lymph node

lymph node
One of numerous round, oval, or bean-shaped bodies located along the course of lymphatic vessels, varying greatly in size (1–25 mm in diameter) and usually presenting a depressed area, the hilum, on one side through which blood vessel s enter and efferent lymphatic vessels emerge. The structure consists of a fibrous capsule and internal trabeculae supporting lymphoid tissue and lymph sinuses; lymphoid tissue is arranged in nodules in the cortex and cords in the medulla of a node, with afferent vessels entering at many points of the periphery. SYN: nodus lymphoideus [TA], lymphonodus, nodus lymphaticus , lymph gland, lymphaden, lymphoglandula.
- abdominal lymph node s [TA] the parietal and visceral lymph node s of the abdomen, collectively. SYN: nodi lymphoidei abdominis [TA].
- lymph node s of abdominal organs SYN: visceral lymph node s of abdomen.
- accessory lymph node s [TA] the nodes of the lateral deep cervical group that are located along the accessory nerve; their efferent vessels pass to the supraclavicular lymph node s. SYN: nodi lymphoidei accessorii [TA], accessory nerve lymph node s, companion lymph node s of accessory nerve, nodi lymphatici comitantes nervi accessorii.
- accessory nerve lymph node s SYN: accessory lymph node s.
- anorectal lymph node s SYN: pararectal lymph node s.
- anterior axillary lymph node s pectoral axillary lymph node s.
- l. of anterior border of omental foramen [TA] one of the hepatic nodes located adjacent to the omental foramen. SYN: nodus lymphoideus foraminalis [TA], foraminal l., foraminal node.
- anterior cervical lymph node s [TA] the group of lymph node s located in the anterior region of the neck, divided into superficial and deep groups. SYN: nodi lymphoidei cervicales anteriores [TA].
- anterior deep cervical lymph node s SYN: deep anterior cervical lymph node s.
- anterior jugular lymph node s SYN: anterior superficial cervical lymph node s.
- anterior mediastinal lymph node s SYN: brachiocephalic lymph nodes.
- anterior superficial cervical lymph node s [TA] the lymph node s in the subcutaneous tissue of the anterior region of the neck. SYN: nodi lymphoidei cervicales anteriores superficiales [TA], anterior jugular lymph node s, nodi lymphoidei jugulares anteriores.
- anterior tibial l. [TA] a small inconstant l. in front of the interosseous membrane along the upper part of the anterior tibial vessels. SYN: nodus tibialis anterior [TA], anterior tibial node.
- apical axillary lymph node s [TA] the group of lymph node s located at the apex of the axillary fossa that receive lymphatic drainage from other groups of axillary nodes and then drain in turn into the subclavian lymphatic trunk. SYN: nodi lymphoidei axillares apicales [TA].
- appendicular lymph node s [TA] visceral nodes along the appendicular vessels in the mesoappendix; they receive afferent vessels from the vermiform appendix and send efferent vessels to the ileocolic lymph node s. SYN: nodi lymphoidei appendiculares [TA].
- l. of arch of azygos vein [TA] a visceral l. of the right brachiocephalic group located adjacent to the arch of the azygos vein. SYN: nodus lymphoideus arcus venae azygos [TA], l. of azygos arch, nodus lymphoideus arcus venae azygos.
- lymph node s around cardia of stomach [TA] a group of lymph node s surrounding the cardia of the stomach. SYN: anulus lymphaticus cardiae [TA], cardiac lymphatic ring, lymphatic ring of cardiac part of stomach.
- axillary lymph node s [TA] numerous nodes around the axillary veins that receive the lymphatic drainage from the upper limb, scapular region and pectoral region (including mammary gland); they drain into the subclavian trunk. SYN: nodi lymphoidei axillares [TA], axillary glands.
- l. of azygos arch SYN: l. of arch of azygos vein.
- bifurcation lymph node s SYN: inferior tracheobronchial lymph node s.
- brachial lymph node s SYN: humeral axillary lymph node s.
- brachiocephalic lymph nodes located in the superior mediastinum in relation to the great vessels, these nodes receive lymph from the thymus, pericardium, and right side of the heart; their efferent vessels join those of the tracheal nodes to form the bronchomediastinal trunks. SYN: nodi lymphoidei brachiocephalici [TA], anterior mediastinal lymph node s, nodi lymphoidei mediastinales anteriores.
