- cholangitis
- Inflammation of a bile duct or the entire biliary tree. SYN: angiocholitis, cholangeitis. [chol- + G. angeion, vessel, + -itis, inflammation]- ascending c. SYN: c. lenta.- c. lenta (len-ta′) low-grade bacterial infection of the biliary tract; sometimes a cause of fever of unknown origin. SYN: ascending c..- primary sclerosing c. recurrent or persistent obstructive jaundice, frequently with ulcerative colitis, due to extensive obliterative fibrosis of the extrahepatic or intrahepatic bile ducts; generally progresses to cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and liver failure; seen most commonly in young men.- recurrent pyogenic c. repeated attacks of c., most commonly noted among Asians living in Asia, associated with the presence of multiple intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile duct stricutures and stones.
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chol·an·gi·tis .kō-.lan-'jīt-əs n, pl -git·i·des -'jit-ə-.dēz inflammation of one or more bile ducts called also angiocholitis* * *
n.inflammation of the bile ducts. It usually occurs when the ducts are obstructed, especially by stones, or after operations on the bile ducts. Symptoms include intermittent fever, usually with rigor, and intermittent jaundice (a combination known as Charcot's triad). Initial treatment is by antibiotics, but removal of the obstruction is essential for permanent cure. Liver abscess is a possible complication, and recurrent episodes of cholangitis lead to secondary biliary cirrhosis. Sclerosing cholangitis is a characteristic but rare complication of ulcerative colitis in which all the bile ducts develop irregularities and narrowing.* * *
cho·lan·gi·tis (ko″lan-jiґtis) [cholangi- + -itis] inflammation of a bile duct or bile ducts.
Medical dictionary. 2011.