- norma lateralis
- [TA] the outline of the skull as viewed from either side; called also temporal aspect of cranium and n. temporalis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
norma — 1. SYN: aspect. 2. SYN: profile (1). 3. SYN: projection. [L. a carpenter s square] n. anterior SYN: facial aspect. n. basilaris SYN: external surface of cranial base. n. facialis [TA] SYN: facial … Medical dictionary
norma — n. a view of the skull from one of several positions, from which it can be described or measured. For example the norma lateralis is a side view of the skull; the norma verticalis is the view of the top of the skull … The new mediacal dictionary
norma temporalis — n. lateralis … Medical dictionary
lateral aspect of cranium — norma lateralis … Medical dictionary
temporal aspect of cranium — norma lateralis … Medical dictionary
Suture (joint) — This article is about joints in the bones of the cranium. There is also an article about sutures as features of a wide range of animals. Suture also has other meanings in other contexts: Surgical suture, to describe stitches and other techniques… … Wikipedia
aspect — 1. The manner of appearance; looks. 2. The side of an object that is directed in any designated direction. SYN: norma (1). [L. aspectus, fr. a spicio, pp. spectus, to look at] facial a. [TA] the outline of the skull viewed from in front. SYN:… … Medical dictionary
ЛАТЕРАЛЬНЫЙ — ЛАТЕРАЛЬНЫЙ, lateralis (от лат. 1а tus бок), боковой, анат. термин, определяющий положение какой нибудь части тела или части органа по отношению к их срединной плоскости (коррелятивным термином является медиальный). Примеры: Л., или… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
List of anatomical topics — This page aims to list articles related to anatomy. This list is not necessarily complete or up to date if you see an article that should be here but isn t (or one that shouldn t be here but is), please update the page accordingly. NOTOC A… … Wikipedia
Череп в целом — Череп, cranium, образован отдельными костями, составляющими скелет головы. Изучая проекции черепа в целом с различных позиций, можно отметить, что вид его сверху определяется как вертикальная норма, norma verticalis, представляющая собой свод,… … Атлас анатомии человека