persistent truncus arteriosus
- persistent truncus arteriosus
- a congenital anomaly in which a single arterial trunk with a single semilunar valve arises from the heart, receives blood from both ventricles, and supplies blood to the coronary, pulmonary, and systemic circulations. It is often subclassified anatomically; in the most common type, type 1, incomplete formation of the aorticopulmonary septum results in a partially separate main pulmonary artery of variable length, which gives rise to separate left and right pulmonary arteries. In types 2 and 3, the aorticopulmonary septum is absent, there is no separate main pulmonary artery, and the left and right pulmonary branches arise separately, directly from the truncus; in type 2, they arise close to each other from the posterior aspect of the truncus, and in type 3, each arises from a lateral aspect. Type 3 is sometimes considered as part of type 2.
Persistent truncus arteriosus. (A), Angiogram from a 1-week-old girl with truncus arteriosus type 1 (TrA). A main pulmonary artery (MPA) arises from the truncus. DAo, Descending aorta. (B), Angiogram from a 4-month-old girl with truncus arteriosus type 2. Separate right and left pulmonary arteries (RPA, LPA) arise by separate ostia from the truncus. RAoA, Right aortic arch.
Three types of persistent truncus arteriosus. LPA, Left pulmonary artery; RPA, right pulmonary artery.
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