Meirowsky phenomenon — Mei·row·sky phenomenon (mi rovґske) [Emil Meirowsky, German American dermatologist, 1876–1960] see under phenomenon … Medical dictionary
TAN — total adenine nucleotide; total ammonia nitrogen * * * tan tan vb, tanned; tan·ning vt to make (skin) tan esp. by exposure to the sun vi to get or become tanned tan n a brown color imparted to the skin by exposure to the sun or wind * * * (tan) 1 … Medical dictionary
tan — tandem translocation; tangent * * * tan tan vb, tanned; tan·ning vt to make (skin) tan esp. by exposure to the sun vi to get or become tanned tan n a brown color imparted to the skin by exposure to the sun or wind * * * (tan) 1. a light brown… … Medical dictionary
LINGUISTIC LITERATURE, HEBREW — This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction foreword the beginning of linguistic literature linguistic literature and its background the development of linguistic literature Foreword: A Well Defined Unit the four… … Encyclopedia of Judaism