
A genus of small, slender nematodes (family Trichostrongylidae) inhabiting the small intestine, rarely the abomasum, of ruminants; when fresh they are a bright pink color; they produce serious effects only when present in large numbers. In partly immune animals, these worms become enclosed in nodules in the wall of the intestine; they are less pathogenic in sheep and goats than the trichostrongyles Haemonchus, Ostertagia, and Trichostrongylus.
- C. bisonis species that occurs in cattle, sheep, bison, and pronghorn antelopes.
- C. curticei species that occurs in sheep, goats, and wild deer in Europe, although cosmopolitan in distribution.
- C. fieldingi SYN: C. punctata.
- C. oncophora species that occurs in cattle and domestic and wild sheep, but rarely in the horse; although worldwide in distribution, it is most common in the northern U.S. and Canada. SYN: Strongylus radiatus, Strongylus ventricosus.
- C. pectinata species that occurs in cattle, sheep, water buffalo, dromedary camels, and various wild ruminants; it is common in the southern U.S.
- C. punctata species that occurs mainly in cattle, less commonly in sheep, water buffalo, and several wild ruminants; although worldwide in distribution, it is especially widespread in North America and common in Hawaii. SYN: C. fieldingi.
- C. spatulata a species that occurs in cattle and sheep in the southern U.S., Kenya, Australia, and Malaysia.

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Coo·pe·ria -'pir-ē-ə n a genus of small reddish brown nematode worms (family Trichostrongylidae) including several species infesting the small intestine of sheep, goats, and cattle and sometimes held responsible for marked catarrhal inflammation, anemia, and diarrhea
coop·er·id 'küp-ə-rəd n
Cur·tice 'kərt-əs Cooper (1856-1939)
American veterinarian. Throughout his career Curtice worked on the eradication of various diseases in sheep, cattle, and poultry. He specialized in parasitology, investigating ticks and worms in particular. The genus Cooperia of nematode worms is derived from his first name.

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Coo·pe·ria (koo-peґre-ə) a genus of nematodes of the family Trichostrongylidae. C. oncoґphora, C. pectinaґta, and C. punctaґta are parasites found in the small intestines of cattle and other ruminants.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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