- nucleus of superior olive
- n. olivaris superior.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
superior olive — n a small gray nucleus situated on the dorsolateral aspect of the trapezoid body called also superior olivary nucleus compare INFERIOR OLIVE … Medical dictionary
superior olive — noun : a small gray nucleus situated dorsal to the inferior olive and made up of cells in the auditory path … Useful english dictionary
Superior olivary complex — For the cerebellar structure, see Dentate nucleus. Brain: Superior olivary complex Scheme showing the course of the fibers of the lemniscus; medial lemniscus in blue, lateral in red. (Superior olivary nucleus is labeled at center ri … Wikipedia
Nucleus — 1) In cell biology, the structure that houses the chromosomes. 2) In neuroanatomy, a group of nerve cells. * * * 1. In cytology, typically a rounded or oval mass of protoplasm within the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell; it is surrounded by a… … Medical dictionary
Nucleus olivaris — Lage der Olivenkerne (3,4), frontaler Schnitt Die Nuclei olivares (dt. „Olivenkerne“) sind zwei Kerngebiete im verlängerten Mark, einem Teil des Hirnstamms. Man unterscheidet die obere und die untere Olive (Nucleus olivaris superior bzw. Nucleus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
inferior olive — n a large gray nucleus that forms the interior of the olive on each side of the medulla oblongata and has connections with the thalamus, cerebellum, and spinal cord called also inferior olivary nucleus see ACCESSORY OLIVARY NUCLEUS compare… … Medical dictionary
Nucleus ambiguus — Brain: Nucleus ambiguus Transverse section of medulla oblongata below the middle of the olive. ( Nucleus ambiguus labeled at center right.) Gray s subject #187 … Wikipedia
olive — 1. SYN: oliva. 2. Common name for a tree of the genus Olea (family Oleaceae) or its fruit. [L. oliva] inferior o. SYN: oliva. superior o. SYN: dorsal nucleus of trapezoid body. * * * ol·ive äl iv, əv … Medical dictionary
nucleus dentatus — [TA] dentate nucleus: the largest and most lateral of the cerebellar nuclei, lying in the white matter of the cerebellum just lateral to the emboliform nucleus, and receiving Purkinje cell fibers primarily from the lateral cortical zone; its… … Medical dictionary
Obere Olive — Lage der Olivenkerne (3,4), frontaler Schnitt Die Nuclei olivares sind zwei Kerngebiete im verlängerten Mark, einem Teil des Hirnstamms. Man unterscheidet die obere und die untere Olive (Nucleus olivaris superior beziehungsweise Nucleus olivaris… … Deutsch Wikipedia