- bronchopulmonary lymph node s [TA] lymph node s in the hilum of the lung that receive lymph from the pulmonary nodes, and drain to the tracheobronchial nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei bronchopulmonales [TA], hilar lymph node s.
- buccal l. one of the chain of facial lymph node s located superficial to the buccinator muscle. SYN: nodus lymphoideus buccinatorius [TA], buccinator node, buccal node, nodus buccinatorius.
- carinal lymph node s SYN: inferior tracheobronchial lymph node s.
- celiac lymph node s [TA] visceral nodes located along the celiac trunk that drain lymph from the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, spleen, and biliary tract and drain to the cisterna chyli via the right and left intestinal lymphatic trunks. SYN: nodi lymphoidei coeliaci [TA].
- central axillary lymph node s [TA] nodes located around the midportion of the axillary vein; they receive afferent vessels from the humeral (lateral), pectoral (anterior), and subscapular (posterior) groups of axillary nodes and send efferent vessels to the apical group of axillary nodes; SYN: nodi lymphoidei axillares centrales [TA].
- central mesenteric lymph node s SYN: central superior mesenteric lymph node s. SEE ALSO: mesenteric lymph node s.
- central superior mesenteric lymph node s [TA] the mesenteric lymph node s located along the intestinal (jejunal and ileal) branches of the superior mesenteric artery. SYN: nodi lymphoidei superiores centrales [TA], central mesenteric lymph node s, middle group of mesenteric lymph node s.
- colic lymph node s SYN: nodi lymphatici colici.left colic lymph node s, middle colic lymph node s, right colic lymph node s.
- common iliac lymph node s [TA] parietal nodes located in association with the common iliac vein; they are subdivided into five groups: intermediate common iliac lymph node s, between the common iliac artery and vein; lateral common iliac lymph node s lateral to the vein; medial common iliac lymph node s, medial to the vein; promontorial common iliac lymph node s at the sacral promontory; and subaortic common iliac lymph node s, at the bifurcation of the aorta; they all receive afferent vessels from the external and internal iliac nodes and send efferent vessels to the lumbar nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei iliaci communes [TA].
- companion lymph node s of accessory nerve SYN: accessory lymph node s.
- cubital lymph node s [TA] two groups of nodes, superficial and deep, lying along the basilic vein above the medial epicondyle; they receive afferents from the ulnar side of the forearm and hand, and send efferents to the brachial nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei cubitales [TA], lymph node s of elbow.
- cystic l. [TA] a visceral l. at the neck of the gallbladder draining lymph into the hepatic nodes. SYN: nodus lymphoideus cysticus [TA], cystic node.
- deep anterior cervical lymph node s [TA] the lymph node s near the larynx, trachea, and thyroid gland. SYN: anterior deep cervical lymph node s, nodi lymphoidei cervicales anteriores profundi.
- deep inguinal lymph node s [TA] several small inconstant nodes (proximal, intermediate, and distal) deep to the fascia lata and medial to the femoral vein; they receive lymph from the deep structures of the lower limb, from the glans penis and from superficial inguinal nodes; efferents pass to the external iliac nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei inguinales profundi.
- deep lateral cervical lymph node s [TA] the lymph node s located in the posterior triangle of the neck deep to the investing layer of cervical fascia; they empty into the jugular trunk on the right or left side; the group is subdivided into four smaller chains: superior deep cervical nodes, inferior deep cervical nodes, accessory nodes, and supraclavicular nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei cervicales laterales profundi [TA].
- deep parotid lymph node s [TA] the group of lymph node s associated with the parotid gland lying deep to the parotid masseteric fascia. SYN: nodi lymphoidei parotidei profundi [TA].
- lymph node s of elbow SYN: cubital lymph node s.
- external iliac lymph node s [TA] parietal nodes located in association with the external iliac vein; they are subdivided into three groups: intermediate external iliac lymph node s, between the vein and the external iliac artery; lateral external iliac lymph node s, and medial external iliac lymph node s, medial to the vein; they all receive afferent vessels from the inguinal nodes, lower abdominal wall, and pelvic viscera, and send efferent vessels to the common iliac nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei iliaci externi [TA].
- facial lymph node s [TA] a chain of lymph node s lying along the facial vein that receive afferent vessels from the eyelids, nose, cheek, lip, and gums, and send efferent vessels to the submandibular nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei faciales [TA].
