- Wickham striae
- Wick·ham striae (vikґahm) [Louis-Frйdйric Wickham, French dermatologist, 1861–1913] see under stria.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Wickham striae — are whitish linescite web |url=http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/imagepages/2491.htm |title=MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Lichen planus on the arm |format= |work= |accessdate=] visible in the papules of lichen planus and other… … Wikipedia
Wickham striae — pale grayish dots or lines forming a network on the surface of the papules in lichen planus … Medical dictionary
Wickham — Louis Frédéric, French dermatologist, 1860–1913. See W. striae, under stria … Medical dictionary
stria — 1. A stripe, band, streak, or line, distinguished by color, texture, depression, or elevation from the tissue in which it is found. SYN: striation (1). 2. SYN: striae cutis distensae. [L … Medical dictionary
lichen — A discrete flat papule or an aggregate of papules giving a patterned configuration resembling l. growing on rocks. [G. leichen, l.; a lichenlike eruption] l. myxedematosus a lichenoid eruption of papules on the upper body of mucinous edema due to … Medical dictionary
Darier's sign — is a change observed after stroking the skin of a person with systemic mastocytosis or urticaria pigmentosa. In general, the skin becomes swollen, itchy and red. This is a result of compression of mast cells, which are hyperactive in these… … Wikipedia
Mees' lines — Classification and external resources ICD 9 985.1 Mees lines or Aldrich Mees lines are lines of discoloration across the nails of the fingers and toes. Contents … Wikipedia
Crowe sign — The Crowe sign or Crowe s sign is the presence of axillary (armpit) freckling in people with neurofibromatosis type I (von Recklinghausen s disease). These freckles occur in up to 30% of people with the disease and their presence is one of seven… … Wikipedia
Nikolsky's sign — is a clinical dermatological sign, named after the Russian physician Pyotr Nikolsky (1858–1940). The sign is positive when slight rubbing of the skin results in exfoliation of the outermost layer.[1][2][3] … Wikipedia
Lichen planus — A common skin disease with small itchy pink or purple spots on the arms or legs. The lesions (abnormal areas) on the skin in lichen planus are typically polygonal, flat (hence, the term planus), and pruritic (itchy). Occurs characteristically on… … Medical dictionary