
1. [TA] In anatomy, a thin, relative flat, structure. SYN: lamina [TA]. 2. A metal bar perforated for screws applied to a fractured bone to maintain the ends in apposition. 3. The agar layer within a Petri dish or similar vessel. 4. To form a very thin layer of a bacterial culture by streaking it on the surface of an agar p. (usually within a Petri dish) to isolate individual organisms from which a colonial clone will develop. 5. Any one of the horizontal perforated plates that comprise the fractionating component of a column in fractional distillation (or, the theoretic equivalent of such a p.). [O.Fr. plat, a flat object, fr. G. platys, flat, broad]
- alar p. of neural tube SYN: alar lamina of neural tube.
- anal p. the anal portion of the cloacal p..
- axial p. the primitive streak of an embryo.
- basal p. of neural tube SYN: basal lamina of neural tube.
- blood p. obsolete term for platelet.
- bone p. a metal bar with perforations for the insertion of screws; used to immobilize fractured segments.
- buttress p. a metal p. used to support the internal fixation of a fracture and prevent displacement.
- cardiogenic p. the thickened layer of splanchnic mesoderm from which the cardiopericardial primordia of very young embryos are derived.
- cell p. a non-cellulose structure that is the precursor to the cell wall; it forms between daughter nuclei during mitosis.
- chorionic p. that portion of the chorionic wall in the region of its uterine attachment; it consists of the mesoderm that lines the chorionic vesicle and, on the maternal side, of the trophoblast that lines the intervillous spaces; in the last half of gestation, the mesodermal connective tissue is largely replaced by fibrinoid material, and the amnionic membrane is adherent to the fetal side of the p..
- cloacal p. a p., composed of a layer of cloacal endoderm in contact with a layer of proctodeal ectoderm, which subsequently becomes the cloacal membrane and ruptures, forming the anal and urogenital openings of the embryo.
- compression p. a p. for internal fracture fixation with screw holes so designed that insertion of screws draws bone fragments more firmly together.
- cribriform p. of ethmoid bone [TA] a horizontal lamina from which are suspended the labyrinth, on either side, and the lamina perpendicularis in the center; it fits into the ethmoidal notch of the frontal bone and supports the olfactory lobes of the cerebrum, being pierced with numerous openings for the passage of the olfactory nerves. SYN: lamina cribrosa ossis ethmoidalis [TA], cribrum, sieve bone, sieve p..
- cutis p. SYN: dermatome (2).
- dorsal p. of neural tube SYN: roof p..
- dorsolateral p. of neural tube SYN: alar lamina of neural tube.
- end p. endplate.
- epiphysial p. [TA] the disc of cartilage between the metaphysis and the epiphysis of an immature long bone permitting growth in length. SYN: lamina epiphysialis [TA], growth p..
- equatorial p. the assembly of chromosomes in mitosis.
- ethmovomerine p. the central portion of the ethmoid bone, forming a distinct element at birth.
- flat p. jargon for plain film.
- floor p. ventral midline thinning of the developing neural tube, a continuity between the basal laminae of either side; opposite of roof p.. SYN: ventral p..
- foot p. footplate.
- frontal p. in the fetus, a cartilage p. between the lateral parts of ethmoid cartilage and the developing sphenoid bone.
- growth p. SYN: epiphysial p..
- horizontal p. of palatine bone [TA] the part of the palatine bone that forms the posterior part (approximately one-third) of the bony palate. SYN: lamina horizontalis ossis palatini [TA].
- Kühne p. the endplate of a motor nerve fiber in a muscle spindle.
- lateral p. a nonsegmented mass of mesoderm on the lateral periphery of the embryonic disk; it forms the somatopleuric (parietal) and splanchnopleuric (visceral) mesoderm.
- lateral cartilaginous p. SYN: lateral lamina of cartilage of pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube.
- lateral p. of cartilaginous auditory tube SYN: lateral lamina of cartilage of pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube.