- fibular l. a small inconstant l. located along the course of the fibular vein (venae comitantes). SYN: nodus lymphoideus fibularis [TA], fibular node, peroneal l..
- foraminal l. SYN: l. of anterior border of omental foramen.
- gastroduodenal lymph node s SYN: pyloric lymph node s.
- gluteal lymph node s [TA] parietal nodes of the internal iliac nodes; they are subdivided into two groups: interior gluteal nodes, located along the inferior gluteal vein; superior gluteal nodes located along the superior gluteal vein. SYN: nodi lymphoidei gluteales [TA].
- lymph node s of head and neck [TA] lymph node s located in and draining the head and neck regions, ultimately draining via the jugular lymphatic trunks. SYN: nodi lymphoidei capitis et colli [TA].
- hepatic lymph node s [TA] visceral nodes located along the hepatic artery as far as the porta hepatis; they drain the liver, gallbladder, stomach, duodenum, and pancreas, and send efferents to the celiac nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei hepatici [TA].
- hilar lymph node s SYN: bronchopulmonary lymph node s.
- humeral axillary lymph node s [TA] lymph node s along the brachial vein that receive lymph drainage from most of the free upper limb and send efferent vessels to the central axillary lymph node s. SYN: nodi lymphoidei axillares humerales [TA], lateral axillary lymph node s, nodi lymphoidei axillares laterales, brachial lymph node s, nodi lymphoidei brachiales.
- ileocolic lymph node s [TA] visceral nodes located along the ileocolic artery that drain lymph from the ascending colon to the superior mesenteric nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei ileocolici [TA].
- inferior epigastric lymph node s [TA] three or four parietal nodes placed along the inferior epigastric vessels; they receive afferents from the lower abdominal wall and empty into the external iliac nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei epigastrici inferiores [TA].
- inferior mesenteric lymph node s [TA] visceral nodes located along the inferior mesenteric artery and its branches that drain the upper part of the rectum, the sigmoid colon, and descending colon. SYN: nodi lymphoidei mesenterici inferiores [TA].
- inferior phrenic lymph node s [TA] small lymph node s associated with the inferior phrenic vessels. SYN: nodi lymphoidei phrenici inferiores [TA].
- inferior tracheobronchial lymph node s [TA] several large lymph node s inferior to the tracheal bifurcation; they receive afferents from the bronchopulmonary nodes and the heart, and send efferents to the superior tracheobronchial and tracheal nodes. SYN: bifurcation lymph node s, carinal lymph node s, nodi lymphoidei tracheobronchiales inferiores.
- infraauricular deep parotid lymph node s [TA] small lymph node s located deep to the parotid fascia and below the ear. SYN: infraauricular subfascial parotid lymph node s, nodi lymphoidei parotidei profundi infra- auriculares.
- infraauricular subfascial parotid lymph node s SYN: infraauricular deep parotid lymph node s.
- intercostal lymph node s [TA] one or two small nodes located posteriorly in each intercostal space; they receive lymph from the parietal pleura, intercostal space, and posterior body wall; the nodes in the upper spaces empty into the thoracic duct; the nodes in the lower spaces form a descending intercostal trunk that opens into the cisterna chyli. SYN: nodi lymphoidei intercostales [TA].
- interiliac lymph node s [TA] several lymph node s located between the external and internal iliac arteries and the obturator artery; these nodes are considered by some to be part of the medial external iliac nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei interiliaci [TA].
- intermediate lacunar l. [TA] an inconstant l. of the external iliac nodes frequently occurring between the external iliac artery and vein at the vascular space of the subinguinal compartment. SYN: nodus lymphoideus lacunaris intermedius [TA], intermediate lacunar node.
- intermediate lumbar lymph node s [TA] the chain of lymph node s located between the aorta and the inferior vena cava. SYN: nodi lymphoidei lumbales intermedii [TA], lumbar lymph node s.
- internal iliac lymph node s [TA] nodes that lie along the internal iliac artery and its branches; they receive lymph from the pelvic viscera, the gluteal region, and the deep parts of the perineum, and send efferent vessels to the common iliac nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei iliaci interni [TA].
