
An offshoot; in anatomy, one of the primary divisions of a nerve or blood vessel. A b.. See ramus, artery, nerve, vein. SYN: ramus (1) [TA].
- accessory meningeal b. SYN: pterygomeningeal artery.
- accessory b. of middle meningeal artery [TA] a b. of either the middle meningeal or maxillary artery in the infratemporal fossa and passing superiorly through the foramen ovale to supply the trigeminal ganglion, dura mater, and inner table of bone. SYN: ramus accessorius arteriae meningeae mediae [TA], accessory meningeal b. of middle meningeal artery, ramus meningeus accessorius arteriae meningeae mediae.
- acetabular b. [TA] an arterial b. that supplies the acetabulum; two arteries, the obturator and the medial femoral circumflex, have such branches. SYN: ramus acetabularis [TA], acetabular artery, arteria acetabuli.
- acromial b. of suprascapular artery [TA] b. of suprascapular artery that pierces the origin of the trapezius muscle to run to the acromion; anastomoses, acromial b. of thoracoacromial artery. SYN: ramus acromialis arteriae suprascapularis [TA].
- acromial b. of thoracoacromial artery [TA] a b. of the thoracoacromial artery that runs over the coracoid process and under the deltoid muscle. SYN: ramus acromialis arteriae thoracoacromialis [TA], acromial artery.
- anastomotic b. [TA] a blood vessel that interconnects two neighboring vessels. The term should not be used to describe internerve communication in the nervous system, because there is no analogy between a vascular anastomosing b. and a connection between nerves or their subdivisions. SYN: ramus anastomoticus [TA].
- anastomotic b. of middle meningeal artery with lacrimal artery [TA] a b. of the middle meningeal artery arising in the cranial cavity that runs anteriorly through the superior orbital fissure to anastomose with the lacrimal artery. See orbital b. of middle meningeal artery. SYN: ramus anastomoticus arteriae meningeae mediae cum arteriae lacrimali [TA].
- b. to angular gyrus [TA] the last b. of the terminal part of the middle cerebral artery distributed to parts of the temporal parietal and occipital lobes. SYN: angular artery (2) [TA], arteria angularis [TA], arteria gyri angularis [TA], artery of angular gyrus.
- anterior b. [TA] the anterior b. of the following: 1) great auricular nerve; 2) left and right superior pulmonary veins; 3) medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm; 4) obturator artery; 5) obturator nerve; 6) renal artery; 7) right b. of portal vein; 8) right hepatic duct; 9) ulnar recurrent artery. SYN: ramus anterior [TA].
- anterior abdominal cutaneous b. of intercostal nerve [TA] continuation of the ventral rami of spinal nerves (intercostal nerves) T7–T11 distal to the origin of the lateral cutaneous branches; distributed to anterior abdominal wall. SEE ALSO: thoracoabdominal nerves, under nerve. SYN: ramus cutaneus anterior abdominalis nervi intercostalis [TA].
- anterior auricular branches of superficial temporal artery [TA] distribution, auricle, earlobe and external acoustic meatus. SYN: rami auriculares anteriores arteriae temporalis superficialis [TA].
- anterior basal b. of superior basal vein (of right and left inferior pulmonary veins) anterior basal vein.
- anterior cutaneous branches of femoral nerve [TA] cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve distributed to the anterior and medial aspects of the thigh; convey general sensation. SYN: rami cutanei anteriores nervi femoralis [TA], anterior femoral cutaneous nerves.
- anterior cutaneous b. of iliohypogastric nerve [TA] distribution, skin on pubis. SYN: ramus cutaneus anterior nervi iliohypogastrici [TA], genital b. of iliohypogastric nerve.
- anterior cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves medial mammary branches of anterior cutaneous branches of ventral primary rami of thoracic spinal nerves. See medial mammary branches.
- anterior gastric branches of anterior vagal trunk [TA] anterior gastric branches of the vagus; branches of the anterior vagal trunk to the anterior surface of the stomach. SYN: rami gastrici anteriores trunci vagalis anterioris [TA], gastric branches of anterior vagal trunk, rami gastrici anteriores nervi vagi.
- anterior glandular b. of superior thyroid artery [TA] branches that pass deep to the sternothyroid muscle, descend along the medial side of the upper pole of the lateral lobe, and then superior margin of the isthmus, anastomosing with the contralateral artery; they mainly supply the anterior aspect of the thyroid. SYN: ramus glandularis anterior arteriae thyroideae superioris [TA].
- anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery [TA] one of the arteries supplying the anterior portions of the intercostal spaces of the thoracic wall. Anterior intercostal arteries 1–6 arise as branches of the internal thoracic artery; 7–11 arise as branches of the musculophrenic artery. SYN: rami intercostales anteriores arteriae thoracicae internae [TA], anterior intercostal arteries, rami intercostales anteriores.
- anterior interventricular b. of left coronary artery [TA] terminal b. (with circumflex coronary artery of left coronary artery; descends in anterior interventricular groove to apex, anastomosing with posterior interventricular artery. Supplies most of sternal aspect of ventricles and anterior two-thirds of interventricular septum, including atrioventricular bundle of conducting tissue. SYN: ramus interventricularis anterior arteriae coronariae sinistrae [TA], anterior interventricular artery, left anterior descending artery.
- anterior labial branches of deep external pudendal artery [TA] branches to the labium majus. SYN: rami labiales anteriores arteriae pudendae externae profundae [TA], anterior labial arteries, arteriae labiales anteriores.
- anterior/lateral/posterior glandular branches of superior thyroid artery branches of the branches of the superior thyroid artery to the thyroid gland. SYN: ramus glandulares anterior/lateralis/posterior arteriae thyroideae superioris.
- anterior lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal artery [TA] branches of the intracranial part of the anterior ethmoidal artery that pass through the cribriform plates of the ethmoid bone, descending into the nasal cavity with the anterior ethmoidal nerves, to run in a groove on the deep surface of the nasal bone, and supply the anterosuperior aspect of the lateral wall of the cavity. SYN: rami nasales anteriores laterales arteriae ethmoidalis anterioris [TA].
- anterior meningeal b. (of anterior ethmoidal artery) [TA] origin, anterior ethmoidal; distribution, meninges in anterior cranial fossa; anastomoses, branches of middle meningeal and meningeal branches of internal carotid and lacrimal. SYN: arteria meningea anterior [TA], ramus meningeus anterior arteriae ethmoidalis anterioris [TA], anterior meningeal artery.
- anterior pectoral cutaneous b. of intercostal nerves [TA] continuation of the ventral rami of spinal nerves (intercostal nerves) T1–T6 distal to the origin of the lateral cutaneous branches; become cutaneous in the parasternal line and divide into medial (sternal) and lateral (mammary) branches; distributed to anterior thoracic wall. SYN: ramus cutaneus anterior pectoralis nervi intercostalis [TA].
- anterior b. of the renal artery [TA] See segmental arteries of kidney, under artery.
- anterior scrotal b. of deep external pudendal artery [TA] distribution, skin of anterior scrotum; anastomoses, posterior scrotal branches from internal pudendal artery. SYN: rami scrotales anteriores arteriae pudendae externae profundae [TA].
- anterior septal branches of anterior ethmoidal artery [TA] branches of the intracranial part of the anterior ethmoidal artery that pass through the cribriform plates of the ethmoid bone, descending into the nasal cavity with the anterior ethmoidal nerves, and supply the anterosuperior aspect of the nasal septum. SYN: rami septales anteriores arteriae ethmoidalis anterioris [TA].
- anterior superior alveolar branches of infraorbital nerve SYN: anterior superior alveolar nerves, under nerve.
- anterior temporal b. [TA] a b. of the insular part of the middle cerebral artery distributed to the cortex of the anterior part of the temporal lobe. SYN: ramus temporalis anterior [TA], anterior temporal artery, arteria temporalis anterior.
- anteromedial central branches branches of the anterior communicating artery which supply part of the hypothalamus (suprachiasmatic artery [TA], median commissural artery [TA]) and a medial area of the corpus callosum (median callosal artery [TA]). SYN: rami centrales anteromediales [TA].
- anteromedial frontal b. of callosomarginal artery [TA] b. of initial portion of callosomarginal artery to anteroinferior portion of medial aspect of frontal lobe of cerebrum. SYN: ramus frontalis anteromedialis arteriae callosomarginalis [TA].
- apical b. of inferior lobar b. of right pulmonary artery apical segmental artery of superior lobar artery of right lung.
- apical b. of right superior pulmonary vein apical vein.
- apicoposterior b. of left superior pulmonary vein apicoposterior vein.
- articular branches [TA] branches distributed to joints. Almost any vessel related to a joint will supply articular rami. Most joints receive articular branches from the intramuscular branches of the motor nerves innervating the muscles crossing the joint (see Hilton law). At this printing, Terminologia Anatomica, however, specifically recognizes only the articular branches of (1) the descending genicular artery (ramus articulares arteriae descendentis genicularis) [TA]; supplying the knee joint; (2) articular branches of mixed spinal nerves (rami cutanei nervi mixtus); and (3) the articular b. of the posterior b. of the obturator nerves (rami articulares ramorum posteriores nervus obturatorius) supplying the hip joint. SYN: rami articulares [TA], joint branches.
- ascending b. [TA] a b. directed superiorly. Terminologia Anatomica recognizes an ascending b. of the following: 1) anterior segmental arteries of left and right lungs (ramus ascendens arteriae segmentales anteriores pulmones sinistrae et dextrae), 2) deep circumflex iliac artery (ramus ascendens arteriae circumflexae iliacae profundae), 3) inferior epigastric artery (ramus ascendens arteriae epigastricae inferiores), 4) lateral and medial circumflex femoral arteries (rami ascendens arteriae circumflexae femoris lateralis et medialis), 5) posterior segmental arteries of left and right lungs (ramus ascendens arteriae segmentales pulmones sinistrae et dextrae), and 6) superficial cervical artery (ramus ascendens ramorum superficiales arteriae transversae collie). SYN: ramus ascendens [TA].
- ascending b. of the inferior mesenteric artery SYN: ascending artery (2).
- ascending b. of superficial cervical artery [TA] ascending b. of superficial cervical artery (or of superficial b. of transverse cervical artery) that passes superiorly deep to the upper (cervical) part of the trapezius, supplying it, adjacent muscles, and cervical lymph node s; anastomoses with descending b. of occipital artery. SEE ALSO: superficial b. of the transverse cervical artery. SYN: ramus ascendens arteriae superficialis cervicalis [TA].
- atrial branches [TA] branches of the right coronary artery and the circumflex b. of the left coronary artery distributed to the right and left atrium, respectively. SYN: rami atriales [TA].
- atrial anastomotic b. of circumflex b. of left coronary artery [TA] a vessel of variable origin, most commonly a b. of the circumflex artery, coursing posteriorly through the base of the interatrial septum toward the crux of the heart, anastomosing with coronary artery branches supplying the atrioventricular node, the atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His), and the upper posterior walls of the left ventricle. SYN: ramus atrialis anastomoticus ramus circumflexus arteriae coronariae sinistrae [TA], arteria anastomotica auricularis magna, Kugel anastomotic artery.
