
Abnormal softness of the cerebral parenchyma often due to ischemia or infarction. SYN: cerebromalacia. [encephalo- + G. malakia, softness]

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en·ceph·a·lo·ma·la·cia in-.sef-ə-lō-mə-'lā-sh(ē-)ə n softening of the brain due to degenerative changes in nervous tissue (as in crazy chick disease)
en·ceph·a·lo·ma·lac·ic -mə-'las-ik adj

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en·ceph·a·lo·ma·la·cia (en-sef″ə-lo-mə-laґshə) [encephalo- + -malacia] softening of the brain, especially that caused by an infarct.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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