- interpectoral lymph node s [TA] small lymph node s located between the pectoralis major and minor muscles; they receive lymph from the muscles and the mammary gland, and deliver lymph to the axillary lymphatic plexus. SYN: nodi lymphoidei interpectorales [TA].
- intraglandular deep parotid lymph node s [TA] small lymph node s of the deep parotid group lying within the parotid gland. SYN: nodi lymphoidei parotidei intraglandulares [TA], intraglandular parotid lymph node s.
- intraglandular parotid lymph node s SYN: intraglandular deep parotid lymph node s.
- intrapulmonary lymph node s [TA] small nodes that occur along the bronchi within the parenchyma of the lung; they receive the drainage from localized areas of the lung and send efferents to bronchopulmonary nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei intrapulmonales [TA], nodi lymphoidei pulmonales, pulmonary lymph node s.
- jugulodigastric l. [TA] a prominent l. in the deep lateral cervical group lying below the digastric muscle and anterior to the internal jugular vein; it receives lymphatic drainage from the pharynx, palatine tonsil, and tongue. SYN: nodus lymphoideus jugulodigastricus [TA], jugulodigastric node, subdigastric node.
- juguloomohyoid l. [TA] a l. of the lateral deep cervical group that lies above the intermediate tendon of the omohyoid muscle and anterior to the internal jugular vein; it receives lymphatic drainage from the submental, submandibular, and deep anterior cervical nodes; its efferent vessels go to other deep lateral cervical nodes. SYN: nodus lymphoideus juguloomohyoideus [TA], juguloomohyoid node.
- juxtaesophageal lymph node s [TA] several nodes located along either side of the esophagus; they receive lymph from both the esophagus and the lungs. SYN: nodi lymphoidei juxtaesophageales [TA], nodi lymphoidei juxtaesophageales pulmonales.
- juxta-intestinal mesenteric lymph node s [TA] the mesenteric lymph node s located in immediate proximity to the jejunum or ileum. SYN: nodi lymphoidei juxtaintestinales [TA].
- lateral axillary lymph node s humeral axillary lymph node s.
- lateral jugular lymph node s deep nodes of the lateral cervical nodes lying lateral to the internal jugular vein; they usually empty into the jugular trunk. SYN: nodi lymphoidei jugulares laterales.
- lateral lacunar l. [TA] a l. of the external iliac group located lateral to the external iliac artery at the vascular space of the subinguinal compartment. SYN: nodus lymphoideus lacunaris lateralis [TA], lateral lacunar node.
- lateral pericardial lymph node s [TA] small lymph node s located along the pericardiacophrenic vessels, they drain the pericardium. SYN: nodi lymphoidei pericardiales laterales [TA].
- left colic lymph node s [TA] small nodes along the left colic artery and its branches that drain the left flexure and upper part of the descending colon; efferent vessels pass to the inferior mesenteric nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei colici sinistri [TA].
- left gastric lymph node s [TA] nodes located along the left gastric artery and its branches; they are divided into paracardial, upper and lower groups. SYN: nodi lymphoidei gastrici sinistri [TA], superior gastric lymph node s.
- left gastroepiploic lymph node s SYN: left gastroomental lymph node s.
- left gastroomental lymph node s [TA] nodes located in the greater omentum along the left gastroepiploic artery that drain part of the greater curvature of the stomach and greater omentum. SYN: nodi lymphoidei gastroomentales sinistri [TA], left gastroepiploic lymph node s.
- left lumbar lymph node s [TA] the chain of lymph node s associated with the aorta in the abdomen; it is divided into three groups: lateral aortic lymph node s on the left of the aorta; pre-aortic lymph node s in front of the aorta; post-aortic lymph node s, behind the aorta. SYN: nodi lymphoidei lumbales sinistri [TA], lumbar lymph node s.
- l. of ligamentum arteriosum [TA] an inconstant l. of the anterior mediastinal group located adjacent to the ligamentum arteriosum. SYN: nodus lymphoideus ligamenti arteriosi [TA], node of ligamentum arteriosum.
- lingual lymph node s [TA] l. along the lingual vein receiving drainage from the tongue (except tip); drain to submandibular lymph node s. SYN: nodi lymphoidei linguales [TA].
- lymph node s of lower limb [TA] the lymph node s located in and draining the lower limb as a group; includes inguinal, popliteal, tibial, and fibular nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei membri inferioris [TA].
