
1. A measure of conductivity; the ratio of the current flowing through a conductor to the difference in potential between the ends of the conductor; the c. of a circuit is the reciprocal of its resistance. 2. The ease with which a fluid or gas enters and flows through a conduit, air passage, or respiratory tract; the flow per unit pressure difference.

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con·duc·tance kən-'dək-tən(t)s n
1) the power, readiness, or capacity to conduct something <neural \conductance> <changes in membrane \conductance to ions>
2) the readiness with which a conductor transmits an electric current expressed as the reciprocal of electrical resistance

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con·duc·tance (G) (kən-dukґtəns) [L. conducere to lead together] capacity for conducting or ability to convey; the unit of electrical conductance is the siemens.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • conductance — [ kɔ̃dyktɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1893; de conduire, d apr. résistance ♦ Phys. Inverse de la résistance électrique d un conducteur. ● conductance nom féminin (de conduction, d après résistance) Quotient G du courant continu I qui traverse une portion de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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