Process — In anatomy, a process is a projection from a structure. The process of the mandible is the part of the lower jaw that projects forward. In a more general sense, a process is a series of actions or events that are part of a system or of a… … Medical dictionary
Tomes layer process (fiber fibril) — (tōmz) [Sir John Tomes, English anatomist and dentist, 1815–1895] see odontoblastic process, under process, and see granular layer of Tomes, under layer … Medical dictionary
Tomes process — 1. a finger like projection of the ameloblast, occurring during the secretory phase of the cell during amelogenesis, which extends from the point of separation of the adjacent cell membrane to the distal free surface. 2. odontoblastic p … Medical dictionary
dentinal fiber — odontoblastic process … Medical dictionary
Tomes fiber — odontoblastic process … Medical dictionary
Tomes fibril — odontoblastic process … Medical dictionary
Dentin — is the hard tissue of the tooth surrounding the central core of nerves and blood vessels (pulp). * * * SYN: dentine. [L. dens, tooth] hereditary opalescent d. 1. SYN: dentinogenesis imperfecta. 2. SYN: opalescent d.. hypersensitive d. exposed d … Medical dictionary
odontoblast — One of the dentin forming cells, derived from mesenchyme of neural crest origin, lining the pulp cavity of a tooth; odontoblasts are arranged in a peripheral layer in the dental pulp, each with an odontoblastic … Medical dictionary
zone — A segment; any encircling or beltlike structure, either external or internal, longitudinal or transverse. SEE ALSO: area, band, region, space, spot. SYN: zona (1) [TA]. [L. zona] … Medical dictionary
dentine — ▪ anatomy also spelled Dentin, in anatomy, the yellowish tissue that makes up the bulk of all teeth. It is harder than bone but softer than enamel and consists mainly of apatite crystals of calcium and phosphate. In humans, other mammals … Universalium