- atrioventricular nodal b. [TA] the atrioventricular branches or the nodal branches, the small arteries supplying the atrioventricular node; they usually arise from the right coronary artery where it starts to descend the posterior interventricular sulcus. SYN: ramus nodi atrioventricularis [TA], artery to atrioventricular node, b. to atrioventricular node.
- auricular b. of occipital artery [TA] distribution, posterior auricle; anastomosis, posterior auricular artery. SYN: ramus auricularis arteriae occipitalis [TA].
- auricular b. of posterior auricular artery [TA] arises in the groove between the auricular cartilage and the mastoid process, ascends deep to auricularis posterior muscles, and ramifies on the cranial aspect of the auricle. SYN: ramus auricularis arteriae auricularis posterioris [TA].
- auricular b. of vagus nerve [TA] a b. of the superior ganglion of the vagus, supplying the back of the pinna and the external acoustic meatus. SYN: Arnold nerve, ramus auricularis nervi vagi.
- branches of auriculotemporal nerve to tympanic membrane [TA] sensory b. of the auriculotemporal nerve supplying the external surface of the tympanic membrane. SYN: rami membranae tympani nervi auriculotemporalis [TA], nerve of tympanic membrane.
- bronchial branches of thoracic aorta [TA] the bronchial branches or arteries, vessels, or nerves distributed to the bronchi; the following have branches so named: 1) thoracic aorta; 2) internal thoracic artery; 3) vagus nerves. SYN: bronchial arteries, rami bronchiales.
- buccal branches of facial nerve motor branches of the facial nerve distributed to buccina or muscle and other muscles of facial expression below orbit and above chin. SYN: rami buccales nervi facialis [TA].
- calcaneal branches [TA] the calcaneal branches or arteries, branches to the structures in the calcaneal region from 1) the posterior tibial artery and 2) the fibular artery. SYN: rami calcanei [TA], calcaneal arteries.
- calcarine b. of medial occipital artery [TA] b. of medial occipital artery that runs in relationship to the calcarine sulcus. SYN: ramus calcarinus arteriae occipitalis medialis [TA], arteria calcarina, calcarine artery.
- capsular branches of intrarenal arteries [TA] branches of arteries coursing within the renal cortex (cortical and perforate radiate arteries) that supply the fibrous capsule of the kidney. SYN: rami capsulares arteriorum intrarenalium [TA].
- capsular branches of renal artery [TA] branches arising from the renal artery outside the kidney that are distributed to the renal capsule. SYN: rami capsulares arteriae renalis [TA].
- carotid b. of glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) a b. of the glossopharyngeal nerve that innervates the baroreceptors in the wall of the carotid sinus and the chemoreceptors in the carotid body. SYN: ramus sinus carotici nervi glossopharyngei CN IX [TA], ramus sinus carotici [TA], carotid sinus b., carotid sinus nerve, Hering sinus nerve, intercarotid nerve, nerve to carotid sinus, sinus nerve of Hering.
- carotid sinus b. SYN: carotid b. of glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX).
- caudate branches of left b. of portal vein [TA] branches of transverse part of left b. of portal vein distributed to the caudate lobe before the vein enters the liver. SYN: rami lobi caudati rami sinistri venae portae hepatis [TA].
- cavernous b. of cavernous part of internal carotid artery [TA] a number of small branches of the cavernous part of the internal carotid artery. See branches of internal carotid artery to trigeminal ganglion, tentorial basal b. of internal carotid artery, marginal tentorial b. of internal carotid artery. SYN: ramus sinus cavernosi partis cavernosae arteriae carotidis internae [TA], cavernous arteries, cavernous sinus b. of internal carotid artery, ramus sinus cavernosi arteriae carotidis arteriae, ramus sinus cavernosi arteriae carotidis internae.
- celiac branches of posterior vagal trunk [TA] terminal branches of the posterior vagal trunk conveying presynaptic parasympathetic fibers to—and visceral afferent fibers from—the celiac plexus. SYN: rami celiaci trunci vagi posterioris [TA], celiac branches of vagus nerve, rami celiaci nervi vagi.
- celiac branches of vagus nerve SYN: celiac branches of posterior vagal trunk.
- cervical b. of facial nerve [TA] the most inferior b. of the parotid plexus of the facial nerve, it descends to innervate the platysma muscle. SYN: ramus colli nervi facialis [TA], ramus cervicalis nervi facialis.
- choroid branches the choroid branches: rami choroidei posteriores laterales [TA], lateral posterior choroid branches of posterior cerebral artery distributed to the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle; rami choroidei posteriores mediales [TA], medial posterior choroid branches of posterior cerebral artery distributed to the choroid plexus of the third ventricle; rami choroidei ventriculi lateralis [TA], lateral ventricle choroid branches of anterior choroid artery distributed to the plexus of the lateral ventricle; rami choroidei ventriculi tertii [TA], choroid branches of anterior choroid artery to the third ventricle; ramus choroideus ventriculi quarti [TA], fourth ventricle choroid b. of posterior inferior cerebellar artery. SYN: rami choroidei.
- cingular b. of callosomarginal artery [TA] terminal b. (with posteromedial frontal b.) of callosomarginal artery that courses in the cingulate sulcus on the medial aspect of the cerebrum. SYN: ramus cingularis arteriae callosomarginalis [TA].
- circumferential pontine branches of pontine arteries lateral branches of pontine arteries.
- circumflex fibular b. (of posterior tibial artery) [TA] a b. of the initial (superior) part of the posterior tibial artery which winds around the neck of the fibula and joins the anastomoses around the knee joint. SYN: ramus circumflexus fibularis arteriae tibialis posterioris [TA], circumflex b. of posterior tibial artery, circumflex peroneal b. of posterior tibial artery, ramus circumflexus peronealis arteriae tibialis posterioris, circumflex fibular artery.
- circumflex b. of left coronary artery [TA] terminal b. (with anterior interventricular artery) of left coronary artery which runs to left and then posteriorly in the coronary groove supplying atrial and ventricular branches. SYN: ramus circumflexus arteriae coronariae sinistrae [TA].
- clavicular b. of thoracoacromial artery [TA] distribution, subclavius muscle and sternoclavicular joint. SYN: ramus clavicularis arteriae thoracoacromialis [TA].
- clivus branches of cerebral part of internal carotid artery [TA] small branches arising near the ophthalmic artery that pass medially and inferiorly to the sphenoidal portion of the clivus. SYN: rami clivales partis cerebralis arteriae carotidis internae [TA].
- cochlear b. of vestibulocochlear artery [TA] terminal b. (with posterior vestibular b.) of vestibulocochlear artery; it anatomoses with a b. of the common cochlear artery forming the spiral modiolar artery; the cochlear b. specifically supplies the spiral ganglion and cochlear duct of the basal turn of the cochlea. SYN: ramus cochlearis arteriae vestibulocochlearis [TA], cochlear b. of labyrinthine artery, ramus cochlearis arteriae labyrinthi.
- colic b. of ileocolic artery [TA] the b. of the inferior b. of the ileocolic artery that passes superiorly up the ascending colon to communicate with a b. of the right colic artery and supplying the ascending colon. SYN: arteria ascendens (1) [TA], ascending artery (1) [TA], ramus colicus arteriae ileocolicae [TA].
- collateral b. of intercostal nerves [TA] inferior b. of an intercostal nerve arising medial (proximal) to the angles of the ribs and coursing in the intercostal space along the superior border of the rib below, paralleling the course of the intercostal nerve, which courses along the inferior border of the rib above. SYN: ramus collateralis nervorum intercostalium [TA].
- collateral branches of posterior intercostal arteries 3–11 [TA] b. arising near angle of rib and descending to run along superior border of rib below; distribution: lower half of intercostal spaces 3–11; anastomoses: collateral branches of anterior intercostal arteries. SYN: ramus collateralis arteriarum intercostalium posteriorum III–XI [TA].
- communicating b. [TA] a bundle of nerve fibers passing from one named nerve to join another. The term “communicating b.” is used in the nervous system to replace the inadequate “anastomosing b.” used for vascular systems. SYN: ramus communicans [TA].
- communicating b. of anterior interosseous nerve with ulnar nerve [TA] connection occurring occasionally between the anterior interosseous and ulnar nerves in the proximal forearm. SYN: ramus communicans nervi interossei antebrachii anterioris cum nervi ulnari [TA].
- communicating branches of auriculotemporal nerve with facial nerve [TA] branches conveying fibers from the auriculotemporal nerve to the facial nerve. SYN: rami communicantes nervi auriculotemporalis cum nervo faciali [TA].
- communicating b. of chorda tympani to lingual nerve SYN: communicating b. of chorda tympani with lingual nerve.
- communicating b. of chorda tympani with lingual nerve [TA] terminal b. of chorda tympani joining the lingual nerve in the infratemporal fossa; conveys sensory fibers for taste from anterior two-thirds of tongue and presynaptic parasympathetic fibers destined for submandibular ganglion for innervation of submandibular and sublingual salivary glands. SYN: ramus communicans cum chorda tympani (1) [TA], communicating b. of chorda tympani to lingual nerve, ramus communicans nervi lingualis cum chorda tympani.
- communicating b. of facial nerve with glossopharyngeal nerve [TA] a small b. from the digastric b. of the facial nerve to the glossopharyngeal nerve. SYN: ramus communicans nervi facialis cum nervo glossopharyngeo [TA], Haller ansa, ramus communicans cum nervo glossopharyngeo (1).
- communicating b. of facial nerve with tympanic plexus SYN: communicating b. of intermediate nerve with tympanic plexus.
- communicating b. of fibular artery [TA] the communicating b. of the fibular (peroneal) artery. SYN: ramus communicans arteriae fibularis [TA], communicating b. of peroneal artery, ramus communicans arteriae peroneae.
- communicating b. of glossopharyngeal nerve with auricular b. of vagus nerve SYN: communicating b. of tympanic plexus with auricular b. of vagus nerve.
- communicating b. of intermediate nerve with tympanic plexus [TA] a fine b. of facial nerve joining the tympanic b. of the glossopharyngeal nerve. SYN: ramus communicans nervi intermedii cum plexu tympanico [TA], communicating b. of facial nerve with tympanic plexus, ramus communicans nervi facialis cum plexu tympanico.
- communicating b. of internal laryngeal nerve with recurrent laryngeal nerve [TA] b. of internal b. of superior laryngeal nerve communicating with the recurrent laryngeal nerve in the wall of the laryngopharynx supplying sensory fibers to the latter. SYN: ramus communicans nervi laryngei interni cum nervo laryngeo recurrente [TA], communicating b. of superior laryngeal nerve with recurrent laryngeal nerve, Galen anastomosis, Galen nerve, ramus communicans nervi laryngei recurrentis cum ramo laryngeo interno, ramus communicans nervi laryngei superioris cum nervo laryngeo recurrenti.
- communicating b. of lacrimal nerve with zygomatic nerve [TA] nerve b. by which postsynaptic parasympathetic (secretomotor) fibers from the pterygopalatine ganglion are transferred from the zygomatic nerve to the lacrimal nerve (heretofore purely sensory) for distribution to the lacrimal gland. SYN: ramus communicans nervi lacrimalis cum nervo zygomatico [TA].
- communicating branches of lingual nerve with hypoglossal nerve [TA] communicating branches between the lingual nerve (from mandibular nerve) and hypoglossal nerve forming a plexus on the hypoglossus muscle. SYN: rami communicantes nervi lingualis cum nervo hypoglosso [TA].