- lumbar lymph node s SYN: right lumbar lymph node s, intermediate lumbar lymph node s, left lumbar lymph node s.
- malar l. [TA] one of the facial lymph node s located near the zygomatic minor muscle. SYN: nodus lymphoideus malaris [TA], malar node.
- mandibular l. [TA] one of the facial lymph node s located by the facial artery near the point it crosses the mandible. SYN: nodus lymphoideus mandibularis [TA], mandibular nodes.
- mastoid lymph node s [TA] two or three nodes in the region of the mastoid process; they receive afferent lymphatic vessels from the scalp and auricle and send efferent vessels to the superior deep cervical nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei mastoidei [TA], retroauricular lymph node s.
- medial lacunar l. [TA] a l. of the external iliac group located medial to the external iliac vein at the vascular space of the subinguinal compartment. SYN: nodus lymphoideus lacunaris medialis [TA], medial lacunar node.
- mesenteric lymph node s [TA] nodes located in the mesentery; they are of three classes: ileocolic lymph node s, juxtaintestinal mesenteric lymph node s, and the central superior group of mesenteric lymph node s. SYN: nodi lymphoidei mesenterici [TA].
- mesocolic lymph node s [TA] nodes located in the mesocolon; they are of two classes: paracolic lymph node s, located in immediate proximity to the colon; colic lymph node s located along the arteries supplying the colon. SYN: nodi lymphoidei mesocolici [TA], nodi lymphoidei paracolici.
- middle colic lymph node s [TA] nodes along the middle colic artery and its branches that drain the right colic flexure and most of the transverse colon. SYN: nodi lymphoidei colici medii [TA].
- middle group of mesenteric lymph node s SYN: central superior mesenteric lymph node s.
- middle rectal l. a l. along the middle rectal artery that receives afferents from the pararectal nodes and sends efferents to the internal iliac nodes. SYN: middle rectal node, nodus lymphoideus rectalis medius.
- nasolabial l. [TA] one of the facial lymph node s located near the junction of the superior labial and facial arteries. SYN: nodus lymphoideus nasolabialis [TA], nasolabial node.
- obturator lymph node s [TA] nodes of the internal iliac group located along the obturator artery. SYN: nodi lymphoidei obturatorii [TA].
- occipital lymph node s [TA] one or two small nodes along the occipital vessels close to the trapezius muscle that receive afferents from the posterior scalp and drain into the superior deep lateral cervical nodes; these are the most posterior nodes of the pericervical collar of lymph node s of the head and neck, which receive the drainage from the head. SYN: nodi lymphoidei occipitales [TA].
- pancreatic lymph node s [TA] nodes draining the body and tail of the pancreas; they are subdivided into two groups: inferior pancreatic lymph node s [TA] (nodi lymphoidei pancreatici inferiores [TA]), located along the inferior pancreatic artery; superior pancreatic lymph node s [TA] (nodi lymphoidei pancreatici superiores [TA]), located along the splenic artery near the origin of its pancreatic branches. SYN: nodi lymphoidei pancreatici [TA].
- pancreaticoduodenal lymph node s [TA] nodes along the superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries. SYN: nodi lymphoidei pancreaticoduodenales [TA].
- pancreaticosplenic lymph node s lymph node s of the pancreatic tail and spleen, receiving afferents from both organs plus the greater curvature of the stomach; they drain to the celiac lymph node s. SYN: nodi lymphoidei pancreaticosplenales [TA], nodi lymphoidei pancreaticolienales.
- paramammary lymph node s [TA] several lymph node s on the lateral side of the mammary gland that receive afferents from the mammary gland and send efferents to the axillary pectoral group of lymph node s. The paramammary lymph node s are commonly considered as part of the pectoral axillary nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei paramammarii [TA].
- pararectal lymph node s [TA] nodes located on either side of the rectum; they send efferents to the middle and superior rectal nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei pararectales [TA], anorectal lymph node s, nodi lymphoidei anorectales.
- parasternal lymph node s [TA] a number of small nodes that lie along the course of the internal thoracic vessels; lymph enters these nodes from the anterior intercostal spaces, pericardium, diaphragm, liver and medial mammary gland; the efferent vessels pass upward to join the bronchomediastinal trunk of the same side. SYN: nodi lymphoidei parasternales [TA].
