dicentric — adjective Date: 1937 having two centromeres < a dicentric chromosome > • dicentric noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dicentric chromosome — is an aberrant chromosome having two centromeres. Dicentric chromosomes form when two chromosome segments (from different chromosomes or from the two chromatids of a single one), each with a centromere, fuse end to end, with loss of their… … Wikipedia
Dicentric chromosome — An abnormal chromosome (a microscopically visible carrier of the genetic material DNA) with two centromeres rather than the normal one. The centromere is essential for the division of the chromosome. A dicentric chromosome is twice tethered and… … Medical dictionary
dicentric — Referring to a structural chromosome having two centromeres, an abnormal state. * * * di·cen·tric ( )dī sen trik adj having two centromeres <a dicentric chromosome> dicentric n * * * di·cen·tric (di senґtrik) [di + center] in genetics, a… … Medical dictionary
Chromosome — A visible carrier of the genetic information. The 3 billion bp (base pairs) in the human genome are organized into 24 distinct, physically separate microscopic units called chromosomes. All genes are arranged linearly along the chromosomes. The… … Medical dictionary
dicentric chromosome — A chromosome having two active centromeres … Glossary of Biotechnology
dicentric — /duy sen trik/, adj. (of a chromosome or chromatid) having two centromeres. [1935 40; DI 1 + CENTRIC] * * * … Universalium
dicentric — [dʌɪ sɛntrɪk] adjective Genetics (of a chromosome) having two centromeres … English new terms dictionary
dicentric — di•cen•tric [[t]daɪˈsɛn trɪk[/t]] adj. gen (of a chromosome or chromatid) having two centromeres • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
Balancer chromosome — A balancer chromosome is a genetic tool used to prevent crossing over (genetic recombination) between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. Balancers are most often used in Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) genetics to allow populations of… … Wikipedia