human diploid cell vaccine
- human diploid cell vaccine
- (HDCV) an inactivated viral vaccine prepared from rabies virus grown in cultures of human diploid embryo lung cells and inactivated with propiolactone; administered intramuscularly or intradermally for pre- and postexposure prophylaxis against rabies. In official terminology, called rabies v. [USP].
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HDCV — Abbreviation for human diploid cell vaccine; human diploid cell rabies vaccine. * * * human diploid cell rabies vaccine * * * human diploid cell (rabies) vaccine … Medical dictionary
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rabies — rabic /rab ik, ray bik/, adj. /ray beez/, n. Pathol. an infectious disease of dogs, cats, and other animals, transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected animal and usually fatal if prophylactic treatment is not administered: caused by an RNA … Universalium
Imovax — Im·o·vax (imґo vaks) trademark for a preparation of rabies vaccine (human diploid cell vaccine) … Medical dictionary
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HDCV — • human diploid cell rabies vaccine … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations