
1. The manner of appearance; looks. 2. The side of an object that is directed in any designated direction. SYN: norma (1). [L. aspectus, fr. a-spicio, pp. -spectus, to look at]
- facial a. [TA] the outline of the skull viewed from in front. SYN: norma facialis [TA], frontal a., norma frontalis, norma anterior.
- frontal a. facial a..
- lateral a. [TA] the profile of the skull; the outline of the skull viewed from either side. SYN: norma lateralis [TA], norma temporalis.
- occipital a. [TA] the outline of the skull viewed from behind. SYN: norma occipitalis [TA], norma posterior.
- superior a. the outline of the surface of the skull viewed from above. SYN: norma superior [TA], norma verticalis, vertical a..
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Anticoagulants in Secondary Prevention of Events in Coronary Thrombosis; approach to systematic planning and evaluation of clinical trials

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as·pect 'as-.pekt n
1) the part of an object (as an organ) in a particular position <the medial \aspects of the knees (R. H. Nyquist)>
2) a particular status or phase in which something appears or may be regarded <the medicolegal \aspects of pregnancy (Bull. of Meharry Med. Coll.)>

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as·pect (asґpekt) [L. aspectus, from aspicere to look toward] 1. that part of a surface facing in some designated direction. 2. the look or appearance.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • aspect — [ aspɛ ] n. m. • 1468; lat. aspectus, de aspicere « regarder » 1 ♦ Vx ou littér. Le fait de s offrir aux yeux, à la vue; apparence présentée par qqch. ⇒ vue; spectacle. « L aspect du sang n est doux qu au regard des méchants » (Hugo). Mod. Loc. À …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • aspect — ASPECT. s. m. Vue d un objet. Il tremble à l aspect de son maître. L aspect de toutes ces choses là le surprit. Vous lui pouviez épargner un aspect si fâcheux, si désagréable. f♛/b] Il se dit aussi De la perspective que présente un lieu, une… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Aspect — may be:*Aspect (computer science), a feature that is linked to many parts of a program, but which is not necessarily the primary function of the program *Grammatical aspect, a component of the conjugation of a verb, having to do with the internal …   Wikipedia

  • aspect — ASPÉCT, aspecte, s.n. 1. Fel de a se prezenta al unei fiinţe sau al unui lucru; înfăţişare. ♢ loc. prep. Sub aspectul... = din punctul de vedere..., sub raportul... 2. Categorie gramaticală caracteristică anumitor limbi, care arată stadiul de… …   Dicționar Român

  • Aspect — As pect, n. [L. aspectus, fr. aspicere, aspectum, to look at; ad + spicere, specere, to look, akin to E. spy.] 1. The act of looking; vision; gaze; glance. [R.] The basilisk killeth by aspect. Bacon. [1913 Webster] His aspect was bent on the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • aspect — ASPECT. s. m. Veuë, presence de quelqu un, de quelque chose. Il tremble à l aspect de son Maistre. il se troubla à l aspect de la gesne. Il signifie aussi, Objet de veuë. Cette maison a un bel aspect, est en bel aspect, en un bel aspect. cela… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Aspect — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Aspect Co. Ltd es una empresa de videojuegos japonesa que fue fundada en marzo de 1991. Contenido 1 Videojuegos desarrollados 1.1 Game Gear 1.2 Otros sistemas …   Wikipedia Español

  • aspect — [as′pekt΄] n. [ME < L aspectus, pp. of aspicere, to look at < ad , to, at + specere, to look: see SPY] 1. the way a person appears; looks; mien 2. the appearance of a thing as seen from a specific point; view 3. a) any of the possible ways… …   English World dictionary

  • Aspect — As*pect , v. t. [L. aspectare, v. intens. of aspicere. See {Aspect}, n.] To behold; to look at. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • aspect — [n1] visible feature air, appearance, attitude, bearing, condition, countenance, demeanor, expression, face, facet, form, look, manner, mien; concepts 434,628,673 aspect [n2] element to consider angle, bearing, direction, facet, feature, gimmick …   New thesaurus

  • Aspect — (spr. Aspäh), Stadt im Bezirk St. Gaudens des französischen Departements Obergaronne; 3800 Ew …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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