- branchia
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bran·chia (brangґke-ə) [Gr. branchia gills] the gills of fishes and of others of the lower vertebrates; represented in the human fetus by the pharyngeal arches, separated by grooves or clefts.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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bran·chia (brangґke-ə) [Gr. branchia gills] the gills of fishes and of others of the lower vertebrates; represented in the human fetus by the pharyngeal arches, separated by grooves or clefts.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Branchia — may refer to:* Branchia, an Ancient Greek word for gills. * Branchia (genus), a genus of arthropods … Wikipedia
Branchia — Bran chi*a, n.; pl. {Branchi[ae]}. [L., fr. Gr. ?, pl. of ?.] (Anat.) A gill; a respiratory organ for breathing the air contained in water, such as many aquatic and semiaquatic animals have. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Branchia — Branchia … Wikipédia en Français
branchia — n.; pl. chiae [Gr. branchia, gills] Respiratory organs; a gill; a ctenidium … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
branchia — bràn·chia s.f. TS zool. organo di respirazione di solito situato ai lati della testa dei pesci e di altri animali acquatici, filamentoso o lamellare, ricco di vasi sanguigni {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1558. ETIMO: dal lat. tardo branchĭa(m),… … Dizionario italiano
branchia — [ braŋkɪə] noun (plural branchiae kɪi:) the gills of fish and some invertebrates. Derivatives branchial adjective Origin C17: from L. branchia, (plural) branchiae, from Gk brankhia (plural) … English new terms dictionary
Branchia — žiauna statusas T sritis gyvūnų anatomija, gyvūnų morfologija atitikmenys: lot. Branchia ryšiai: platesnis terminas – pagrindiniai terminai … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
branchia — n.pl. (also branchiae) gills. Derivatives: branchial adj. branchiate adj. Etymology: L branchia, pl. ae, f. Gk bragkhia pl … Useful english dictionary
branchia — (plural branchiae)) gill … Dictionary of ichthyology
branchia — /brang kee euh/, n., pl. branchiae / kee ee /. Zool. a gill. [1350 1400; ME < Gk: gills, pl. of BRÁNCHION fin] * * * … Universalium