- communicating b. of median nerve with ulnar nerve [TA] b. of median nerve joining the ulnar nerve in the hand; the anterior interosseous b. of the median nerve may also communicate with the ulnar nerve in the proximal forearm. SYN: ramus communicans nervi mediani cum nervo ulnari.
- communicating b. of nasociliary nerve with ciliary ganglion SYN: sensory root of ciliary ganglion.
- communicating b. of otic ganglion to auriculotemporal nerve a b. of the otic ganglion joining the roots of the auriculotemporal nerve to convey postsynaptic parasympathetic fibers to the parotid gland. SYN: ramus communicans ganglii otici cum nervo auriculotemporali.
- communicating b. of otic ganglion to chorda tympani SYN: communicating b. of otic ganglion with chorda tympani.
- communicating b. of otic ganglion with chorda tympani a small b. of the otic ganglion conveying sensory fibers to the chorda tympani. SYN: ramus communicans cum chorda tympani (2) [TA], communicating b. of otic ganglion to chorda tympani, ramus communicans ganglii otici cum chorda tympani.
- communicating b. of otic ganglion with medial pterygoid nerve b. of otic ganglion joining the nerve to the medial pterygoid muscle. SYN: ramus communicans ganglii otici cum nervo pterygoideo mediali.
- communicating b. of otic ganglion with meningeal b. of mandibular nerve a b. of otic ganglion to the meningeal b. of mandibular nerve conveying postsynaptic parasympathetic fibers that run back to the main stem of the mandibular nerve for distribution to the parotid gland via the auriculotemporal nerve. SYN: ramus communicans ganglii otici cum ramo meningeo nervi mandibularis.
- communicating b. of peroneal artery communicating b. of fibular artery.
- communicating b. of radial nerve with ulnar nerve [TA] connection between superficial b. of radial nerve and dorsal b. of ulnar nerve on dorsum of hand. SYN: ramus communicans nervi radialis cum nervi ulnari [TA].
- communicating branches of spinal nerves SYN: white rami communicantes, under ramus.
- communicating b. of superficial radial nerve with ulnar nerve ulnar communicating b. of superficial b. of radial nerve, joining the dorsal b. of the ulnar nerve in the hand conveying sensation from the dorsal aspect of adjacent sides of the middle and ring fingers. SYN: ramus communicans ulnaris nervi radialis, ulnar communicating b. of superficial radial nerve.
- communicating b. of superior laryngeal nerve with recurrent laryngeal nerve SYN: communicating b. of internal laryngeal nerve with recurrent laryngeal nerve.
- communicating branches of sympathetic trunk SYN: gray rami communicantes, under ramus.
- communicating b. of tympanic plexus with auricular b. of vagus nerve [TA] a small b. of the glossopharyngeal nerve that joins the auricular b. of the vagus, conveying tactile fibers. SYN: ramus communicans plexus tympanici cum ramo auriculari nervi vagi [TA], communicating b. of glossopharyngeal nerve with auricular b. of vagus nerve, ramus communicans cum nervo glossopharyngeo (2), ramus communicans nervi glossopharyngei cum ramo auriculari nervi vagi.
- cricothyroid b. of superior thyroid artery [TA] a small b. of the superior thyroid artery that supplies the cricothyroid muscle. SYN: cricothyroid artery, ramus cricothyroideus (arteriae thyroideae superioris).
- cutaneous b. of anterior b. of obturator nerve [TA] b. of the anterior b. of obturator nerve supplying skin of medial thigh above knee. SYN: ramus cutaneus rami anterioris nervi obturatorii [TA], cutaneous b. of obturator nerve.
- cutaneous b. of mixed nerve [TA] b. of a mixed spinal nerve (or its derivatives) innervating skin; such branches would convey mostly somatic sensory but also visceral motor fibers (postsynaptic sympathetic fibers for vasomotion and pilomotion). SYN: ramus cutaneus nervi mixti [TA].
- deep b. [TA] b. that passes deeply, beneath, or farther from surface; usually in contrast to a superficial b.. SYN: ramus profundus [TA].
- deep b. of the lateral plantar nerve [TA] motor b. of lateral plantar nerve supplying lumbricals 2–4, plantar and dorsal interossei, and the adductor hallucis muscles. SYN: ramus profundus nervi plantaris lateralis [TA].
- deep b. of the medial circumflex femoral artery [TA] distributed to posterior aspect of femoral head and neck. SYN: ramus profundus arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis [TA].
- deep b. of the medial plantar artery [TA] b. running deep to abductor hallucis, supplying it and the flexor hallucis brevis muscle deep to the artery and the skin of the medial side of the distal foot. SYN: ramus profundus arteriae plantaris medialis [TA].
- deep palmar b. of ulnar artery [TA] b. of the ulnar artery that supplies the hypothenar muscles then passes deep into the palm to the flexor tendons and anastomoses with the deep palmar arch from the radial artery. SYN: ramus palmaris profundus arteriae ulnaris [TA].
- deep plantar b. of dorsalis pedis artery SYN: deep plantar artery. SYN: arteria plantaris profundus [TA].
- deep b. of radial nerve [TA] originates in cubital fossa (with superficial b.) as termination of (common) radial nerve; pierces supinator, supplying it and other extensors of forearm. Its terminal portion is the posterior interosseous nerve, which runs on the interosseous membrane in the distal third of the forearm. SEE ALSO: posterior interosseous nerve. SYN: ramus profundus nervi radialis [TA].
- deep b. of the superior gluteal artery [TA] b. of superior gluteal artery that extends laterally, between the gluteus medius and minimus muscles, accompanying the superior gluteal nerve. SYN: ramus profundus arteriae gluteae superioris [TA].
- deep b. of the transverse cervical artery SYN: dorsal scapular artery.
- deep b. of the ulnar nerve [TA] accompanies deep palmar b. of ulnar artery and deep palmar arch to supply wrist joint, lumbricals 3 & 4, palmar and dorsal interossei adductor pollicis and deep head of flexor pollicis brevis muscles. SYN: ramus profundus nervi ulnaris [TA].
- deltoid b. [TA] branches related to the deltoid muscle. Terminologica Anatomica lists deltoid branches of the following: 1) thoracoacromial artery (ramus deltoideus arteriae thoracoacromialis [TA]); 2) profunda brachii artery (ramus deltoideus arteriae profundae brachii [TA]). SYN: ramus deltoideus [TA].
- dental branches [TA] branches to the teeth. Terminologica Anatomica lists dental branches of the following: 1) anterior superior alveolar artery (rami dentales arteriarum alveolarium superiorum anteriorum [TA]); 2) inferior alveolar artery (rami dentales arteriae alveolaris inferioris [TA]); 3) posterior superior alveolar artery (rami dentales arteriae alveolaris superioris posterioris [TA]). SYN: rami dentales [TA], dental rami.
- descending b. [TA] b. of an artery or nerve passing inferiorly. Descending branches have been described for the following: (1) descending b. of hypoglossal nerve, superior root of ansa cervicalis; (2) descending b. of lateral circumflex femoral artery; (3) descending b. of the occipital artery. SYN: ramus descendens [TA].
- descending anterior b. SYN: descending b. of anterior segmental artery of left and right lungs.
- descending b. of anterior segmental artery of left and right lungs [TA] the descending anterior b. of the superior lobar branches of the right and left pulmonry arteries. SYN: ramus descendens arteriae segmentalis anterioris pulmonis dextri et sinistri [TA], descending anterior b., ramus anterior descendens.
- descending b. of lateral circumflex femoral artery [TA] a major b. of the lateral circumflex femoral artery accompanying the nerve to the vastus lateralis muscle along the anterior border of that muscle and deep to the rectus femoris muscle, supplying both muscles. Anastomosis: with lateral superior genicular artery, i.e., it contributes to the articular network of the knee. SYN: ramus descendens arteriae circumflexae femoris lateralis [TA].
- descending b. of medial circumflex femoral artery [TA] large artery passing deep to the rectus femoris muscle, accompanying the muscular b. of the femoral nerve to the vastus lateralis; terminates by anastomosing with the superior lateral genicular artery. SYN: ramus descendens arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis [TA].
- descending b. of occipital artery [TA] origin: occipital artery within occipital groove; distribution: posterior neck muscles and cervical trapezius muscle; anastomoses: superficial and deep cervical arteries, vertebral artery. SYN: ramus descendens arteriae occipitalis [TA], princeps cervicis artery, princeps cervicis.
- descending posterior b. SYN: descending b. of posterior segmental artery of left and right lungs.
- descending b. of posterior segmental artery of left and right lungs [TA] the descending posterior b. of the superior lobar b. of the left and right pulmonary arteries. SYN: ramus descendens arteriae segmentalis posterioris pulmonis dextri et sinistri [TA], descending posterior b., ramus posterior descendens.
- descending b. of superficial cervical artery [TA] descending b. of superficial cervical artery (or of superficial b. of transverse cervical artery) that passes inferiorly with the accessory nerve, deep to the middle and lower parts of the trapezius, which it supplies. SYN: ramus descendens rami superficialis arteriae transversae cervicis [TA].
- digastric b. of facial nerve [TA] b. of the facial nerve innervating the posterior belly of the digastric muscle. SYN: ramus digastricus nervi facialis [TA].
- dorsal b. 1. SYN: posterior ramus of spinal nerve. 2. posteriorly-directed branches.
- dorsal carpal b. of radial artery [TA] a b. of the radial artery that passes to the back of the wrist to join the dorsal carpal network. SYN: ramus carpalis dorsalis arteriae radialis [TA], ramus carpeus dorsalis arteriae radialis.
- dorsal carpal b. of ulnar artery [TA] a b. of the ulnar artery that passes to the dorsal side of the carpus to enter the dorsal carpal network. SYN: ramus carpalis dorsalis arteriae ulnaris [TA], ramus carpeus dorsalis arteriae ulnaris.
- dorsal branches of first and second posterior intercostal artery [TA] branches of the 1st and 2nd posterior intercostal arteries which arise as branches of the supreme intercostal artery. The distribtuion is the same as for the dorsal branches of the other posterior intercostal arteries at the T1–T2 vertebral level. SYN: rami dorsales arteriarum intercostalium posteriorum primae et secundae [TA], dorsal branches of the superior intercostal artery, rami dorsales arteriae intercostalis supremae.
- dorsal lingual branches of lingual artery [TA] branches of the lingual artery to the posterior third or root of tongue. SYN: rami dorsales linguae arteriae lingualis [TA].
- dorsal b. of the lumbar artery [TA] terminal b. (with ventral b.) of the 4–5 lumbar arteries, distributed to lumbar portion of back, posterior vertebral column, and spinal cord and environs. SYN: ramus dorsalis arteriae lumbalis [TA].
- dorsal b. of the posterior intercostal arteries 3–11 [TA] terminal b. (with ventral b.) of the 3rd through 11th posterior intercostal arteries, distributed to thoracic portion of posterior vertebral column, spinal cord and environs, and back. SYN: ramus dorsalis arteriarum intercostalium posteriorum III–XI [TA].
- dorsal b. of the posterior intercostal veins 4–11 [TA] major tributary of the 4th through 11th posterior intercostal veins; area drained is the same as that supplied by the dorsal b. of posterior intercostal arteries. SYN: ramus dorsalis venarum intercostalium posteriorum IV–XI [TA].