- paratracheal l. [TA] nodes along the sides of the trachea in the neck and in the posterior mediastinum; receive drainage of superior (and inferior) tracheobranchial nodes, trachea, and esophagus; drain to bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk(s), thoracic duct. SYN: nodi lymphoidei paratracheales [TA], tracheal lymph node s.
- parauterine lymph node s [TA] nodes on either side of the uterus draining lymph to the internal iliac nodes and to the lumbar nodes via lymphatic vessels following the ovarian arteries. SYN: nodi lymphoidei parauterini [TA].
- paravaginal lymph node s [TA] lymph node s in association with the vagina; they drain to the internal iliac nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei paravaginales [TA].
- paravesical lymph node s the lymph node s located around the urinary bladder and, in the male, the prostate; there are three groups: prevesicular lymph node s, in front of the bladder; lateral vesical lymph node s, on the right and left sides; postvesicular lymph node s behind the bladder.
- parietal lymph node s [TA] the lymph node s draining the walls of the abdomen or of the pelvis (as opposed to the visceral nodes draining the abdominopelvic viscera). SYN: nodi lymphoidei parietales [TA], parietal nodes.
- pectoral axillary lymph node s [TA] lymph node s located along the lateral thoracic vein; they receive the drainage of the pectoral region, including most of the drainage of the breast. SYN: nodi lymphoidei axillares pectorales [TA], anterior axillary lymph node s, nodi lymphoidei axillares anteriores.
- pelvic lymph node s [TA] the parietal and visceral lymph node s of the pelvis, collectively. SYN: nodi lymphoidei pelvis [TA].
- peroneal l. SYN: fibular l..
- popliteal lymph node s [TA] two groups of nodes located in the popliteal fossa : the superficial popliteal lymph node s, located around the termination of the small saphenous vein, that drain the skin of the back of the leg and lateral side of the foot; and the deep popliteal lymph node s, located around the popliteal vessels, that drain the superficial group, the deep structures of the leg, and the knee joint. SYN: nodi lymphoidei popliteales [TA].
- posterior axillary lymph node s subscapular axillary lymph node s.
- posterior mediastinal lymph node s SYN: prevertebral lymph node s.
- posterior tibial l. [TA] a small inconstant l. located along the course of the posterior tibial artery. SYN: nodus lymphoideus tibialis posterior [TA], posterior tibial node.
- preauricular deep parotid lymph node s [TA] small lymph node s located deep to the parotid fascia and in front of the ear. SYN: nodi lymphoidei parotidei profundi preauriculares [TA].
- prececal lymph node s [TA] nodes located in front of the cecum draining lymph to the ileocolic nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei precaecales [TA].
- prelaryngeal lymph node s [TA] lymph node s of the deep anterior cervical group that lie in front of the larynx; they drain into the lateral deep lateral cervical nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei prelaryngeales [TA].
- prepericardial lymph node s [TA] several small lymph node s located between the pericardium and the sternum, in the anterior mediastinum. SYN: nodi lymphoidei prepericardiaci [TA].
- pretracheal lymph node s [TA] lymph node s of the deep anterior cervical group that lie in front of the trachea; they drain into the deep lateral cervical group or into the parasternal nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei pretracheales [TA].
- prevertebral lymph node s [TA] nodes located along the thoracic aorta; they receive vessels from the esophagus, diaphragm, liver, and pericardium and send efferents to the thoracic duct and bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk(s). SYN: nodi lymphoidei prevertebrales, nodi lymphoidei mediastinales posteriores, posterior mediastinal lymph node s.
- proximal deep inguinal l. [TA] one of the deep inguinal lymph node s located in or adjacent to the femoral canal; sometimes mistaken for a femoral hernia when enlarged. SYN: nodus lymphoideus proximalis profundus [TA], node of Cloquet, Rosenmüller gland, Rosenmüller node.
- pulmonary lymph node s SYN: intrapulmonary lymph node s.
- pyloric lymph node s [TA] group of lymph node s surrounding the pylorus, draining lymph into the right gastric or the right gastro-omental lymph node s; it is divided into three smaller groups: suprapyloric nodes, superior to the pylorus; subpyloric nodes, inferior to the pylorus; and retropyloric nodes, posterior to the pylorus. SYN: gastroduodenal lymph node s, nodi lymphoidei pylorici.
- retroauricular lymph node s SYN: mastoid lymph node s.
