- bronchospasm
- Contraction of smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles, causing narrowing of the lumen. Cf.:bronchoconstriction.
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bron·cho·spasm 'bräŋ-kə-.spaz-əm n constriction of the air passages of the lung (as in asthma) by spasmodic contraction of the bronchial musclesbron·cho·spas·tic .bräŋ-kə-'spas-tik adj* * *
n.narrowing of bronchi by muscular contraction in response to some stimulus, as in asthma and bronchitis. The patient can usually inhale air into the lungs, but exhalation may require visible muscular effort and is accompanied by expiratory noises that are clearly audible (see wheeze) or detectable with a stethoscope. The condition in which bronchospasm can usually be relieved by bronchodilator drugs is known as reversible obstructive airways disease and includes asthma; that in which bronchodilator drugs usually have no effect is irreversible obstructive airways disease and includes chronic bronchitis.* * *
bron·cho·spasm (brongґko-spaz″əm) spasmodic contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi, as occurs in asthma. Called also bronchial spasm.
Medical dictionary. 2011.