- dorsal b. of the subcostal artery terminal b. (with ventral b.) of subcostal artery, distributed to posterior vertebral column, spinal cord and environs, and back at the T12–L1 vertebral level. SYN: ramus dorsales arteriae subcostalis [TA], rami dorsales arteriae subcostalis.
- dorsal b. of the subcostal artery [TA] b. of subcostal artery supplying muscles of the back and the overlying skin, immediately below the level of the 12th rib.
- dorsal branches of the superior intercostal artery SYN: dorsal branches of first and second posterior intercostal artery.
- dorsal b. of the ulnar nerve [TA] b. arising from the ulnar nerve proximal to the wrist for distribution to the medial side of the dorsum of the hand and proximal portion of the little finger and medial side of ring finger. SYN: rami dorsales nervi ulnaris [TA].
- duodenal branches of anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery [TA] branches extending to the duodenum from the arterial arcade that lies anterior to the head of the pancreas in the concavity of the duodenum. SYN: rami duodenales arteriae pancreaticoduodenalis superioris anterioris [TA].
- duodenal branches of posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery [TA] branches extending to the duodenum from the arterial arcade that lies posterior to the head of the pancreas in the concavity of the duodenum.
- epiploic branches SYN: omental branches.
- esophageal branches [TA] branches to the esophagus. SYN: rami esophagei [TA], rami esophageales.
- esophageal branches of the inferior thyroid artery [TA] distribution: upper one-quarter of esophagus; anastomosis: esophageal branches of thoracic aorta. SYN: rami esophageales arteriae thyroideae inferioris [TA].
- esophageal branches of the left gastric artery [TA] ascends through esophageal hiatus of diaphragm to supply lowermost (cardiac) esophagus; anastomosis: esophageal branches of thoracic aorta. SYN: rami esophageales arteriae gastricae sinistrae [TA].
- esophageal branches of the recurrent laryngeal nerve [TA] supply motor and sensory fibers to cervical esophagus on right side and to cervical and upper thoracic esophagus on left. SYN: rami esophagei nervi laryngei recurrentis [TA].
- esophageal branches of the thoracic aorta [TA] branches arising directly from the anterior aspect of the portion of the thoracic aorta adjacent to the esophagus, by which most of the esophagus is supplied. SYN: rami esophageales partis thoracicae aortae [TA], rami esophageales aortae thoracicae.
- esophageal branches of thoracic ganglia [TA] cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves conveying postsynaptic sympathetic and visceral afferent fibers from the upper thoracic paravertebral ganglia of the sympathetic trunks to the esophageal plexus of nerves. SYN: rami esophageales gangliorum thoracicorum [TA].
- esophageal branches of the vagus nerve includes both branches passing directly from vagi and the branches from the recurrent laryngeal nerves that form the esophageal nerve plexus which surrounds esophagus, supplying it and adjacent portions of the pericardium. SEE ALSO: esophageal (nervous) plexus. SYN: rami esophagei nervi vagi.
- external nasal branches of infraorbital nerve [TA] branches to external aspect of nose. The external nasal branches of 1) infraorbital nerve, rami nasales externii nervi infraorbitalis [NA], 2) nasociliary nerve, rami nasales externi nervi ethmoidalis anterioris [NA]. SYN: rami nasales externi nervi infraorbitalis.
- external b. of trunk of accessory nerve [TA] portion of the accessory nerve trunk that exits independently from the jugular foramen, carrying fibers from the spinal root of the accessory nerve to the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscle. SYN: ramus externus trunci nervi accessorii [TA].
- faucial branches of lingual nerve SYN: branches of lingual nerve to isthmus of fauces.
- femoral b. of genitofemoral nerve [TA] b. of genitofemoral nerve distributed to skin of uppermost part of anterior thigh. SYN: ramus femoralis nervi genitofemoralis [TA].
- frontal b. of middle meningeal artery [TA] the anterior and larger terminal b. (with the parietal b.) of the middle meningeal artery; runs in deep bony groove, often perforating the bone of the lateralmost part of the sphenoidal ridge, supplying the anterior portion of the lateral and superior dura and cranium. SYN: ramus frontalis arteriae meningeae mediae [TA].
- frontal b. of superficial temporal artery [TA] terminal b. of superficial temporal artery (with parietal b.) supplying anterolateral scalp and underlying musculature, periosteum, and outer table of cranium; anastomosis: across midline with contralateral partner; supratrochlear and supraorbital arteries. SYN: ramus frontalis arteriae temporalis superficialis [TA].
- gastric branches of anterior vagal trunk SYN: anterior gastric branches of anterior vagal trunk.
- gastric branches of posterior vagal trunk posterior gastric branches; branches of the posterior vagal trunk to the posterior surface of the stomach. SYN: rami gastrici posteriores nervi vagi.
- genital b. of genitofemoral nerve [TA] b. of genitofemoral nerve distributed to skin of anterior scrotum (male) or labia majora (female) and adjacent thigh and supplying a motor b. to the cremaster muscle. Usually passes through deep inguinal ring and canal. SYN: ramus genitalis nervi genitofemoralis [TA], external spermatic nerve, nervus spermaticus externus.
- glandular branches [TA] branches distributed to glands. SYN: rami glandulares [TA].
- glandular branches of facial artery [TA] branches of facial artery to the submandibular gland. SYN: rami glandulares arteriae facialis [TA].
- glandular branches of inferior thyroid artery [TA] branches of inferior thyroid artery to thyroid and parathyroid glands, anastomosing with branches of superior thyroid artery. SYN: rami glandulares arteriae thyroideae inferioris [TA].
- glandular branches of submandibular ganglion branches of submandibular ganglion conveying postsynaptic parasympathetic fibers to the submandibular and sublingual glands. SYN: rami ganglii submandibularis, rami glandulares ganglii submandibularis.
- b. of glossopharyngeal nerve to stylopharyngeus muscle SYN: stylopharyngeal b. of glossopharyngeal nerve.
- hepatic branches of anterior vagal trunk branches of the anterior and posterior vagal trunks distributed to the liver. SYN: rami hepatici trunci vagi anterior [TA], hepatic branches of vagus nerve, rami hepatici nervi vagi.
- hepatic branches of vagus nerve SYN: hepatic branches of anterior vagal trunk.
- iliacus b. of iliolumbar artery [TA] terminal b. of iliolumbar artery (with lumbar b.) distributed to iliac fossa to supply iliac muscle, ilium, and portions of muscles having attachment to the iliac crest. SYN: ramus iliacus arteriae iliolumbalis [TA], iliac b. of iliolumbar artery.
- inferior b. [TA] a b. that is directed downward (caudally) or that is lowly placed, usually in contrast with another b. (superior b.), which is directed upward (rostrally) or is highly placed. SYN: ramus inferior [TA].
- inferior cervical cardiac branches of vagus nerve the most inferior of the cervical branches of vagus nerve conducting presynaptic parasympathetic fibers to, and reflex afferent fibers from, the cardiac plexus; branching from the vagi at root of neck. SYN: rami cardiaci cervicales inferiores nervi vagi [TA].
- inferior dental branches of inferior dental plexus [TA] branches passing from the inferior dental plexus to the roots of the teeth of the lower jaw. SYN: rami dentales inferiores plexus dentalis inferioris [TA], rami dentales inferiores [TA], inferior dental rami.
- inferior gingival branches of inferior dental plexus [TA] branches of inferior dental plexus to the gingiva of the lower jaw. SYN: rami gingivales inferiores plexus dentalis inferioris [TA].
- inferior labial b. of facial artery [TA] origin, facial; distribution, structures of lower lip; anastomoses, the artery from the opposite side, mental and sublabial. SYN: arteria labialis inferior, inferior labial artery, ramus labialis inferior arteriae facialis.
- inferior labial branches of mental nerve SYN: labial branches of mental nerve.
- inferior lingular b. of lingular b. of left pulmonary artery SYN: inferior lingular artery.
- inferior b. of oculomotor nerve [TA] b. of oculomotor nerve providing motor branches to medial and inferior rectus and inferior oblique muscles and carrying presynaptic parasympathetic fibers that pass to the ciliary ganglion via the parasympathetic root. SYN: ramus inferior nervi oculomotorii [TA].
- inferior b. of pubic bone obsolete term for inferior pubic ramus.
- inferior b. of superior gluteal artery [TA] distribution: gluteus medius and minimus muscles; anastomosis: lateral circumflex femoral artery. SYN: ramus inferior arteriae gluteae superioris [TA].
- inferior branches of transverse cervical nerve [TA] b. of transverse cervical nerve providing cutaneous innervation in lower part of anterior triangle of neck. SYN: rami inferiores nervi transversi colli, rami inferiores nervi transversi cervicalis [colli].
- infrahyoid b. of superior thyroid artery [TA] small b. from the initial part of the superior thyroid artery coursing along the hyoid bone deep to the thyrohyoid muscle to anastomose with its contralateral partner. SYN: ramus infrahyoideus arteriae thyroideae superioris [TA].
- infrapatellar b. of saphenous nerve [TA] b. of saphenous nerve supplying skin over and below patella. SYN: ramus infrapatellaris nervi sapheni [TA].
- inguinal branches of deep external pudendal arteries [TA] branches to the inguinal region that may arise as branches of external pudendal arteries or as direct branches of the femoral artery. Supply skin and subcutaneous tissues, including inguinal lymph node s. SYN: rami inguinales arteriarum pudendarum externarum profundarum [TA].
- interganglionic branches of sympathetic trunk [TA] the nerve strands interconnecting the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk; they consist of pre- or postganglionic fibers passing to higher or lower levels of the trunk. SYN: rami interganglionares trunci sympathici [TA].
- intermediate atrial b. of left coronary artery [TA] b. arising from the circumflex b. of the left coronary artery between the anterior rami (distributed to the left auricle) and the stem of the posterior atrial branches. SYN: ramus atrialis intermedius arteriae coronariae sinistrae [TA], lateral atrial b. of left coronary artery.
- intermediate atrial b. of right coronary artery [TA] arises from superior aspect of right coronary artery as or soon after it crosses the right margin on the heart; supplies posterolateral wall (sulcus/crista terminalis portion) of right atrium. SYN: ramus atrialis intermedius arteriae coronariae dextrae [TA], lateral atrial b. of right coronary artery, marginal atrial b. of right coronary artery, right atrial b. of right coronary artery.
- intermediate b. of hepatic artery proper [TA] smaller and central of usually three main intrahepatic branches of hepatic artery, it serves mainly the median segment (IV) of the liver. SYN: ramus intermedius arteriae hepaticae propriae [TA].
- intermediate temporal branches of lateral occipital artery [TA] the middle of three temporal branches of the lateral occipital artery (from posterior cerebral artery) distributed to the medial and inferior aspects of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum. SYN: rami temporales intermedii arteriae occipitalis lateralis [TA], middle temporal branches of lateral occipital artery, rami temporales medii arteriae occipitalis lateralis.
- intermediomedial frontal b. of callosomarginal artery [TA] b. of middle portion of callosomarginal artery to anterosuperior portion of medial aspect of frontal lobe of cerebrum. SYN: ramus frontalis intermediomedialis arteriae callosomarginalis [TA].
