- diose
- SYN: glycolaldehyde.
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di·ose (diґōs) any monosaccharide containing two carbon atoms; the only member of the class is glycoaldehyde (q.v.).
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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di·ose (diґōs) any monosaccharide containing two carbon atoms; the only member of the class is glycoaldehyde (q.v.).Medical dictionary. 2011.
Diose — Glycolaldehyde is the only diose A diose is a monosaccharide containing two carbon atoms. Because the general chemical formula of an unmodified monosaccharide is (C·H2O)n, where n is three or greater, it does not meet the formal definition of a… … Wikipedia
diose — ascaridiose coccidiose grandiose trombidiose … Dictionnaire des rimes
diose — di·ose … English syllables
diose — ˈdīˌōs also ōz noun ( s) Etymology: di + ose : any of a class of monosaccharides containing two carbon atoms, glycolaldehyde being the only member called also biose … Useful english dictionary
Glycolaldehyde — chembox new Name = Glycolaldehyde ImageFile = Glycolaldehyde.png ImageSize = 120px ImageName = Glycolaldehyde IUPACName = 2 hydroxyacetaldehyde Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 141 46 8 ChemSpiderID = 736 SMILES = O=CCO Section2 = Chembox… … Wikipedia
Esteru — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Representación del Esteru. El Esteru es un personaje navideño originario de Cantabria. Se trata de un leñador perteneciente a la mitología cántabra que durante el día de Navidad lleva regalos a los hogares de la… … Wikipedia Español
glycolaldehyde — HOCH2CHO; the simplest (2 carbon) sugar; the aerobic deamination product of ethanolamine. SYN: diose. active glycoaldehyde 2 (1,2 dihydroxyethyl)thiamin pyrophosphate; a derivative formed in carbohydrate metabolism. * * * gly·col·al·de·hyde .glī… … Medical dictionary
Monosaccharide — Monosaccharides (from Greek monos: single, sacchar: sugar) are the most basic units of biologically important carbohydrates. They are the simplest form of sugar and are usually colorless, water soluble, crystalline solids. Some monosaccharides… … Wikipedia
Triose — A triose is a monosaccharide containing three carbon atoms. There are only two trioses, an aldotriose (glyceraldehyde) and a ketotriose (dihydroxyacetone). Trioses are important in respiration. Namely, lactic acid and pyruvic acid are derived… … Wikipedia
Pedro de Gante — Fray Pieter van der Moere, also known as Fray Pedro de Gante or Pedro de Mura (c. 1480 ndash; 1572) was a Franciscan missionary in sixteenth century Mexico. Born in Ghent in present day Belgium, he was of Flemish descent. Since Flanders, like… … Wikipedia