- condenser
- 1. An apparatus for cooling a gas to a liquid, or a liquid to a solid. 2. In dentistry, a manual or powered instrument used for packing a plastic or unset material into a cavity of a tooth; variation in sizes and shapes allows conformation of the mass to the cavity outline. 3. The simple or compound lens on a microscope that is used to supply the illumination necessary for visibility of the specimen under observation. 4. SYN: capacitor.- Abbé c. a system of two or three wide-angle, achromatic, convex and planoconvex lenses that may be moved upward or downward beneath the stage of a microscope, thereby regulating the concentration of light (directly from a bulb or reflected from a mirror) that passes through the material to be examined on the stage.- automatic c. SYN: automatic plugger.- dark-field c. an apparatus for throwing reflected light through the microscope field, so that only the object to be examined is illuminated, the field itself being dark.
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1 a) a lens or mirror used to concentrate light on an objectb) an apparatus in which gas or vapor is condensed2) CAPACITOR* * *
n.(in microscopy) an arrangement of lenses beneath the stage of a microscope. It can be adjusted to provide correct focusing of light on the microscope slide.* * *
con·den·ser (kən-denґsər) [L. condensare to make thick, press close together] 1. a vessel or apparatus for condensing gases or vapors. 2. the lens in a microscope located just above the light source that aligns all available light into one beam. 3. an apparatus by which charges of electricity can be accumulated, consisting of two conducting surfaces separated by a nonconductor. 4. in dentistry, an instrument used to pack a plastic filling material into the prepared cavity of a tooth.Condenser.
Medical dictionary. 2011.