Allen-Doisy test

Allen-Doisy test
(for estrogens) a formerly common test in which the material being tested was injected into spayed laboratory mice and a change from leukocytes to cornified cells in their vaginal secretions was a positive result.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Allen-Doisy unit — in the Allen Doisy test, the least amount of estrogen that causes cornification of vaginal epithelium in a spayed laboratory mouse. Called also mouse u …   Medical dictionary

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  • Allen — Willard Myron, U.S. gynecologist, *1904. See Corner A. test, Corner A. unit, A. Masters syndrome. Edgar Van Nuys, U.S. physician, 1900–1961. See A. test. Alfred Henry, U.S. chemist, 1846–1904. See A. test. Edgar, U.S. endocrinologist, 1892–1943.… …   Medical dictionary

  • Doisy — Edward A., U.S. biochemist and Nobel laureate, 1893–1986. See Allen D. test, Allen D. unit …   Medical dictionary

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