- stria
- 1. A stripe, band, streak, or line, distinguished by color, texture, depression, or elevation from the tissue in which it is found. SYN: striation (1). 2. SYN: striae cutis distensae. [L. channel, furrow]- anterior acoustic s. [TA] these axons originate in the ventral cochlear nucleus, cross the midline as part of the trapezoid body, join the lateral lemniscus, and terminate largely in the superior olivary complex. SYN: s. cochlearis anterior [TA], ventral acoustic s. [TA].- striae ciliares shallow radial grooves on the surface of the orbiculus ciliaris extending from the teeth of the ora serrata and leading into the valleys between the ciliary processes.- striae cutis distensae bands of thin wrinkled skin, initially red but becoming purple and white, which occur commonly on the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs at puberty and/or during and following pregnancy, and result from atrophy of the dermis and overextension of the skin; also associated with ascites and Cushing syndrome. SYN: atrophoderma striatum, lineae atrophicae, linear atrophy, stretch marks, s. (2), striae atrophicae, striate atrophy of skin, traction atrophy.- intermediate acoustic s. [TA] these axons arise in the cochlear nuclei; some fibers cross adjacent to the trapezoid body, others ascend on the ipsilateral side; they terminate in periolivary nuclei and nuclei of the lateral lemniscus; may function to modulate activity in the olivocochlear tract. SYN: s. cochlearis intermedia [TA].- Langhans s. fibrinoid that accumulates on the chorionic plate between the bases of placental villi during the first half of pregnancy.- lateral longitudinal s. [TA] a thin longitudinal band of nerve fibers accompanied by gray matter, near each outer edge of the upper surface of the corpus callosum under cover of the cingulate gyrus. SYN: s. longitudinalis lateralis [TA], s. tecta, tectal s..- malleolar s. [TA] a bright line seen through the membrana tympani, produced by the attachment of the manubrium of the malleus. SYN: s. mallearis [TA], mallear stripe.- medial longitudinal s. a thin longitudinal band of nerve fibers accompanied by gray matter, running along the surface of the corpus callosum on either side of the median line. Together with the lateral longitudinal s. it forms part of a thin layer of gray matter on the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum, the indusium griseum, a rudimentary component of the hippocampus. SYN: s. longitudinalis medialis [TA].- medullary striae of fourth ventricle [TA] slender fascicles of fibers extending transversely below the ependymal floor of the ventricle from the median sulcus to enter the inferior cerebellar peduncle. They arise from the arcuate nuclei on the ventral surface of the medullary pyramid. SYN: striae medullares ventriculi quarti [TA], acoustic striae, auditory striae, Bergmann cords, medullary teniae, taeniae acusticae.- medullary s. of thalamus [TA] a narrow, compact fiber bundle that extends along the line of attachment of the roof of the third ventricle to the thalamus on each side and terminates posteriorly in the habenular nucleus. It is composed of fibers originating in the septal area, the anterior perforated substance, the lateral preoptic nucleus, and the medial segment of the globus pallidus. SYN: s. medullaris thalami [TA], s. fornicis, s. ventriculi tertii.- s. nasi transversa a single deep horizontal groove at the level of the alae, with no associated defects. SYN: transverse nasal groove.- olfactory striae [TA] three distinct fiber bands (s. medialis, s. intermedia, s. lateralis) that caudally extend the olfactory tract beyond its attachment to the olfactory trigone. The medial olfactory s. [TA] (s. olfactoria medialis [TA]) curves dorsally into the tenia tecta; the intermediate, often barely visible, extends straight back and terminates in the olfactory tubercle; the lateral olfactory s. [TA] (s. olfactoria lateralis [TA], the largest of the three, passes along the lateral side of the olfactory tubercle, curving laterally as far as the limen insulae, then sharply medially to reach the uncus of the parahippocampal gyrus where it terminates in the plexiform layer of the olfactory cortex. SEE ALSO: medial longitudinal s.. SYN: striae olfactoriae [TA], olfactory roots.- posterior acoustic s. [TA] these axons originate from the dorsal cochlear nucleus, cross the midline dorsal to the trapezoid body, and join the lateral lemniscus; some fibers may terminate in the superior olivary nucleus but most pass directly to the inferior colliculus or synapse in the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus enroute. SYN: s. cochlearis posterior [TA].- Retzius striae dark concentric lines crossing the enamel prisms of the teeth, seen in axial cross sections of the enamel. SYN: brown striae, striae parallelae.- s. spinosa a faint groove occasionally caused by the chorda tympani nerve on the spine of the sphenoid. SYN: Lucas groove, sulcus spinosus.- terminal s. [TA] a slender, compact fiber bundle that connects the amygdala (amygdaloid body) with the hypothalamus and other basal forebrain regions. Originating from the amygdala, the bundle passes first caudalward in the roof of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle; it follows the medial side of the caudate nucleus forward in the floor of the ventricle's central part (or body) until it reaches the interventricular foramen, in the posterior wall of which it curves steeply down to enter the hypothalamus, with fibers passing both rostral and caudal to the anterior commissure. Coursing caudalward in the medial part of the hypothalamus, the bundle terminates in the anterior and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei. SYN: s. terminalis [TA], Foville fasciculus, Tarin tenia, tenia semicircularis.- s. vascularis of cochlear duct [TA] the stratified epithelium lining the upper part of the ligamentum spirale cochleae; it is penetrated by capillaries and is believed to be the site of production of endolymph. SYN: s. vascularis ductus cochlearis [TA], psalterial cord, vascular stripe.- Wickham striae fine whitish lines, having a network arrangement, on the surface of lichen planus papules.
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2) a narrow structural band esp. of nerve fibers3) a stripe or line (as in the skin) distinguished from surrounding tissue by color, texture, or elevation see STRETCH MARKS* * *
n. (pl. striae)(in anatomy) a streak, line, or thin band. The striae gravidarum (stretch marks) are the lines that appear on the skin of the abdomen of pregnant women, due to excessive stretching of the elastic fibres. Red or purple during pregnancy, they become white after delivery. The stria terminalis is a white band that separates the thalamus from the ventricular surface of the caudate nucleus in the brain.* * *
(striґə) pl. striґae [L. “a furrow, grooveâ€] a band, line, streak, or stripe, especially one of various longitudinal collections of nerve fibers in the brain.
Medical dictionary. 2011.