- protan
- pro·tan (proґtan) 1. pertaining to protanomaly or protanopia. 2. a person with protanomaly or protanopia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Protan — Farbtafel zum Erkennen der Protanopie: Personen mit Protanopie sehen eine 17, normalsichtige eine 47 Kl … Deutsch Wikipedia
protan — … Useful english dictionary
protan colour blindness — see protanopia … Dictionary of Hallucinations
protan colour deficiency — see protanopia … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Jalan Gula — Perak State Route A100 Jalan Gula Major junctions West end: Kuala Kurau Jalan Kuala Kurau Jalan Kuala Gula … Wikipedia
Micoperi — Srl Rechtsform Srl Gründung 1946[1] Sitz Ravenna, Italien Leitung Claudio Bartolotti … Deutsch Wikipedia
Micoperi Marine Contractors — Micoperi Srl Unternehmensform Srl Gründung 1946[1] Unternehmenssitz Ravenna, Italien … Deutsch Wikipedia
protanopia — Also known as protan colour deficiency and protan colour blindness. The term protanopia comes from the Greek words protos (first), an (not), and opsis (seeing). It translates roughly as not being able to see the first of the primary colours (i … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Photopsin — Normalised absorption spectra of the three human photopsins and of human rhodopsin (dashed). Photopsins (also known as iodopsins) are the photoreceptor proteins found in the cone cells of the retina that are the basis of color vision. Photopsins… … Wikipedia
Rhodopsin-like receptors — Pfam box Symbol = 7tm 1 Name = Rhodopsin like receptors width = caption = Pfam= PF00001 InterPro= IPR000276 SMART= PROSITE = PDOC00211 SCOP = 1f88 TCDB = OPM family= 6 OPM protein= 1gzm PDB=Rhodopsin like receptors are the largest group of G… … Wikipedia