
An operation on the cardia of the stomach. SYN: esophagogastroplasty. [cardio- (2) + G. plastos, formed]

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car·dio·plas·ty 'kärd-ē-ō-.plas-tē n, pl -ties plastic surgery performed on the gastric cardiac sphincter

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car·dio·plas·ty (kahrґde-o-plas″te) [cardio-(2) + -plasty] esophagogastroplasty. cardioplastic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • esophagogastroplasty — SYN: cardioplasty. * * * esoph·a·go·gas·tro·plas·ty (ə sof″ə go gasґtro plas″te) plastic repair of the esophagus and stomach; called also cardioplasty. esophagogastroplastic adj …   Medical dictionary

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