- middle colic lymph nodes
- see nodi lymphoidei colici dextri/medii/sinistri.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Mesocolic lymph nodes — Lymph: Mesocolic lymph nodes Lymph Nodes of the Large Intestine and Lower Abdomen Latin nodi lymphoidei mesocolici Gray s … Wikipedia
lymph node — One of numerous round, oval, or bean shaped bodies located along the course of lymphatic vessels, varying greatly in size (1–25 mm in diameter) and usually presenting a depressed area, the hilum, on one side through which blood vessel s enter and … Medical dictionary
colic — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin colica (passio) intestinal (suffering), from Late Latin colicus of the colon, colicky, from Greek kōlikos, from kōlon, alteration of kolon colon Date: 15th century 1. an attack of acute… … New Collegiate Dictionary
nodus lymphoideus — SYN: lymph node. nodi lymphoidei abdominis [TA] SYN: abdominal lymph node s, under lymph node. nodi lymphoidei accessorii [TA] SYN: accessory lymph node s, under lymph node. nodi lymphoidei anorectales SYN: pararectal lymph node s, under … Medical dictionary
nodi lymphoidei colici dextri/medii/sinistri — [TA] colic lymph nodes: a subgroup of the mesocolic lymph nodes, situated along the right, middle, and left colic arteries … Medical dictionary
Outline of human anatomy — See also: Index of anatomy related articles Human anatomy, a branch of anatomy, is the scientific study of the morphology of the adult human. It is subdivided into gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy. Gross anatomy (also called topographical… … Wikipedia
List of anatomical topics — This page aims to list articles related to anatomy. This list is not necessarily complete or up to date if you see an article that should be here but isn t (or one that shouldn t be here but is), please update the page accordingly. NOTOC A… … Wikipedia
Лимфатическая система — является частью сердечно сосудистой системы и дополняет венозную, принимает участие в обмене веществ, очищает клетки и ткани. Она состоит из лимфоносных путей, выполняющих транспортные функции, и органов иммунной системы, выполняющих функции… … Атлас анатомии человека
Artery — A vessel that carries blood that is high in oxygen content away from the heart to the farthest reaches of the body. Since blood in arteries is usually full of oxygen, the hemoglobin in the red blood cells is oxygenated. The resultant form of… … Medical dictionary
Colon (anatomy) — For other uses, see Colon. Colon (anatomy) Front of abdomen, showing surface markings for liver, stomach, and large intestine. Gray s … Wikipedia