- lateral pterygoid p. [TA] the larger and more lateral of the two bony plates extending downward from the point of union of the body and greater wing of the sphenoid bone on either side; forms medial wall of infratemporal fossa and gives origin to pterygoi muscles. SYN: lamina lateralis processus pterygoidei [TA], lateral p. of pterygoid process.
- lingual p. SYN: linguoplate.
- medial cartilaginous p. SYN: medial lamina of cartilage of pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube.
- medial p. of cartilaginous auditory tube SYN: medial lamina of cartilage of pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube.
- medial pterygoid p. [TA] the smaller and more medial of the two bony plates extending downward from the point of union of the body and greater wing of the sphenoid bone on either side, ending inferiorly in the pterygoid hamulus. SYN: lamina medialis processus pterygoidei [TA], medial p. of pterygoid process.
- medullary p. SYN: neural p..
- p. of modiolus SYN: lamina of modiolus of cochlea.
- motor p. a motor endplate.
- muscle p. SYN: myotome (2).
- nail p. SYN: nail (1).
- neural p. the neuroectodermal region of the early embryo's dorsal surface that in later development is transformed into the neural tube and neural crest. SYN: medullary p..
- neutralization p. a metal p. used for the internal fixation of a bone fracture to neutralize the forces producing displacement.
- notochordal p. the sheet of notochordal cells that are intercalated in the endodermal roof of the primitive yolk sac. SEE ALSO: head process.
- oral p. a circumscribed area of fusion of foregut endoderm and stomodeal ectoderm in the embryo that breaks through early in development to establish the oral opening. SEE ALSO: buccopharyngeal membrane.
- orbital p. SYN: orbital p. of ethmoid bone.
- orbital p. of ethmoid bone [TA] a thin p. of ethmoid bone forming part of the medial wall of the orbit and the lateral wall for the ethmoidal labyrinth. SYN: lamina orbitalis ossis ethmoidalis [TA], lamina papyracea, orbital lamina of ethmoid bone, orbital layer of ethmoid bone, orbital p., paper p., papyraceous p..
- palatal p. a partial denture major connector that has an anteroposterior width in excess of two maxillary premolars.
- palmar plates SYN: palmar ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints, under ligament.
- paper p., papyraceous p. SYN: orbital p. of ethmoid bone.
- parachordal p. the cartilage primordia of the base of the skull situated on either side of the cephalic part of the notochord.
- parietal p. 1. the outer of the two layers of the lateral p. mesoderm, which becomes associated with the ectoderm; the ectoderm and parietal p. mesoderm together constitute the somatopleure; 2. the lamina of the ethmoid bone that forms part of the nasal septum.
- perpendicular p. [TA] flat portion of a bone that lies within or closely approximates a vertical plane. See perpendicular p. of ethmoid bone, perpendicular p. of palatine bone. SYN: lamina perpendicularis [TA], pars perpendicularis, vertical p..
- perpendicular p. of ethmoid bone [TA] a thin p. of bone projecting downward from the crista galli of the ethmoid; it forms part of the nasal septum. SYN: lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis [TA].
- perpendicular p. of palatine bone [TA] the part of the palatine bone that extends vertically upward from the horizontal lamina; it forms part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. SYN: lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini [TA].
- phosphor p. the coated p. used in place of a radiographic film cassette in a computed radiography system. SEE ALSO: selenium p., amorphous silicon.
- polar plates condensed platelike bodies at the ends of the spindle during mitosis of certain types of cells.
- prechordal p. SYN: prochordal p..
- prochordal p. a small area immediately rostral to the cephalic tip of the notochord where ectoderm and endoderm are in contact; when turned under the growing head, it forms the buceopharyngeal membrane. SEE ALSO: oral p.. SYN: prechordal p..
- quadrigeminal p. SYN: lamina of mesencephalic tectum.
- roof p. the thin layer of the embryonic neural tube connecting the alar plates dorsally. SYN: dorsal p. of neural tube.
- secondary spiral p. SYN: secondary spiral lamina.
- segmental p. SYN: segmental zone.
- selenium p. a radiation-sensitive material used in directed digital radiography. SEE ALSO: digital radiography. SYN: amorphous selenium p..
