periodic peritonitis
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Peritonitis — Inflammation of the peritoneum (The peritoneum is the tissue layer of cells lining the inner wall of the abdomen and pelvis). Peritonitis can result from infection (such as bacteria or parasites), injury and bleeding, or diseases (such as… … Medical dictionary
Familial Mediterranean fever — Classification and external resources ICD 10 E85.0 ICD 9 277.31 … Wikipedia
polyserositis — Chronic inflammation with effusions in several serous cavities; can result in fibrous thickening of the serosa, including constrictive pericarditis. SYN: Bamberger disease (2), Concato disease, multiple serositis. [poly + L. serum, serum, + G.… … Medical dictionary
familial Mediterranean fever — an autoinflammatory disease (q.v.) of autosomal recessive inheritance, usually occurring in Armenians and Sephardic Jews, caused by mutation of the MEFV gene (locus: 16p13), which encodes pyrin. It is characterized by short recurrent attacks of… … Medical dictionary
СРЕДИЗЕМНОМОРСКАЯ ЛИХОРАДКА СЕМЕЙНАЯ — (периодическая болезнь, армянская болезнь) – наследственное заболевание, характеризующееся рецидивирующей лихорадкой (до 40 °C) и перитонитом. Наблюдается у выходцев из стран Средиземноморья (евреи, арабы, армяне, турки и др.), независимо от… … Энциклопедический словарь по психологии и педагогике
digestive system disease — Introduction any of the diseases that affect the human digestive tract. Such disorders may affect the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (colon), pancreas, liver, or biliary tract. A prevalent disorder of the digestive… … Universalium
Familiäre rekurrierende Polyserositis — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 E85.0 Nichtneuropathische heredofamiliäre Amyloidose … Deutsch Wikipedia
Familiäres Mittelmeerfieber — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 E85.0 Nichtneuropathische heredofamiliäre Amyloidose … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cystic fibrosis — Classification and external resources A breathing treatment for cystic fibrosis, using a mask nebuliser and a ThAIRapy Vest ICD 10 E … Wikipedia
Hyper-Ig-D-Syndrom — Das Hyper IgD Syndrom (HIDS) ist eine erblich bedingte Erkrankung, die mit wiederkehrenden Fieberschüben einhergeht und zu den periodischen Fiebersyndromen zählt. Während der Fieberepisoden bestehen auch meist Bauchschmerzen, Durchfall und… … Deutsch Wikipedia