lingual plate

lingual plate
a major partial denture connector formed as a lingual bar extended to cover the cingula of the lower anterior teeth. When used on the maxillary arch it is often referred to as a palatal p.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • lingual plate — a dermal toothed bone covering and sometimes fusing with the basihyal, e.g. in Osteoglossidae. Also called glossohyal, dermentoglossum, supralingual or basihyal dental plate …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • plate — 1. [TA] In anatomy, a thin, relative flat, structure. SYN: lamina [TA]. 2. A metal bar perforated for screws applied to a fractured bone to maintain the ends in apposition. 3. The agar layer within a Petri dish or similar …   Medical dictionary

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  • dermentoglossum — lingual plate (a dermal toothed bone covering and sometimes fusing with the basihyal, e.g. in Osteoglossidae. Also called glossohyal, supralingual or basihyal dental plate) …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • supralingual — lingual plate (a dermal toothed bone covering and sometimes fusing with the basihyal, e.g. in Osteoglossidae. Also called glossohyal, dermentoglossum, supralingual or basihyal dental plate) …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • linguoplate — A partial denture major connector formed as a lingual bar extended to cover the cingula of the lower anterior teeth. SYN: lingual plate …   Medical dictionary

  • os linguale plattum — (plural ossa lingualia plattum)) lingual plate (a dermal toothed bone covering and sometimes fusing with the basihyal, e.g. in Osteoglossidae. Also called glossohyal, dermentoglossum, supralingual or basihyal dental plate) …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Glossohyal — is the term used in fish anatomy for the tongue [ [] ] and hyoid bone. [ [ search results.jsp Mercksource] ] It is the lingual plate, which is a… …   Wikipedia

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