Glycation — (sometimes called non enzymatic glycosylation) is the result of the bonding of a protein or lipid molecule with a sugar molecule, such as fructose or glucose, without the controlling action of an enzyme. All blood sugars are reducing molecules.… … Wikipedia
Glycation — La réaction de Maillard, connue dans le monde médical sous le nom de « glycation non enzymatique des protéines », a d’abord été étudiée dans le cadre du diabète sucré grâce à l’hémoglobine glyquée. La glycation est une réaction… … Wikipédia en Français
glycation — n. the chemical linkage of glucose to a protein, to form a glycoprotein. Glycation of body proteins has been postulated as a cause of complications of diabetes mellitus. See: advanced glycation end products, glycated haemoglobin … The new mediacal dictionary
glycation — noun non enzymatic reaction of a sugar and an amine group of a protein to form a glycoprotein … Wiktionary
Advanced glycation end product — Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) are the result of a chain of chemical reactions after an initial glycation reaction. The intermediate products are known, variously, as Amadori, Schiff base and Maillard products, named after the researchers … Wikipedia
advanced glycation end-products — damaged proteins that result from the glycation of a large number of body proteins, which can accumulate and cause permanent damage to tissues. This damage is more prevalent in diabetics due to chronic exposure to blood with high concentrations… … Medical dictionary
advanced glycation end products — (AGE) irreversible products of the glycation of proteins, which cause tissue damage; seen when blood glucose concentrations are chronically elevated such as in diabetes mellitus, arthritis, and aging … Medical dictionary
advanced glycation end-products — damaged proteins that result from the glycation of a large number of body proteins, which can accumulate and cause permanent damage to tissues. This damage is more prevalent in diabetics due to chronic exposure to blood with high concentrations… … The new mediacal dictionary
nonenzymatic glycosylation — glycation … Medical dictionary
3-Deoxyglucosone — IUPAC name (4S,5R) 4,5,6 Trihydroxy 2 oxohexanal … Wikipedia