
1. A small mass or body. 2. A blood cell. SYN: corpusculum. [L. corpusculum, dim. of corpus, body]
- amnionic c. SYN: corpus amylaceum.
- amylaceous c., amyloid c. SYN: corpus amylaceum.
- articular corpuscles encapsulated nerve terminations within joint capsules. SYN: corpuscula articularia.
- axis c., axile c. the central portion of a tactile c..
- basal c. SYN: basal body.
- Bizzozero c. SYN: platelet.
- blood c. SYN: blood cell.
- bone c. SYN: osteocyte.
- bridge c. SYN: desmosome.
- bulboid corpuscles SYN: Krause end bulbs, under bulb.
- calcareous corpuscles rounded masses composed of concentric layers of calcium carbonate, characteristic of tapeworm tissue.
- cement c. a cementocyte contained within a lacuna or crypt of the cementum of a tooth; an entrapped cementoblast.
- chyle c. a cell of the same appearance as a leukocyte, present in chyle.
- colloid c. SYN: corpus amylaceum.
- colostrum c. one of numerous bodies present in the colostrum, supposed to be modified leukocytes containing fat droplets. SYN: Donné c., galactoblast.
- concentrated human red blood c. c. prepared from one or more preparations of whole human blood that are not more than 14 days old and each of which has already been directly matched with the blood of the intended recipient.
- corneal corpuscles connective tissue cells found between the laminae of fibrous tissue in the cornea. SYN: Toynbee corpuscles, Virchow cells (3), Virchow corpuscles.
- Donné c. SYN: colostrum c..
- dust corpuscles SYN: hemoconia.
- Eichhorst corpuscles the globular forms sometimes occurring in the poikilocytosis of pernicious anemia.
- exudation c. a cell present in an exudate that assists in the organization of new tissue. SYN: exudation cell, inflammatory c., plastic c..
- genital corpuscles special encapsulated nerve endings found in the skin of the genitalia and nipple. SYN: corpuscula genitalia.
- ghost c. SYN: achromocyte.
- Gluge corpuscles large pus cells containing fat droplets.
- Golgi c. Golgi-Mazzoni c..
- Golgi-Mazzoni c. an encapsulated sensory nerve ending similar to a pacinian c. but simpler in structure.
- Hassall concentric c. SYN: thymic c..
- inflammatory c. SYN: exudation c..
- lamellated corpuscles small oval bodies in the skin of the fingers, in the mesentery, tendons, and elsewhere, formed of concentric layers of connective tissue with a soft core in which the axon of a nerve fiber runs, splitting up into a number of fibrils that terminate in bulbous enlargements; they are sensitive to pressure. SYN: corpuscula lamellosa, pacinian corpuscles, Vater corpuscles, Vater-Pacini corpuscles.
- lymph c., lymphatic c., lymphoid c. a mononuclear type of leukocyte formed in lymph node s and other lymphoid tissue, and also in the blood.
- malpighian corpuscles 1. SYN: renal c.. 2. SYN: splenic lymph follicles, under follicle.
- Mazzoni c. a tactile c. apparently identical with Krause end bulb. SEE ALSO: Golgi-Mazzoni c..
- Meissner c. SYN: tactile c..
- Merkel c. SYN: tactile meniscus.
- Mexican hat c. target cell anemia.
- milk c. one of the fat droplets in milk.
- molluscum c. SYN: molluscum body.
- Negri corpuscles obsolete term for Negri bodies, under body.
- Norris corpuscles decolorized red blood cells that are invisible or almost invisible in the blood plasma, unless they are appropriately stained.
- oval c. SYN: tactile c..
- pacchionian corpuscles SYN: arachnoid granulations, under granulation.
- pacinian corpuscles SYN: lamellated corpuscles.
- pessary c. an elongated red blood cell with hemoglobin concentrated in the peripheral portion.
- phantom c. SYN: achromocyte.
- plastic c. SYN: exudation c..
- Purkinje corpuscles SYN: Purkinje cell layer.
- pus c. one of the polymorphonuclear leukocytes that comprise the chief portion of the formed elements in pus. SYN: pus cell, pyocyte.
- Rainey corpuscles rounded, ovoidal, or sickle-shaped spores or bradyzoites, 12–16 by 4–9 μm, found within the elongated cysts (Miescher tubes) of the protozoan Sarcocystis.
- red c. SYN: erythrocyte.
- renal c. the tuft of glomerular capillaries and the capsula glomeruli that encloses it. SYN: corpusculum renis, malpighian corpuscles (1).
- reticulated c. SYN: reticulocyte.
- Ruffini corpuscles sensory end-structures in the subcutaneous connective tissues of the fingers, consisting of an ovoid capsule within which the sensory fiber ends with numerous collateral knobs.
- salivary c. one of the leukocytes present in saliva.
- Schwalbe c. SYN: taste bud.
- shadow c. SYN: achromocyte.
- splenic corpuscles SYN: splenic lymph follicles, under follicle.
- tactile c. one of numerous oval bodies found in the dermal papillae of thick skin, especially those of the fingers and toes; they consist of a connective tissue capsule in which the axon fibrils terminate around and between a pile of wedge-shaped epithelioid cells; believed to be mechanoreceptors for tactile sensation. SYN: corpusculum tactus, Meissner c., oval c., touch c..
- taste c. SYN: taste bud.
- terminal nerve corpuscles generic term denoting specialized encapsulated nerve endings such as the articular, bulboid, genital, lamellated, and tactile corpuscles, and the tactile meniscus. SYN: corpuscula nervosa terminalia.
- third c. SYN: platelet.
- thymic c. small spherical bodies of keratinized and usually squamous epithelial cells arranged in a concentric pattern around clusters of degenerating lymphocytes, eosinophils, and macrophages; found in the medulla of the lobules of the thymus. SYN: Hassall bodies, Hassall concentric c., Virchow-Hassall bodies.
- touch c. SYN: tactile c..
- Toynbee corpuscles SYN: corneal corpuscles.
- Traube c. SYN: achromocyte.
- Tröltsch corpuscles minute spaces, resembling corpuscles, between the radial fibers of the drum membrane of the ear.
- Valentin corpuscles small bodies, probably amyloid, found occasionally in nerve tissue.
- Vater corpuscles SYN: lamellated corpuscles.
- Vater-Pacini corpuscles SYN: lamellated corpuscles.
- Virchow corpuscles SYN: corneal corpuscles.
- white c. any type of leukocyte.
- Zimmermann c. SYN: platelet.

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cor·pus·cle 'kȯr-(.)pəs-əl n
1) a living cell esp one (as a red or white blood cell or a cell in cartilage or bone) not aggregated into continuous tissues
2) any of various small circumscribed multicellular bodies usu. used with a qualifying term <Malpighian \corpuscles>
cor·pus·cu·lar kȯr-'pəs-kyə-lər adj

* * *

any small particle, cell, or mass of tissue.

* * *

cor·pus·cle (korґpəs-əl) any small mass or body; see also corpusculum. corpuscular adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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