- branches of internal carotid artery to trigeminal ganglion [TA] b. to trigeminal ganglion; a small b. of the cavernous part of the internal carotid artery to the trigeminal ganglion. SYN: ramus ganglionares trigeminales arteriae carotidis internae [TA], ganglionic b. of internal carotid artery, ramus ganglii trigeminalis.
- internal nasal branches [TA] branches to nasal cavity. Internal nasal branches of 1) infraorbital nerve (rami nasales interni nervi infraorbitalis [NA]); 2) anterior ethmoidal nerve (rami nasales interni nervi ethmoidalis anterioris [NA]). SYN: rami nasales interni [TA].
- internal b. of superior laryngeal nerve [TA] terminal b. of superior laryngeal nerve (with external b.) conveying sensory fibers to the supraglottic larynx. SYN: ramus internus nervi laryngei superioris [TA].
- branches to internal capsule, genu [TA] SYN: rami capsulae internae, under ramus.
- branches to internal capsule, posterior limb [TA] SYN: rami capsulae internae, under ramus.
- branches to internal capsule, retrolentiform limb SYN: rami capsulae internae, under ramus.
- internal b. of trunk of accessory nerve [TA] b. of the accessory nerve trunk that carries fibers from the cranial root and that unites with the vagus nerve in the jugular foramen. SEE ALSO: accessory nerve [CN XI]. SYN: ramus internus trunci nervi accessorii [TA], internal ramus of accessory nerve.
- interventricular septal branches of left/right coronary artery the interventricular septal branches; branches of the anterior and posterior interventricular arteries distributed to the muscle of the interventricular septum. SYN: rami interventriculares septales arteriae coronariae sinistrae/dextrae, rami interventriculares septales, septal branches.
- joint branches SYN: articular branches.
- labial branches of mental nerve branches of mental nerve to lower lip. SYN: rami labiales nervi mentalis [TA], inferior labial branches of mental nerve, rami labiales inferiores nervi mentalis.
- laryngopharyngeal branches of superior cervical ganglion [TA] branches conveying postganglionic sympathetic fibers from the superior cervical ganglion to the pharyngeal plexus. SYN: rami laryngopharyngei ganglii cervicalis superioris [TA].
- lateral branches [TA] branches directed away from the midline, to the side. Terminologia Anatomica lists lateral branches (ramus lateralis/rami laterales) of the following: 1) anterior interventricular b. of left coronary artery (ramus lateralis interventricularis anterioris arteriae coronariae sinistrae [TA]); 2) anterolateral central arteries (rami laterales arteriarum centralium anterolateralium [TA]); 3) posterior primary rami of cervical/thoracic/lumbar/sacral/coccygeal spinal nerves (rami laterales ramorum posteriorum nervorum cervicalium/thoracalium/lumbalium/sacralium/coccygeum); 4) umbical part of left b. of portal vein (rami laterales partis umbilici rami sinistri venae portae hepatis [TA]); 5) left hepatic duct (ramus lateralis ductus hepatici sinistri [TA]); 6) middle lobe artery (of right lung) (ramus lateralis arteriae lobaris mediae (pulmonis dextrum) [TA]); 7) supraorbital nerve (ramus lateralis nervi supraorbitalis [TA]). SYN: rami laterales [TA].
- lateral abdominal/pectoral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves branches arising in approximately the anterior axillary line at the level of the second through sixth intercostal spaces. SYN: lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves, lateral cutaneous branches of ventral primary ramus of thoracic spinal nerves, ramus cutaneus lateralis abdominalis/pectoralis nervorum intercostalium.
- lateral branches of artery of tuber cinereum [TA] branches arising from the lateral aspect of the artery of tuber cinereum. SEE ALSO: artery of tuber cinereum. SYN: rami laterales arteriarum tuberis cinerei [TA].
- lateral basal b. SYN: lateral basal segmental artery.
- lateral calcaneal branches of sural nerve [TA] branches of sural nerve providing cutaneous innervation to posterior aspect of distal leg and lateral aspect of proximal portion of foot. SYN: rami calcanei laterales nervi suralis [TA].
- lateral costal b. of internal thoracic artery [TA] a variable b. of internal thoracic artery that runs lateral and parallel to the internal thoracic artery on the deep surface of the rib cage; anastomosis: posterior intercostal arteries. SYN: ramus costalis lateralis arteriae thoracicae internae [TA].
- lateral cutaneous b. [TA] lateral cutaneous branches of the following: 1) iliohypogastric nerve (ramus cutaneus lateralis nervi iliohypogastrici [TA]); 2) dorsal b. of posterior intercostal arteries (ramus cutaneos lateralis ramorum posteriorum arterieae intercostalium [TA]); 3) posterior intercostal artery (arteriae intercostales posteriores [TA]). SYN: ramus cutaneus lateralis [TA].
- lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves SYN: lateral abdominal/pectoral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves.
- lateral cutaneous branches of ventral primary ramus of thoracic spinal nerves SYN: lateral abdominal/pectoral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves.
- lateral malleolar b. (of fibular peroneal artery) [TA] lateral malleolar branches of peroneal artery. SYN: rami malleolares laterales arteriae fibularis (peronei) [TA], arteriae malleolares posteriores laterales, lateral malleolar arteries, posterior peroneal arteries.
- lateral mammary branches branches primarily distributed to the lateral portion of the breast. SYN: rami mammarii laterales.
- lateral mammary branches of lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves SYN: lateral mammary branches of lateral cutaneous branches of thoracic spinal nerves.
- lateral mammary branches of lateral cutaneous branches of thoracic spinal nerves branches arising from the lateral cutaneous branches of the ventral primary rami of spinal nerves (intercostal nerves) T-3 to T-6 that run anteriorly to supply the lateral aspect of the breast. SYN: lateral mammary branches of lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves, rami mammarii laterales ramorum cutaneorum lateralis nervorum thoracicorum, rami mammarii laterales ramorum cutaneorum lateralium nervorum intercostalium.
- lateral mammary branches of lateral thoracic artery [TA] branches of the lateral thoracic artery that extend around the lateral borders of the pectoral muscles to supply the lateral aspect of the breast and mammary gland. SYN: rami mammarii laterales arteriae thoracicae lateralis [TA].
- lateral and medial posterior choroidal branches of posterior cerebral artery [TA] one of two (posterior lateral and posterior medial) choroidal branches of the P2 segment of the posterior cerebral artery that supply the choroid plexus of the body of the lateral ventricle and of the third ventricle. SYN: rami choroidei posteriores arteriae cerebri posteriores laterales et mediales [TA].
- lateral medullary branches of (intracranial part of) vertebral artery [TA] minute branches of the vertebral artery (or its larger branches) that course laterally along the ventral aspect of the medulla oblongata. SYN: rami medullares laterales (partis intracranialis) arteriae vertebralis [TA].
- lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve [TA] branches of nasociliary nerve distributed to walls of nasal cavity. SYN: rami nasales laterales nervi ethmoidalis anterioris [TA].
- lateral nasal b. of facial artery [TA] b. of facial artery to the side of the nose (ala and dorsum); anastomoses with its contralateral partner, as well as the septal and alar branches of the superior labial, the dorsal nasal b. of the ophthalmic, and the infraorbital b. of the maxillary artery. SYN: ramus lateralis nasi arteriae facialis [TA], lateral nasal artery.
- lateral branches of pontine arteries [TA] longer branches of the basilar artery extending across the inferior surface of the pons to reach the lateral aspects. SYN: rami laterales arteriae pontis [TA], circumferential pontine branches of pontine arteries.
- lateral b. of posterior rami of spinal nerves terminal b. (with the medial b.) of the posterior ramus of spinal nerves. In the thoracic region, the lateral branches of the upper thoracic spinal nerves are muscular only, not reaching the skin; the lateral branches of the lower thoracic spinal nerves are musculocutaneous, supplying and continuing past the muscles of the back to reach the overlying skin.
- lateral sacral branches of median sacral artery [TA] branches of the sacral portion of the median sacral artery that pass laterally to anastomose with the lateral sacral arteries and send branches into the anterior sacral foramina. SYN: rami sacrales laterales arteriae sacralis medianae [TA].
- left b. [TA] of a pair of branches, the b. passing to the left side of the body, to the left member of a bilateral pair of structures, or to the left portion of an unpaired structure; the other member of the pair being a right b.. Terminologia Anatomica lists left branches of 1) atrioventricular bundle, crus sinistrum fasciculus atrioventricularis; 2) hepatic artery proper, ramus sinister arteriae hepaticae proprii; 3) portal vein, ramus sinister venae portae hepatis. SYN: ramus sinister [TA].
- left b. of hepatic artery proper [TA] left b. of proper hepatic artery; terminal b. off proper hepatic artery supplying left lobe of the liver. SYN: ramus sinister arteriae hepaticae propriae [TA], left hepatic artery.
- lingual branches branches to the tongue. Terminologia Anatomica lists lingual branches of 1) accessory nerv, (rami linguales nervi accessori [TA]); 2) facial nerve (inconstant) (ramus linguales nervi facialis); 3) lingual nerve (rami linguales nervi lingualis [TA]); 4) glossopharyngeal nerve (rami linguales nervi glossopharyngei [TA]). SYN: rami linguales.
- lingual b. of facial nerve lingual b. (inconstant) of the stylohyoid b. of the facial nerve. SYN: ramus lingualis nervi facialis.
- branches of lingual nerve to isthmus of fauces [TA] the faucial branches, branches to the isthmus of the fauces from the lingual nerve. SYN: rami isthmi faucium nervi lingualis [TA], faucial branches of lingual nerve, rami fauciales nervi lingualis.
- lumbar b. of iliolumbar artery [TA] terminal b. of iliolumbar artery (with iliac b.) that ascends to supply psoas major and quadratus lumborum muscles; anastomosis: fourth lumbar artery. SYN: ramus lumbalis arteriae iliolumbalis [TA].
- mammary branches See lateral mammary branches, medial mammary branches.
- marginal b. of cingulate sulcus [TA] posterior end of cingulate sulcus of cerebrum that turns superiorly to the superomedial margin of the parietal lobe. SYN: ramus marginalis sulci cinguli [TA].
- marginal mandibular b. of facial nerve [TA] b. of facial nerve that parallels the mandibular margin innervating risorius muscle and muscles of lower lip and chin. SYN: ramus marginalis mandibulae nervi facialis [TA].
- marginal b. of parietooccipital sulcus [TA] minor sulcus branching from parietooccipital sulcus as it crosses the posteromedial margin of the cerebrum. SYN: ramus marginalis sulci parietooccipitalis [TA].
- marginal b. [TA] of cingulate sulcus SYN: marginal sulcus.
- mastoid b. of occipital artery [TA] artery passing through the mastoid foramen; distribution, mastoid air cells; anastomosis, middle meningeal artery. SYN: ramus mastoideus arteriae occipitalis [TA], mastoid artery.
- mastoid branches of posterior tympanic artery branches from stylomastoid b. of posterior auricular artery arising within the facial canal, distributed to the mastoid air cells. SYN: rami mastoidei arteriae tympanicae posterioris [TA], mastoid branches of posterior auricular artery, rami mastoidei arteriae auricularis posterioris.
