
The ameboid, vegetative, asexual form of certain Sporozoea, such as the schizont of the plasmodia of malaria and related parasites. [tropho- + G. zoon, animal]

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tro·pho·zo·ite .trō-fə-'zō-.īt n a protozoan of a vegetative form as distinguished from one of a reproductive or resting form

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a stage in the life cycle of the malarial parasite (Plasmodium) that develops from a merozoite in the red blood cells. The trophozoite, which has a ring-shaped body and a single nucleus, grows steadily at the expense of the blood cell; eventually its nucleus and cytoplasm undergo division to form a schizont containing many merozoites.

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tro·pho·zo·ite (tro″fo-zoґīt) [tropho- + Gr. zōon animal] the active, motile, feeding stage of protozoa, as contrasted with the nonmotile encysted stage. In the malarial parasite, this is the stage between the merozoite and the mature schizont. Trophozoites of Toxoplasma gondii (tachyzoites) are found in the tissues during the acute stage of toxoplasmosis. Cf. trophont.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • trophozoite — n. a stage in the life cycle of the malarial parasite (Plasmodium) that develops from a merozoite in the red blood cells. The trophozoite, which has a ring shaped body and a single nucleus, grows steadily at the expense of the blood cell;… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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  • trophozoite — (trof o zo aīt) The active, motile feeding stage of a protozoan organism; in the malarial parasite, the stage of schizogony between the ring stage and the schizont …   Dictionary of microbiology

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  • trophozoite — noun A protozoan in the feeding stage of its life cycle …   Wiktionary

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