- retrocecal lymph node s [TA] nodes located behind the cecum draining lymph into the ileocolic nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei retrocecales [TA].
- retropharyngeal lymph node s [TA] the three groups of lymph node s, one median and two lateral, located between the pharynx and the prevertebral layer of cervical fascia; they receive lymph from the nasopharynx, the auditory tube, and the atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial joints. SYN: nodi lymphoidei retropharyngeales [TA].
- retropyloric lymph node s [TA] a group of lymph node s located behind the pylorus. SYN: nodi lymphoidei retropylorici [TA], retropyloric nodes.
- right colic lymph node s [TA] nodes located along the right colic artery that drain the upper part of the ascending colon. SYN: nodi lymphoidei colici dextri [TA].
- right gastric lymph node s [TA] small nodes along the course of the right gastric artery that drain part of the lesser curvature of the stomach. SYN: nodi lymphoidei gastrici dextri [TA].
- right gastroepiploic lymph node s SYN: right gastroomental lymph node s.
- right gastroomental lymph node s [TA] nodes located in the greater omentum along the right gastroepiploic artery that drain part of the greater curvature of the stomach and the greater omentum. SYN: nodi lymphoidei gastroomentales dextri [TA], right gastroepiploic lymph node s.
- right lumbar lymph node s [TA] the chain of nodes associated with the inferior vena cava; it is divided into three groups: lateral caval nodes, on the right of the inferior vena cava; precaval nodes, anterior to the inferior vena cava; postcaval nodes, posterior to the inferior vena cava. SYN: nodi lymphoidei lumbales dextri [TA], lumbar lymph node s.
- sacral lymph node s [TA] nodes in the concavity of the sacrum that drain the rectum and posterior pelvic wall. SYN: nodi lymphoidei sacrales [TA].
- sentinel l. the first l. to receive lymphatic drainage from a malignant tumor; the sentinel node is identified as the first to take up a radionuclide or dye injected into the tumor; increasingly used in operations for melanoma and breast cancer; if the sentinel node is free of metastasis, more distal nodes are also free. SEE ALSO: signal l.. SYN: sentinel node.
- sigmoid lymph node s [TA] nodes of the inferior mesenteric group, located along the sigmoid arteries. SYN: nodi lymphoidei sigmoidei [TA].
- signal l. a firm supraclavicular l., especially on the left side, sufficiently enlarged that it is palpable from the cutaneous surface; such a l. is so termed because it may be the first recognized presumptive evidence of a malignant neoplasm in one of the viscera. A signal l. that is known to contain a metastasis from a malignant neoplasm is sometimes designated by an old eponym, Troisier ganglion. SEE ALSO: sentinel l.. SYN: jugular gland, Virchow node.
- splenic lymph node s [TA] nodes near the hilum of the spleen; they receive afferents from the spleen and stomach, and send efferents to the pancreatic-postsplenic and celiac nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei splenici [TA], nodi lymphoidei lienales.
- subaortic lymph node s [TA] nodes of the common iliac group located at the bifurcation of the aorta. SYN: nodi lymphoidei subaortici [TA].
- submandibular lymph node s [TA] four or five nodes that lie in relationship to the mandible and the submandibular gland; they receive vessels from the face below the eye and from the tongue and drain into the superior deep cervical nodes, particularly the jugulodigastric node; these nodes are part of the pericervical collar of lymph node s that initially receive drainage from the head. SYN: nodi lymphoidei submandibulares [TA].
- submental lymph node s [TA] small nodes that lie superficial to the mylohyoid muscle; they receive afferents from the lower lip, chin, and the tip of the tongue, and send efferents to the deep lateral cervical nodes; these nodes are part of the pericervical collar of lymph node s that initially receives drainage from the head. SYN: nodi lymphoidei submentales [TA].
- subpyloric lymph node s [TA] a group of pyloric nodes located below the pylorus. SYN: nodi lymphoidei subpylorici [TA], subpyloric node.
- subscapular axillary lymph node s [TA] nodes of the axillary region located along the subscapular vein and its tributaries; they receive afferent vessels from the dorsal surface of the thorax and scapular region and send efferent vessels to the central group of lymph node s. SYN: nodi lymphoidei axillares subscapulares [TA], nodi lymphoidei axillares posteriores, posterior axillary lymph node s.
