
1. A standard or rule for judging; usually plural (criteria) denoting a set of standards or rules. 2. In psychology, a standard such as school grades against which test scores on intelligence tests or other measured behaviors are validated. 3. A list of manifestations of a disease or disorder, a certain number of which must be present to warrant diagnosis in a given patient. [G. kriterion, a standard]
- Amsel criteria criteria for clinical diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis; the diagnosis is made if three of the following four criteria are positive : homogeneous discharge, pH 4.8, presence of clue cells, and amine odor with the application of KOH to the discharge.
- Hill's criteria of evidence a set of epidemiologic criteria that help to indicate whether a statistically significant relationship obtained in epidemiologic and other studies is a causal relationship. The criteria are consistency, specificity, strength, dose-response relationship, temporality, biologic plausibility, coherence, and capability of experimental confirmation. Temporality is the only absolute c.: the putative cause must precede the effect in time.
- Jones criteria criteria (proposed by T.D. Jones in 1944 and modified in 1965) used to make the diagnosis of rheumatic fever. There are five major criteria: carditis, polyarthritis, chorea, erythema marginatum, and subcutaneous nodules; minor criteria include fever, arthralgia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate or C reactive protein, and prolonged PR interval on ECG. Diagnosis requires evidence of recent group A β-hemolytic streptococcal infection, plus two major and one minor criteria, or one major and two minor criteria; revised Jones criteria allow the diagnosis when indolent carditis or chorea exists with no other cause, or in patients with a previous history of rheumatic fever who have one major or two minor criteria in association with a recent streptococcal infection.
- Spiegelberg criteria (for diagnosis of ovarian pregnancy) 1) the oviduct on the affected side must be intact; 2) the amnionic sac must occupy the position of the ovary; 3) the amnionic sac must be connected to the uterus by the ovarian ligament; and 4) ovarian tissue must be present in the wall of the amnionic sac.

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cri·te·ri·on (kri-tērґe-on) [Gr. kritērion a means for judging] a standard by which something may be judged.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Criterion — may refer to: Criterion, general meaning In science and mathematics: Criterion validity, in psychometrics, a measure of how well one variable or set of variables predicts an outcome Criterion referenced test, translates a test score into a… …   Wikipedia

  • criterion — meaning ‘a principle or standard by which something is judged’, has a plural criteria. This plural form is often taken to be singular, a use that is not standard: • A report…will tell councillors that the bidding criteria has significantly… …   Modern English usage

  • Criterion — Cri*te ri*on (kr? t? r? ?n), n.; pl. {Criteria} ( ?), sometimes {Criterions} ( ?nz). [Gr. ????? a means for judging, fr. ???? decider, judge, fr. ????? to separate. See {Certain}.] A standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • criterion — UK US /kraɪˈtɪəriən/ noun [C] (plural criteria) ► a standard by which you judge, decide about, or deal with something: »Pay is a very important criterion for job satisfaction. »When employing new staff, you need to be very clear about your… …   Financial and business terms

  • criterion — ► NOUN (pl. criteria) ▪ a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided. DERIVATIVES criterial adjective. USAGE The singular form is criterion and the plural form is criteria. Do not use criteria as if it were a singular, as… …   English terms dictionary

  • criterion — I noun barometer, basis, code, custom, design, discipline, example, exemplar, form, formula, foundation, frame of reference, gauge, ground rules, guide, ideal, law, measure, model, norm, obrussa, pattern, point of comparison, precedent,… …   Law dictionary

  • criterion — 1660s, from Latinized form of Gk. kriterion means for judging, standard, from krites judge, from PIE root *krei (see CRISIS (Cf. crisis)). Used in English as a Greek word from 1610s …   Etymology dictionary

  • criterion — *standard, touchstone, yardstick, gauge Analogous words: test, proof, trial, demonstration (see under PROVE): *principle, axiom, law: judging or judgment, adjudgment, adjudication (see corresponding verbs at JUDGE) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • criterion — [n] test, gauge for judgment archetype, basis, benchmark, canon, example, exemplar, fact, foundation, law, measure, model, norm, opinion, original, paradigm, pattern, point of comparison, precedent, principle, proof, prototype, rule, scale,… …   New thesaurus

  • criterion — [krī tir′ē ən] n. pl. criteria [krī tir′ē ə] or criterions [< Gr kritērion, means of judging < kritēs, judge; akin to kritikos: see CRITIC] a standard, rule, or test by which something can be judged; measure of value SYN. STANDARD …   English World dictionary

  • criterion */*/*/ — UK [kraɪˈtɪərɪən] / US [kraɪˈtɪrɪən] noun [countable, usually plural] Word forms criterion : singular criterion plural criteria UK [kraɪˈtɪərɪə] / US [kraɪˈtɪrɪə] Get it right: criterion: The plural form of criterion is criteria: Decisions on… …   English dictionary

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