- sieve p. SYN: cribriform p. of ethmoid bone.
- spiral p. SYN: osseous spiral lamina.
- stigmal plates area in arthropod larvae where the tracheal system opens to the outside; morphology of this area is used to identify various arthropod larvae. SEE ALSO: spiracle.
- suction p. in dentistry, a p. held in place by atmospheric pressure.
- tarsal plates See superior tarsus, inferior tarsus.
- tectal p. [TA] SYN: lamina of mesencephalic tectum.
- terminal p. SYN: lamina terminalis of cerebrum.
- tympanic p. of temporal bone [TA] the bony p. forming the greater part of the anterior wall of the bony part of the external acoustic meatus and the tympanic cavity, and the posterior wall of the mandibular fossa. SYN: pars tympanica ossis temporalis [TA], tympanic part of temporal bone.
- urethral p. the endodermal lining of the urethral groove that forms the lining of the penile urethra.
- ventral p. SYN: floor p..
- ventral p. of neural tube SYN: basal lamina of neural tube.
- vertical p. SYN: perpendicular p..
- visceral p. the inner of the two layers of the lateral mesoderm; the splanchnic mesoderm that becomes associated with the endoderm and together with it constitutes the splanchnopleure.
- wing p. SYN: alar lamina of neural tube.

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plate 'plāt n
1) a thin relatively flat piece or lamina (as of bone) that is part of the body
2 a) a flat glass dish used chiefly for culturing microorganisms esp PETRI DISH
b) a culture or culture medium contained in such a dish
3) a supporting or reinforcing element: as
a) the part of a denture that fits in the mouth broadly DENTURE
b) a thin flat narrow piece of metal (as stainless steel) that is used to repair a bone defect or fracture
plate vt, plat·ed; plat·ing
1) to inoculate and culture (microorganisms or cells) on a plate also to distribute (an inoculum) on a plate or plates for cultivation
2) to repair (as a fractured bone) with metal plates

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(plāt) [Gr. platē] 1. a flat structure or layer, such as a thin layer of bone; see also lamina, layer, and stratum. 2. dental p.; the term is sometimes incorrectly extended to refer to a complete denture. 3. a flat vessel, usually a Petri dish, containing sterile solid medium for the culture of microorganisms. 4. to prepare a culture medium in a Petri dish, or to inoculate such a medium with a bacterial culture.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • plate — [ plat ] n. f. • 1170; de 1. plat 1 ♦ Archéol. Plaque de métal appliquée sur le haubert; chacune des plaques qui constituent une armure rigide. Armures de plates, d écailles d acier. 2 ♦ (1694) Mar. Embarcation à fond plat servant aux travaux de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Plate — Plate, n. [OF. plate a plate of metal, a cuirsas, F. plat a plate, a shallow vessel of silver, other metal, or earth, fr. plat flat, Gr. ?. See {Place}, n.] 1. A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in comparison… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • plate — 1. (pla t ) s. f. 1°   Coutel à plates, ancien nom d une épée fine et tranchante, un peu plus longue que la dague ordinaire.    Armure à plates, nom donné dans le XIVe siècle aux armures composées de plaques d acier, par opposition aux cottes de… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • plate — [plāt] n. [OFr, flat object < fem. of plat, flat < VL * plattus < Gr platys, broad, flat: see PLATY ] 1. a smooth, flat, relatively thin piece of metal or other material 2. a sheet of metal made by beating, rolling, or casting 3. a) any… …   English World dictionary

  • plate — (n.) mid 13c., flat sheet of gold or silver, also flat, round coin, from O.Fr. plate thin piece of metal (late 12c.), from M.L. plata plate, piece of metal, perhaps via V.L. *plattus from Gk. platys flat, broad (see PLACE (Cf. place) (n.)). The… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Plate — Plate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Plated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Plating}.] 1. To cover or overlay with gold, silver, or other metals, either by a mechanical process, as hammering, or by a chemical process, as electrotyping. [1913 Webster] 2. To cover or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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