trophont — noun The adult, motile life stage of certain ciliate protozoans Syn: protozoite, trophic cell, vegetative cell … Wiktionary
Trophozoit — Als Trophozoit (v. griech. τροφος trophos ‚Nahrung‘ und ζοον Zoon ‚Tier‘) oder auch Trophont wird die vegetative Lebensphase adulter Protisten bezeichnet, d. h. die Lebensform, in der Protisten im Stoffwechselaustausch mit ihrer Umwelt leben … Deutsch Wikipedia
trophozoite — The ameboid, vegetative, asexual form of certain Sporozoea, such as the schizont of the plasmodia of malaria and related parasites. [tropho + G. zoon, animal] * * * tro·pho·zo·ite .trō fə zō .īt n a protozo … Medical dictionary
Opalinidae — For other uses, see Opaline (disambiguation). Opalinidae Scientific classification Kingdom: Chromalveolata Division: Heterokontophyta Class … Wikipedia
phoront — pho·ront (forґont) [Gr. phora producing + ontos being] the encysted stage or form in the life cycle of certain ciliate protozoa, produced by a tomite and developing into a trophont … Medical dictionary
theront — the·ront (theґront) [Gr. thēr wild beast + on, ontos being] the free swimming stage or form in the life cycle of certain ciliate protozoa that arises from a tomite and searches (“huntsâ€) for a new host or food source necessary for the… … Medical dictionary
tomite — to·mite (toґmīt) [tom + Gr. mitos thread] the free swimming nonfeeding stage or form in the life cycle of certain ciliate protozoa, produced by a tomont and, depending on the species, developing into a phoront, theront, or trophont … Medical dictionary