body with its enclosed asci, spores, and … Medical dictionary
cleistothecium — In fungi, an ascocarp that is closed, with randomly dispersed asci. [G. kleistos, enclosed, + theke, box] * * * cleis·to·the·ci·um .klīs tə thē sē əm n, pl cia sē ə a closed spore bearing structure in some ascomycetous fungi from which the asci… … Medical dictionary