- medial branches [TA] branches directed toward the midline, to the middle. Terminologia Anatomica lists medial branches (ramus medialis/rami mediales) of the following: 1) anterolateral central arteries (rami mediales arteriarum centralium anterolateralium [TA]); 2) artery of tuber cinercum (ramus mediolis [TA]); 3) posterior primary rami of cervical/thoracic/lumbar/sacral/coccygeal spinal nerves (rami medialis ramorum posteriorum nervorum cervicalium/thoracicalium/lumbalium/sacralium/coccygeum); 4) umbilical part of left b. of portal vein (rami mediales portis umbilici rami sinistri venae portae hepatis [TA]); 5) left hepatic duct (ramus medialis ductus hepatici sinistri [TA]); 6) middle lobar artery (of right lung) (ramus medialis arteriae lobaris mediae (pulmonis dextrum) [TA]); 7) supraorbital nerve (ramus medialis nervi supraorbitalis [TA]). SYN: rami mediales [TA].
- medial branches of artery of tuber cinereum [TA] branches arising from the medial aspect of the artery of tuber cinereum. SEE ALSO: artery of tuber cinereum. SYN: rami mediales arteriarum tuberis cinerei [TA].
- medial calcaneal branches of tibial nerve [TA] cutaneous branches of tibial nerve distributed to the inferior and medial heel. SYN: rami calcanei mediales nervi tibialis [TA].
- medial crural cutaneous branches of saphenous nerve SYN: medial cutaneous nerve of leg.
- medial cutaneous b. of dorsal b. of posterior intercostal arteries [TA] Terminologia Anatomica lists medial cutaneous b. of the following: 1) dorsal b. of thoracic nerves (ramus cutaneus medialis ramorum dorsalium nervorum thoracicorum [NA]); 2) dorsal b. of posterior intercostal arteries (ramus cutaneus medialis rami dorsalis arteriarum intercostalium posteriorum III–XI [NA]). SYN: ramus cutaneus medialis rami dorsalis arteriarum intercostalium posteriorum III–XI.
- medial malleolar branches (of posterior tibial artery) [TA] branches arising from the medial aspect of the posterior tibial artery at the level of the narrowest part of the leg, passing to tissues in the region of the posterior aspect of the medial malleolus; anastomose with medial malleolar branches of the anterior tibial artery. SYN: rami malleolares mediales arteriae tibialis posterioris [TA], arteriae malleolares posteriores mediales, medial malleolar arteries.
- medial mammary branches branches primarily distributed to the medial portion of the breast. Terminologia Anatomica lists medial mammary branches (rami mammarii mediales...) of the following: 1) anterior cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves (...rami cutanei anterioris nervorum intercostalium); nerve branches accompanying the perforating branches of internal thoracic artery. 2) perforating branches of internal thoracic artery (...rami perforantes arteriae thoracicae internae [TA]). SYN: rami mammarii mediales.
- medial medullary branches of vertebral artery [TA] minute branches of the vertebral artery that enter the anterior median fissure of the medulla oblongata. SYN: rami medullares mediales arteriae vertebralis [TA].
- medial nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve [TA] branches of nasociliary nerve distributed to the nasal septum. SYN: rami nasales mediales nervi ethmoidalis anterioris [TA].
- medial branches of pontine arteries [TA] shorter branches of the basilar artery extending to the medial portion of the inferior surface of the pons. SYN: rami mediales arteriae pontis [TA], paramedian pontine branches of pontine arteries.
- medial b. of posterior b. of spinal nerves medial b. of posterior rami of spinal nerves.
- medial b. of posterior rami of spinal nerves terminal b. (with the lateral b.) of the posterior ramus of spinal nerves. In the thoracic region, the medial branches of the upper thoracic spinal nerves are musculocutaneous, supplying and continuing through the muscles of the back to reach the overlying skin; the medial branches of the lower thoracic spinal nerves are muscular only, terminating before reaching the skin. SYN: medial b. of posterior b. of spinal nerves, ramus medialis ramorum dorsalium nervorum spinalis.
- mediastinal branches [TA] branches distributed to the mediastinum. SYN: rami mediastinales [TA], mediastinal arteries.
- mediastinal branches of internal thoracic artery [TA] small twigs supplying anterior mediastinal structures: mainly thymus and lymph node s. SYN: rami mediastinales arteriae thoracicae internae [TA], anterior mediastinal arteries, rami thymici.
- mediastinal branches of thoracic aorta [TA] numerous small arteries supplying the pleura and lymph node s of the posterior mediastinum. SYN: rami mediastinales aortae thoracicae [TA], posterior mediastinal arteries.
- meningeal branches [TA] branches of vessels or nerves distributed to the coverings of the brain and spinal cord. SYN: rami meningei [TA].
- meningeal b. of cavernous part of internal carotid artery a b. from the cavernous part of the internal carotid artery to the meninges of the anterior cranial fossa. SYN: ramus meningeus partis cavernosae arteriae carotidis internae [TA], meningeal b. of internal carotid artery, ramus meningeus arteriae carotidis internae.
- meningeal b. of cerebral part of internal carotid artery [TA] minute artery crossing lesser wing of sphenoid to supply dura mater and bone of anterior cranial fossa and anastomose with meningeal b. of posterior ethmoidal artery. SYN: ramus meningeus partis cerebralis arteriae carotidis internae [TA].
- meningeal b. of (intracranial part of) vertebral artery [TA] one of the one or two branches of the intracranial part of the vertebral artery, arising near the foramen magnum, which ramify between the dura and the inner table of bone of the posterior cranial fossa, supplying dura (including falx cerebelli), inner table of bone, and diploë. SYN: ramus meningeus (partis intracranialis) arteriae vertebralis [TA].
- meningeal b. of mandibular nerve [TA] a recurrent b. of the mandibular nerve that passes superiorly through foramen spinosum to be distributed with the posterior division of the middle meningeal artery to the meninges of the posterior portion of the middle cranial fossa. SYN: ramus meningeus nervi mandibularis [TA], nervus spinosus.
- meningeal b. of maxillary nerve recurrent b. of maxillary nerve distributed with the anterior b. of the middle meningeal arteyr to the meninges of the anterior portion of the middle cranial fossa. SYN: ramus meningeus nervi maxillaris [TA], middle meningeal b. of maxillary nerve, middle meningeal nerve, ramus meningeus medius nervi maxillaris.
- meningeal b. of occipital artery [TA] one of the variable branches of the occipital artery that may pass through the jugular or parietal foramina or condyloid canal to reach the dura mater and bone of the posterior cranial fossa, as well as the intracranial portions of the caudal four cranial neres. SYN: ramus meningeus arteriae occipitalis [TA].
- meningeal b. of spinal nerves [TA] a b. from the initial (mixed) part of each spinal nerve passing in a recurrent fashion back through the intervertebral foramen to supply spinal meninges, the posterior longitudinal ligament, posterolateral periphery of the intervertebral disk, and periosteum of the vertebrae. SYN: ramus meningeus nervorum spinalium [TA], recurrent b. of spinal nerves, recurrent meningeal b. of spinal nerves, sinuvertebral nerves.
- meningeal b. of vagus nerve [TA] a b. of the superior ganglion of the vagus supplying the meninges of the posterior cranial fossa. SYN: ramus meningeus nervi vagi [TA].
- mental branches of mental nerve [TA] branches of the mental nerve providing general sensory innervation to the skin of the chin. SYN: rami mentales nervi mentalis [TA].
- mental b. (of inferior alveolar artery) [TA] distribution, chin; the terminal b. of the inferior alveolar; anastomoses, inferior labial artery. SYN: ramus mentalis arteriae alveolaris inferioris [TA], arteria mentalis, mental artery.
- middle lobe b. of right superior pulmonary vein SYN: middle lobe vein.
- middle superior alveolar b. of infraorbital nerve [TA] the middle superior alveolar b., a b. of the superior alveolar nerve that contributes to the superior dental plexus. SYN: ramus alveolaris superior medius nervi infraorbitalis [TA].
- middle temporal b. of insular part of middle cerebral artery [TA] a b. of the insular part (M2 segment) of the middle cerebral artery supplying the cortex of the temporal lobe between the anterior and posterior temporal arteries. SYN: ramus temporalis medius partis insularis arteriae cerebrae mediae [TA], arteria temporalis intermedia, intermediate temporal artery.
- muscular branches [TA] branches of nerves or vessels that supply muscles. Most are unnamed. Terminologia Anatomica lists muscular branches of: 1) accessory nerve (rami musculares nervi accessorii); 2) anterior b. of obturator nerve (rami musculares rami anterioris nervi obturatorii); 3) anterior interosseous nerve (rami musculares nervi interossei antebrachii anterior); 4) axillary nerve (rami musculares nervi axillaris); 5) deep fibular nerve (rami musculares nervi fibularis profundi); 6) femoral nerve (rami musculares nervi femoralis); 7) intercostal nerves (rami musculares nervorum intercostalium); 8) medial nerve (rami muscularis nervi mediani); 9) musculocutaneous nerve (rami musculares nervi musculocutanei); 10) perineal nerves (rami musculares nervorum perinealium); 11) posterior b. of obturator nerve (rami musculares rami posterioris nervi obturatorii); 12) radial nerve (rami musculares nervi radialis); 13) spinal nerve (rami musculares nervorum spinalium); 14) superficial fibular nerve (rami musculares nervi fibularis superficialis); 15) supraclavicular part of brachial plexus (rami musculares partis supraclavicularis plexus brachialis); 16) of tibial nerve (rami musculares nervi tibialis); 17) ulnar nerve (rami musculares nervi ulnaris); 18) vertebral artery (rami musculares arteriae vertebralis). SYN: rami musculares [TA].
- mylohyoid b. (of inferior alveolar artery) [TA] b. of inferior alveolar artery to the mylohyoid muscle. SYN: ramus mylohyoideus arteriae alveolaris inferioris [TA], mylohyoid artery.
- nasal septal b. of superior labial b. of facial artery [TA] b. of superior labial b. of facial artery that passes superiorly to ramify on the anteroinferior aspect of the nasal septum. SYN: ramus septi nasi arteriae labialis superioris [TA].
- obturator b. of pubic b. of inferior epigastric vein [TA] b. of the pubic b. of inferior epigastric artery that descends over the pelvic brim to anastomose with the pubic b. of the obturator artery; in 20–30% of people, this b. is larger than or replaces the obturator artery. SYN: ramus obturatorius rami pubici arteriae epigastricae inferioris [TA].
- occipital b. [TA] Terminologia Anatomica lists occipital branches of 1) posterior auricular artery, rami occipitalis arteriae auricularis posterior [TA]; 2) posterior auricular nerve (rami occipitalis nervi auricularis posterioris [TA]; and 3) occipital artery, rami occipitales arteriae occipitis [TA]. SYN: ramus occipitalis [TA].
- omental branches [TA] branches to the greater omentum; epiploic branches arise from the left and right gastroomental arteries (rami omentales arteriae gastro-omentalis sinistrae et dextrae [NA]) opposite the gastric branches (rami gastrici [NA]) along the greater curvature of the stomach. SYN: rami omentales [TA], epiploic branches, rami epiploicae.
- orbital branches of maxillary nerve branches of pterygopalatine ganglion traversing inferior orbital fissure, distributed in orbit to periorbita and mucosa of ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinuses. SYN: rami orbitales nervi maxillaris [TA], orbital b. of pterygopalatine ganglion, ramus orbitalis ganglii pterygopalatini.
