Venae cardiacae minimae — mažiausiosios širdies venos statusas T sritis širdies ir kraujagyslių sistema atitikmenys: lot. Venae cardiacae minimae ryšiai: platesnis terminas – širdies venos siauresnis terminas – priekinė priešskilvelinė vena … Paukščių anatomijos terminai
Venae cordis minimae — (also called smallest cardiac veins, venae cardiacae minimae , or Thebesian veins) are minute valveless veins in the walls of all four heart chambers. They are most abundant in the right atrium and least in the left ventricle. They originate… … Wikipedia
venae cordis minimae — venae cor·dis min·i·mae kȯr dəs min ə .mē n pl minute veins in the wall of the heart that empty into the atria or ventricles * * * TA alternative for venae cardiacae minimae … Medical dictionary
venae atriales dextrae — [TA] right atrial veins: the smallest cardiac veins (venae cardiacae minimae) emptying into the right atrium of the heart … Medical dictionary
venae atriales sinistrae — [TA] left atrial veins: inconstant smallest cardiac veins (venae cardiacae minimae) emptying into the left atrium of the heart … Medical dictionary
venae ventriculares dextrae — [TA] right ventricular veins: the smallest cardiac veins (venae cardiacae minimae) emptying into the right ventricle of the heart … Medical dictionary
venae ventriculares sinistrae — [TA] left ventricular veins: rarely occurring smallest cardiac veins (venae cardiacae minimae) emptying into the left ventricle of the heart … Medical dictionary
cardiac veins smallest — venae cardiacae minimae … Medical dictionary
Vein — A blood vessel that carries blood low in oxygen content from the body back to the heart. The deoxygenated form of hemoglobin (deoxyhemoglobin) in venous blood makes it appear dark. Veins are part of the afferent wing of the circulatory system… … Medical dictionary
vena — SYN: vein. [L.] v. advehens, pl.venae advehentes collective term for a series of branching channels in the early embryo receiving blood from the umbilical and/or vitelline venous systems and passing the mixed blood to the sinusoids of the live … Medical dictionary