- superficial inguinal lymph node s [TA] a group of 12–20 nodes that lie in the subcutaneous tissue below the inguinal ligament and along the terminal part of the great saphenous vein; they drain the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the lower abdominal wall, perineum, buttock, external genitalia, and lower limb; they are subdivided into three groups: inferior (vertical) group of superficial inguinal lymph node s, located inferior to the saphenous opening, receiving drainage of the lower limb; superolateral (lateral horizontal) superficial inguinal lymph node s located lateral to the saphenous opening, receiving drainage of lateral buttock and lower anterior abdominal wall; and superomedial (medial horizontal) superficial inguinal lymph node s, located medial to the saphenous opening, receiving drainage of the perineum and external genitalia. SYN: nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales [TA].
- superficial lateral cervical lymph node s [TA] 1–4 nodes lying along the external jugular vein; they drain the skin and superficial structures over the region of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and send efferent vessels to the deep lateral cervical lymph node s. SYN: nodi lymphoidei cervicales laterales superficiales [TA].
- superficial parotid lymph node s [TA] several small lymph node s located in the subcutaneous tissue in the parotid region. SYN: nodi lymphoidei parotidei superficiales [TA].
- superior gastric lymph node s SYN: left gastric lymph node s.
- superior mesenteric lymph node s [TA] the numerous nodes located in the mesentery along the superior mesenteric artery; they receive lymph from the central mesenteric lymph node s and drain into the intestinal lymph trunk. SYN: nodi lymphoidei mesenterici superiores [TA], nodi lymphoidei centrales.
- superior phrenic lymph node s [TA] three groups of small nodes, anterior, middle, and posterior, on the upper surface of the diaphragm; they receive afferents from the liver, diaphragm, and intercostal spaces and send efferents to parasternal and posterior mediastinal nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei phrenici superiores [TA].
- superior rectal lymph node s [TA] nodes of the inferior mesenteric group, located along the superior rectal artery. SYN: nodi lymphoidei rectales superiores [TA].
- superior tracheobronchial lymph node s [TA] several large lymph node s of the posterior mediastinum located superior to the bronchi at their union with the trachea; receives lymph from inferior tracheobronchial lymph node s and bronchopulmonary nodes; drain to paratracheal nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei tracheobronchiales superiores [TA].
- supraclavicular lymph node s [TA] the portion of the inferior deep lateral cervical nodes located between the inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle and the clavicle; afferent vessels come from adjacent regions including the mediastinum; efferent vessels terminate in the subclavian trunk. SYN: nodi lymphoidei supraclaviculares [TA].
- suprapyloric l. [TA] a l. located above the pylorus. SYN: nodus lymphoideus suprapyloricus [TA], suprapyloric node.
- thoracic lymph node s [TA] the parietal and visceral lymph node s of the thorax, collectively. SYN: nodi lymphoidei thoracis [TA].
- thyroid lymph node s [TA] nodes of the deep anterior cervical group located around the thyroid gland; they drain into the deep lateral cervical group. SYN: nodi lymphoidei thyroidei [TA].
- tracheal lymph node s SYN: paratracheal l..
- lymph node s of upper limb [TA] lymph node s located in and draining the upper limb, ultimately drained by the subclavian lymphatic trunk; included are the axillary, interpectoral, deltopectoral (infraclavicular), brachial, and cubital nodes. SYN: nodi lymphoidei membri superioris [TA].
- visceral lymph node s [TA] the lymph node s draining the viscera of the abdomen or of the pelvis as opposed to the parietal nodes draining the body walls. SYN: nodi lymphoidei viscerales [TA], visceral nodes.
- visceral lymph node s of abdomen [TA] the numerous lymph node s receiving lymph from abdominal organs located in association with the visceral branches of the aorta. SYN: nodi lymphoidei abdominis viscerales [TA], lymph node s of abdominal organs.

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lymph node n any of the rounded masses of lymphoid tissue that are surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue, are distributed along the lymphatic vessels, and contain numerous lymphocytes which filter the flow of lymph passing through the node called also lymph gland

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one of a number of small swellings found at intervals along the lymphatic system. Groups of nodes are found in many parts of the body; for example, in the groin and armpit and behind the ear. They are composed of lymphoid tissue and act as filters for the lymph, preventing foreign particles from entering the bloodstream; they also produce lymphocytes.

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nodus lymphoideus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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