- orbital b. of middle meningeal artery [TA] b. of middle meningeal artery traversing superior orbital fissure and running toward lacrimal gland. See anastomotic b. of middle meningeal artery with lacrimal artery. SYN: ramus orbitalis arteriae meningeae mediae [TA].
- ovarian branches of uterine artery [TA] terminal b. of uterine artery (with tubal b.) which runs through mesovarium supplying ovary from medial aspect and anastomosing with ovarian b. of ovarian artery. SYN: rami ovarici arteriae uterinae [TA].
- palmar b. of anterior interosseous nerve b. of median nerve arising proximal to flexor retinaculum and running superficially to it to supply skin of proximal central palm and thenar eminence. Since it does not traverse carpal tunnel, it is not affected by carpal tunnel syndrome, even though it supplies skin distal to carpal tunnel. SYN: ramus palmaris nervi interossei antebrachii anterioris [TA], palmar b. of median nerve, ramus palmaris nervi mediani.
- palmar carpal b. of radial artery [TA] a small b. of the radial artery that passes medially across the wrist to supply the carpal joints; it anastomoses with the anterior carpal b. of the ulnar artery. SYN: ramus carpalis palmaris arteriae radialis [TA], ramus carpeus palmaris arteriae radialis.
- palmar carpal b. of ulnar artery [TA] a b. of the ulnar artery that supplies the carpal joints and communicates with the anterior carpal b. of the radial artery. SYN: ramus carpalis palmaris arteriae ulnaris [TA], ramus carpeus palmaris arteriae ulnaris.
- palmar b. of ulnar nerve [TA] b. of ulnar nerve arising in distal forearm and accompanying palmar artery into hand where it supplies skin of little finger and medial half of ring finger and adjacent parts of palm. SYN: ramus palmaris nervi ulnaris [TA].
- palpebral branches of infratrochlear nerve [TA] branches of infratrochlear nerve supplying skin of medial aspects of upper and lower eyelids. SYN: rami palpebrales nervi infratrochlearis [TA].
- pancreatic branches [TA] branches to the pancreas. Terminologia Anatomica lists pancreatic branches of 1) splenic artery, rami pancreatici arteriae splenicae [TA]; 2) (anterior and posterior) superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries, rami pancreatici arteriae pancreaticoduodenalis superioris (anterior et posterior) [TA]. SYN: rami pancreatici [TA].
- paracentral branches of callosomarginal artery [TA] terminal branches of cingulate b. of callosomarginal artery distributed to the paracentral lobule of the cerebrum. SYN: rami paracentrales arteriae callosomarginalis [TA].
- paracentral branches (of pericallosal artery) inconstant branches of the pericallosal artery supplying the cerebral cortex of the paracentral lobule and both sides of the medial part of the central sulcus. SYN: ramus paracentrales [TA], arteria paracentralis, paracentral artery.
- paramedian pontine branches of pontine arteries medial branches of pontine arteries.
- parietal b. [TA] 1. branches coursing in relationship to and supplying the parietal bone or parietal lobe of cerebrum; 2. branches distributed to the body wall and limbs (the “parities”) as opposed to visceral branches distributed to the body cavities. For example, the gray rami communicantes are the parietal branches of the sympathetic trunks (vs. the splanchnic nerves, which are visceral branches of the trunks). SYN: rami parietales [TA].
- parietal b. of medial occipital artery [TA] an anterior b. of the medial occipital artery supplying the posterior section of the parietal lobe of the cerebrum. SYN: ramus parietalis arteriae occipitalis medialis [TA].
- parietal b. of middle meningeal artery [TA] smaller terminal b. (with frontal b.) of middle meningeal artery supplying posterior portion of lateral and superior dura and cranium. SYN: ramus parietalis arteriae meningeae mediae [TA].
- parietal b. of superficial temporal artery [TA] branches coursing in relationship to and/or supplying the parietal lobe of the brain. SYN: ramus parietalis arteriae temporalis superficialis [TA].
- parieto-occipital branches (of anterior cerebral artery) [TA] the largest cortical branches of the pericallosal artery supplying the medial and superolateral surface of the parietal lobe posterior to the paracentral lobule; rarely does it extend to supply part of the occipital lobe. SYN: arteriae parieto- occipitales, parietooccipital artery, superior internal parietal artery.
- parieto-occipital b. (of posterior cerebral artery) [TA] a posterior b. of the medial occipital artery supplying the medial surface of the occipital lobe extending to area of the parieto-occipital sulcus of the cerebrum. SYN: ramus parieto-occipitalis arteriae occipitalis medialis [TA].
- parotid branches [TA] branches to parotid gland; Terminologia Anatomica lists parotid branches of 1) auriculotemporal nerve, rami parotidei nervi auriculotemporalis [TA]; 2) deep facial vein, rami parotidei venae facialis profundus [TA]; 3) posterior auricular artery, ramus parotidei arteriae auricularis posterior [TA]; 4) superficial temporal artery, ramus arteriae temporalis superficialis [TA]. SYN: rami parotidei [TA].
- pectoral and abdominal anterior cutaneous b. of intercostal nerves SYN: thoracoabdominal nerves, under nerve.
- pectoral b. of thoracoacromial artery branches of the thoracoacromial artery descending between and supplying the pectoralis major and minor muscles, then continuing to supply the serratus anterior muscle and, in the adult female, the upper portion of the breast. SYN: rami pectorales arteriae thoracoacromialis [TA].
- perforating branches [TA] arterial branches that penetrate a wall or pass from the anterior to the posterior aspect or compartment of a structure such as the hand or foot to anastomose or be distributed. SYN: ramus perforans [TA].
- perforating b. of anterior interosseous artery [TA] b. of anterior interosseous artery that pierces the interosseous membrane in the distal forearm to anastomose with (and actually replace distally) the posterior interosseous artery. SYN: ramus perforans arteriae interossei anterioris [TA].
- perforating b. of fibular artery the b. of the peroneal artery that perforates the interosseous membrane just above the anterior tibiofibular ligament. SYN: ramus perforans arteriae fibularis [TA], perforating b. of peroneal artery.
- perforating branches of internal thoracic artery [TA] small branches of the internal thoracic artery running between the costal cartilages to supply overlying skin and subcutaneous tissues. SYN: rami perforantes arteriae thoracicae internae [TA], perforating arteries (of internal thoracic artery).
- perforating branches (of palmar metacarpal arteries) See perforating branches of deep palmar arch.
- perforating branches (of plantar metatarsal arteries) [TA] the perforating branches of the plantar metatarsal arteries, three small arteries that pass dorsally through the second, third, and fourth interosseous spaces of the foot from the plantar metatarsal arteries. SYN: rami perforantes arteriarum metatarsearum plantarium [TA], perforating arteries (of foot).
- perforating b. of peroneal artery perforating b. of fibular artery.
- pericardial b. of phrenic nerve [TA] one of the branches of phrenic nerve distributed to the pericardium and adjacent mediastial parietal pleura. SYN: ramus pericardiacus nervi phrenici [TA].
- pericardial b. of thoracic aorta [TA] small branches of thoracic aorta distributed to the pericardium, in the region of the oblique pericardial sinus, and to posterior mediastinal lymph node s. SYN: rami pericardiaci aortae thoracicae [TA].
- perineal branches of posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve that convey sensory fibers to the skin of the lateralmost perineum and adjacent portions of the upper medial thigh. SYN: rami perineales nervi cutanei femoris posterioris [TA], perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve.
- peroneal communicating b. SYN: sural communicating b. of common fibular nerve.
- petrosal b. of middle meningeal artery [TA] petrous b. of middle meningeal artery; first intracranial b. of middle meningeal artery; anastomosis: stylomastoid artery via hiatus of facial canal. SYN: ramus petrosus arteriae meningeae mediae [TA].
- pharyngeal branches [TA] branches to the pharynx. SYN: rami pharyngei [TA], rami pharyngeales, pharyngei.
- pharyngeal b. of the artery of pterygoid canal [TA] distributed to uppermost nasopharynx (pharyngeal recesses). SYN: ramus pharyngeus arteriae canalis pterygoidei [TA].
- pharyngeal b. of the ascending pharyngeal artery [TA] distribution: walls of oropharynx and nasopharynx. SYN: rami pharyngeales arteriae pharyngeae ascendentis [TA].
- pharyngeal b. of descending palatine artery [TA] may arise as a separate b. or as a continuation of lesser palatine artery. SYN: ramus pharyngeus arteriae palatinae descendentis [TA].
- pharyngeal b. of glossopharyngeal nerve [TA] conveys general sensory fibers to the mucosa of the oropharynx via the pharyngeal plexus. SYN: rami pharyngei nervi glossopharyngei [TA].
- pharyngeal b. of inferior thyroid artery [TA] distributed to laryngopharynx. SYN: rami pharyngeales arteriae thyroideae inferioris [TA].
- pharyngeal branches of recurrent laryngeal nerve [TA] branches of the recurrent laryngeal nerve that continue beyond the larynx to the inferior pharynx. SYN: rami pharyngei nervi laryngei recurrentis [TA].
- pharyngeal b. of vagus nerve [TA] conveys motor fibers from the cranial root of the accessory nerve to the pharyngeal constrictor muscles, the intrinsic muscles of the soft palate, and the levator palati muscle; may also bring some general sensory fibers to the pharyngeal plexus. SYN: rami pharyngei nervi vagi [TA].
- phrenicoabdominal branches of phrenic nerve terminal branches of phrenic nerve providing motor innervation of diaphragm and sensory innervation to the diaphragm and the diaphragmatic pleura and peritoneum. SYN: rami phrenicoabdominales nervi phrenici.
- posterior branches [TA] branches directed dorsally or backward. SYN: rami posteriores [TA].
- posterior basal b. SYN: posterior basal segmental artery of left / right lung.
- posterior gastric branches of posterior vagal trunk [TA] branches of the posterior vagal trunk that pass posterior to the left gastric artery in the hepatogastric ligament to ramify over the posteroinferior surface of the stomach. SYN: rami gastrici posteriores trunci vagalis posterioris [TA].
- posterior glandular b. of superior thyroid artery `b. of superior thyroid artery that descends to supply the apical portion of the ipsilateral lobe of the thyroid, continuing along the posterior border of the gland to anastomose with the inferior thyroid artery. SYN: ramus glandularis posterior arteriae thyroideae superioris [TA], posterior b. of superior thyroid artery, ramus posterior arteriae thyroideae superioris.
- posterior b. of great auricular nerve [TA] provides general sensory fibers to skin of posterior auricle and over mastoid process. SYN: ramus posterior nervi auricularis magni [TA].
- posterior inferior nasal branches of greater palatine nerve SYN: posterior inferior nasal nerves, under nerve.
- posterior b. of inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery [TA] the more dorsal of the two branches into which the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery bifurcates; supplies uncinate process and head of pancreas, as well as the third and fourth parts of the duodenum; anastomoses with the posterior b. of the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery. SYN: ramus posterior arteriae pancreaticoduodenalis inferioris [TA].
