- corpus
- 1. SYN: body. 2. Any body or mass. 3. The main part of an organ or other anatomic structure, as distinguished from the head or tail. SEE ALSO: body, diaphysis, soma. [L. body]- c. adiposum [TA] SYN: fat-pad.- c. adiposum buccae [TA] SYN: buccal fat-pad.- c. adiposum fossae ischioanalis [TA]- c. adiposum fossae ischiorectalis SYN: fat body of ischioanal fossa.- c. adiposum infrapatellare [TA] SYN: infrapatellar fat-pad.- c. adiposum orbitae [TA] SYN: retrobulbar fat.- c. albicans a retrogressed c. luteum characterized by increasing cicatrization and shrinkage of the cicatricial core with an amorphous, convoluted, completely hyalinized lutein zone surrounding the central plug of scar tissue. SYN: albicans (2), atretic c. luteum, c. candicans.- c. amygdaloideum [TA] SYN: amygdaloid body.- c. amylaceum, pl.corpora amylacea one of a number of small ovoid or rounded, sometimes laminated, bodies resembling a grain of starch and found in nervous tissue, in the prostate, and in pulmonary alveoli; of little pathological significance, and apparently derived from degenerated cells or proteinaceous secretions. SYN: amnionic corpuscle, amylaceous corpuscle, amyloid corpuscle, colloid corpuscle.- c. aorticum SYN: paraaortic bodies, under body.- c. arantii SYN: nodules of semilunar cusps, under nodule.- corpora arenacea small calcareous concretions in the stroma of the pineal and other central nervous system tissues. SYN: acervulus, brain sand, psammoma bodies (2).- c. callosum [TA] the great commissural plate of nerve fibers interconnecting the cortical hemispheres (with the exception of most of the temporal lobes which are interconnected by the anterior commissure). Lying at the floor of the longitudinal fissure, and covered on each side by the cingulate gyrus, it is arched from behind forward and is thick at each extremity (splenium [TA] and genu [TA]) but thinner in its long central portion (truncus [TA]); it curves back underneath itself at the genu to form the rostrum [TA] of the c. callosum. SYN: commissure of cerebral hemispheres.- corpora cavernosa recti SYN: anal cushions, under cushion.- c. cavernosum of clitoris [TA] one of the two parallel columns of erectile tissue forming the body of the clitoris; they diverge at the root to form the crura of the clitoris. SYN: c. cavernosum clitoridis [TA], cavernous body of clitoris.- c. cavernosum penis [TA] one of two parallel columns of erectile tissue forming the dorsal part of the body of the penis; they are separated posteriorly, forming the crura of the penis. SYN: cavernous body of penis.- c. ciliare [TA] SYN: ciliary body.- c. claviculae [TA] SYN: shaft of clavicle.- c. clitoridis [TA] SYN: body of clitoris.- c. coccygeum [TA] SYN: coccygeal body.- c. costae [TA] SYN: body of rib.- c. epididymidis [TA] SYN: body of epididymis.- c. femoris SYN: shaft of femur.- c. fibrosum the small fibrous cicatricial mass in the ovary formed following the atresia of an ovarian follicle; similar to a c. albicans but smaller.- c. fibulae [TA] SYN: shaft of fibula.- c. fornicis [TA] SYN: body of fornix.- c. gastricum [TA] SYN: body of stomach.- c. geniculatum externum SYN: lateral geniculate body.- c. geniculatum internum SYN: medial geniculate body.- c. geniculatum laterale [TA] SYN: lateral geniculate body.- c. geniculatum mediale [TA] SYN: medial geniculate body.- c. hemorrhagicum a hematoma with a lining formed by the thinned-out bright yellow lutein zone; gradual resorption of the blood elements leaves a cavity filled with a clear fluid, i.e., a c. luteum cyst. SYN: c. luteum hematoma.- c. highmori, c. highmorianum SYN: mediastinum of testis.- c. humeri [TA] SYN: shaft of humerus.- c. incudis [TA] SYN: body of incus.- c. juxtarestiforme SYN: juxtarestiform body.- c. linguae [TA] SYN: body of tongue.- c. luteum the yellow endocrine body, 1–1.5 cm in diameter, formed in the ovary at the site of a ruptured ovarian follicle immediately after ovulation; there is an early stage of proliferation and vascularization before full maturity; later, there is a festooned and bright yellowish lutein zone traversed by trabeculae of theca interna containing numerous blood vessel s; the c. luteum secretes estrogen, as did the follicle, and also secretes progesterone. If pregnancy does not occur, it is called a c. luteum spurium, which undergoes progressive retrogression to a c. albicans. If pregnancy does occur, it is called a c. luteum verum, which increases in size, persisting to the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy before retrogression. SYN: yellow body.- c. luysi SYN: subthalamic nucleus.- c. mammae [TA] SYN: body of breast.- c. mammillare [TA] SYN: mammillary body.- c. mandibulae [TA] SYN: body of mandible.- c. maxillae [TA] SYN: body of maxilla.- c. metacarpale [TA] SYN: shaft of metacarpal.- c. metatarsale [TA] SYN: shaft of metatarsal.- c. olivare SYN: oliva.- c. ossis femoris [TA] SYN: shaft of femur.- c. ossis ilii [TA] SYN: body of ilium.- c. ossis ischii [TA] SYN: body of ischium.- c. ossis metacarpalis the shaft of one of the metacarpal bones.- c. ossis sphenoidalis SYN: body of sphenoid.- c. pampiniforme SYN: epoophoron.- c. pancreatis [TA] SYN: body of pancreas.- c. papillare SYN: stratum papillare corii.- c. paraterminale SYN: subcallosal gyrus.- c. phalangis [TA] SYN: shaft of phalanx.- c. pineale [TA] SYN: pineal body.- c. pontobulbare SYN: pontobulbar body.- corpora quadrigemina SYN: quadrigeminal bodies, under body. See inferior colliculus, superior colliculus.- c. quadrigeminum anterius SYN: superior colliculus.- c. restiforme [TA] SYN: restiform body.- c. spongiosum penis [TA] the median column of erectile tissue located between and ventral to the two corpora cavernosa penis; posteriorly it expands into the bulbus penis and anteriorly it terminates as the enlarged glans penis; it is traversed by the urethra. SYN: c. cavernosum urethrae, spongy body of penis.- c. spongiosum urethrae muliebris the submucous coat of the female urethra, containing a venous network that insinuates itself between the muscular layers, giving to them an erectile nature.- c. sterni [TA] SYN: body of sternum.- c. tali [TA] SYN: body of talus.- c. tibiae [TA] SYN: shaft of tibia.- c. trapezoideum [TA] SYN: trapezoid body.- c. triticeum SYN: triticeal cartilage.- c. ulnae [TA] SYN: shaft of ulna.- c. uteri [TA] SYN: body of uterus.- c. vertebrae [TA] SYN: vertebral body.- c. vesicae [TA] SYN: body of bladder.- c. vesicae biliaris [TA] SYN: body of gallbladder.- c. vesicae felleae body of gallbladder.
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1) the human or animal body esp. when dead2) the main part or body of a bodily structure or organ <the \corpus of the jaw> see CORPUS UTERI* * *
n. (pl. corpora)any mass of tissue that can be distinguished from its surroundings.* * *
cor·pus (korґpəs) gen. corґporis pl. corґpora [L. “bodyâ€] 1. the entire body of an organism. 2. the main portion of an anatomical part, structure, or organ. 3. a discrete mass of material, as of specialized tissue.Descriptions are given on TA terms, and include anglicized names of specific structures.
Medical dictionary. 2011.