
Otto K.O., U.S. biochemist, 18671934. See F. reaction, F. test, F.-Looney test.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Folin's reagent — is 1,2 naphthoquinone 4 sulfonate and is a chemical reagent used to measure levels of amines and amino acids. [cite journal |author=Saurina J, Hernández Cassou S |title=Determination of amino acids by ion pair liquid chromatography with post… …   Wikipedia

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  • Folin method — 1. (for acetone) aerate the acetone into a solution of sodium bisulfite and then determine the amount of nephelometric comparison with a standard acetone solution using Scott and Wilson reagent. 2. (for amino acids in blood) make 10 mL of protein …   Medical dictionary

  • Folin and Wu method — 1. (for creatinine) the color produced by the unknown (protein free blood filtrate or urine) in an alkaline solution of picric acid is compared in a colorimeter with the color produced by a known solution of creatinine or with a standard solution …   Medical dictionary

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