- posterior labial branches of internal perineal artery [TA] branches of the perineal artery to the posterior portion of the labium majus. SYN: rami labiales posteriores arteriae perinealis [TA], posterior labial arteries, rami labiales posteriores arteriae pudendae internae.
- posterior labial branches of perineal artery [TA] superficial branches of the perineal artery supplying the posterior portions of the labia majora and minora.
- posterior b. of medial cutaneous nerve of forearm b. of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve supplying the skin of the medial portion of the proximal two-thirds of the dorsal side of the forearm. SYN: ramus posterior nervi cutanei antebrachii medialis [TA], posterior b. of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, ramus ulnaris nervi cutanei antebrachii medialis, ulnar b. of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve.
- posterior b. of obturator artery [TA] b. of obturator artery giving rise to acetabular b. and supplying muscles attached to ischium. SYN: ramus posterior arteriae obturatoriae [TA].
- posterior b. of obturator nerve [TA] b. supplying obturator externus muscle, then passing posterior to adductor brevis, supplying it and the adductor portion of the adductor magnus muscle. SYN: ramus posterior nervi obturatorii [TA].
- posterior b. of renal artery [TA] terminal b. of renal artery (with anterior b.) becoming the posterior segmental artery of kidney. See segmental arteries of kidney, under artery. SYN: ramus posterior arteriae renalis [TA].
- posterior b. of right b. of portal vein [TA] posterior segmental b. of portal vein; b. to posterior segments of right lobe of liver. SYN: ramus posterior rami dextri venae portae hepatis [TA].
- posterior b. of right hepatic duct [TA] hepatic duct b. draining bile from posterior segments of right lobe of liver. SYN: ramus posterior ductus hepatici dextri [TA].
- posterior b. of right superior pulmonary vein [TA] drains posterior portion of superior lobe of right lung. SYN: ramus posterior venae pulmonalis dextrae superioris [TA].
- posterior scrotal branches of perineal artery branches of perineal artery supplying skin of posterior scrotal sac. SYN: rami scrotales posteriores arteriae perinealis [TA], posterior scrotal b. of internal pudendal artery, rami scrotales posteriores arteriae pudendae internae.
- posterior septal b. of nose [TA] one of the branches of the sphenopalatine artery that supplies the nasal septum and accompanies the nasopalatine nerve. SYN: ramus septi posterioris nasalis [TA], arteria nasalis posterior septi, posterior septal artery of nose, posterior septal branches of sphenopalatine artery.
- posterior b. of spinal nerves dorsal primary ramus of spinal nerve.
- posterior superior alveolar branches of maxillary nerve [TA] the branches of the superior alveolar nerves that supply the maxillary sinus and the molar tooth. SYN: rami alveolares superiores posteriores nervi maxillaris [TA].
- posterior superior lateral nasal branches of maxillary nerve branches of pterygopalatine ganglion to upper posterior part of lateral wall of nasal cavity, including superior and middle nasal concha/meatuses, and posterior ethmoidal sinuses. SYN: posterior superior lateral nasal branches of pterygopalatine ganglion, rami nasales posteriores superiores laterales ganglii pterygopalatini, rami nasales posteriores superiores laterales nervi maxillaris.
- posterior superior medial nasal branches of maxillary nerve [TA] usually branches of the nasopalatine nerve to posterior superior nasal septum. SYN: rami nasales posteriores superiores mediales nervi maxillaris [TA], posterior superior medial nasal branches of pterygopalatine ganglion, rami nasales posteriores superiores mediales ganglii pterygopalatini.
- posterior temporal b. of middle cerebral artery [TA] a b. of the insular part (M2 segment) of the middle cerebral artery distributed to the cortex of the posterior part of the temporal lobe. SYN: ramus temporalis posterior arteriae cerebri mediae [TA], arteria temporalis posterior, posterior temporal artery.
- posterior b. of ulnar recurrent artery contributes to blood supply of flexor carpi ulnaris and to articular network of elbow. SYN: ramus posterior arteriae recurrentis ulnaris [TA], posterior b. of recurrent ulnar artery.
- posterior vestibular b. of vestibulocochlear artery [TA] origin: terminal b., with cochlear b., of vestibulocochlear artery; distribution: utricle and (especially ampulla of) posterior semicircular duct. SYN: ramus vestibularis posterior arteriae vestibulocochlearis [TA].
- posteromedial frontal b. of callosomarginal artery [TA] terminal b. (with cingular b.) of callosomarginal artery to posterior portion of medial aspect of frontal lobe of cerebrum. SYN: ramus frontalis posteromedialis arteriae callosomarginalis [TA].
- precuneal branches (of anterior cerebral artery) [TA] the last cortical b. of the pericallosal artery; it supplies the inferior part of the precuneus. SYN: rami precuneales arteriae cerebri anterioris [TA], arteria precunealis, inferior internal parietal artery, precuneal artery.
- prelaminar b. of spinal b. of dorsal b. of posterior intercostal artery [TA] origin: spinal artery in intervertebral foramen; distribution: to anterior surface of laminae and ligamenta flava of thoracic vertebrae and the anterior aspects of the zygapophysial joints. SYN: ramus prelaminaris rami spinalis rami dorsalis arteriae intercostalis posterioris [TA].
- prostatic branches of inferior vesical artery [TA] branches of the inferior vesicle artery that descend to the prostate, comprising its major arterial supply. SYN: rami prostatici arteriae vesicalis inferioris [TA].
- prostatic branches of middle rectal artery [TA] branches of the middle rectal artery that anastomose with the prostatic branches of the inferior vesicle artery and join them in supplying the prostate. SYN: rami prostatici arteriae rectalis mediae [TA].
- pterygoid b. of posterior deep temporal artery pterygoid branches of middle meningeal artery. SYN: ramus pterygoideus arteriae temporalis profundae posterioris [TA], pterygoid b. of maxillary artery, rami pterygoidei arteriae maxillaris.
- pubic b. of inferior epigastric artery [TA] b. arising from the inferior epigastric artery medial to the deep inguinal ring; runs medial to femoral ring onto posterior pubis; anastomosis, pubic b. of obturator artery. This anastomosis is frequently large, referred to as an “accessory obturator artery.” In 20–30% of patients, this anastomosis replaces the obturator artery, as an “aberrant” or “replaced” obturator artery. SYN: ramus pubicus arteriae epigastricae inferioris [TA].
- pubic b. of inferior epigastric vein [TA] b. of inferior epigastric vein that arises medial to the deep inguinal ring and gives rise to an upper b. that anastomoses across the midline with its contralateral partner, and a lower b. that descends on the posterior aspect of the pubis; the latter gives rise to an obturator b.. SEE ALSO: obturator b. of pubic b. of inferior epigastric vein. SYN: ramus pubicus venae epigastricae inferioris [TA].
- pubic b. of obturator artery [TA] b. arising from the obturator artery just prior to its passage through the obturator canal; the b. passes superiorly on the posterior aspect of the pubis. Anastomosis: with contralateral partner and pubic branche of inferior epigastric artery. See accessory obturator artery, pubic b. of inferior epigastric artery. SYN: ramus pubicus arteriae obturatoriae [TA].
- pulmonary b. of autonomic nervous system See pulmonary branches of pulmonary nerve plexus, thoracic pulmonary branches of thoracic ganglia. SYN: rami pulmonales systematis autonomici.
- pulmonary branches of pulmonary nerve plexus [TA] branches of the pulmonary nerve plexus that extend along the root of the lungs reaching the right and left lungs. SYN: rami pulmonales plexi nervosi pulmonalis [TA].
- pyloric b. of anterior vagal trunk [TA] b. of anterior vagal trunk that passes through the gastrohepatic ligament with the hepatic branches of the vagus to reach the pylorus. In selective vagotomy procedures, this b. is spared to avoid problems with gastric emptying. SYN: ramus pyloricus trunci vagalis anterioris [TA].
- recurrent meningeal b. of spinal nerves SYN: meningeal b. of spinal nerves.
- recurrent b. of spinal nerves meningeal b. of spinal nerves.
- renal b. of lesser splanchnic nerve [TA] b. of lesser splanchnic nerve to the aorticorenal plexus/ganglion. SYN: ramus renalis nervi splanchnici minoris [TA].
- renal b. of vagus nerve [TA] branches of vagus nerve to kidney via the celiac plexus. SYN: rami renales nervi vagi [TA].
- right b. [TA] of a pair of branches, the b. passing to the right side of the body, to the right member of a bilateral pair of structures, or to the right portion of an unpaired structure; the other member of the pair being a left b.. SYN: ramus dexter [TA].
- right atrial b. of right coronary artery SYN: intermediate atrial b. of right coronary artery.
- right b. of hepatic artery proper [TA] terminal b. of hepatic artery proper supplying right lobe of liver; b.: cystic artery. SYN: ramus dexter arteriae hepaticae propriae [TA], right hepatic artery.
- right marginal b. (of right coronary artery) [TA] usually the largest of the ventricular branches of the right coronary artery; courses along the right margin of the heart, and is of sufficient caliber and length to reach the apex. SYN: ramus marginalis dexter (arteriae coronariae dextrae) [TA].
- right b. of portal vein [TA] terminal b. of hepatic portal vein distributed to right lobe of liver tributary: cystic vein. SYN: ramus dexter venae portae hepatis [TA].
- saphenous b. of descending genicular artery [TA] b. of descending genicular artery supplying skin of the upper part of the medial aspect of the leg; anastomosis: medial inferior genicular artery (articular vascular network of knee). SYN: ramus saphenus arteriae descendentis genicularis [TA].
- branches of segmental bronchi SYN: intrasegmental bronchi, under bronchus.
- septal branches SYN: interventricular septal branches of left/right coronary artery.
- sinuatrial nodal b. of right coronary artery SYN: sinuatrial (S-A) nodal b. of right coronary artery.
- b. to sinuatrial node SYN: sinuatrial (S-A) nodal b. of right coronary artery.
- sinuatrial (S-A) nodal b. of right coronary artery [TA] ascending atrial b., usually (55%) arising from the anterior stem of the right coronary artery (but 35–45% arising from the circumflex b. of the left coronary artery), which runs around the base of the superior vena cava to reach the sinuatrial node. SYN: ramus nodi sinuatrialis arteriae coronariae dextrae [TA], artery to the sinoatrial (S-A) node, b. to sinuatrial node, sinuatrial nodal artery, sinuatrial nodal b. of right coronary artery, sinuatrial node artery, sinus node artery.
- spinal branches [TA] branches of the following arteries that supply the meninges, the roots of the spinal nerves, and in some cases, the spinal cord : 1) vertebral, 2) ascending cervical, 3) dorsal b. of posterior intercostal I to XI, 4) dorsal b. of subcostal, 5) dorsal b. of lumbar arteries, 6) lumbar b. of iliolumbar, 7) lateral sacral; all spinal arteries give rise to arteries supplying dorsal and ventral roots of spinal nerves; most are exhausted in supplying the roots as radicular arteries, but some (4–9), are large enough to reach and anastomose with the anterior and posterior spinal arteries and are designated instead as segmental medullary arteries. See great segmental medullary artery, segmental medullary arteries, under artery. SYN: rami spinales (1) [TA], spinal arteries.
- splenic branches of splenic artery [TA] branches of proper splenic arteries; splenic artery entering spleen at hilum. SYN: rami splenici arteriae splenicae [TA], rami lienales arteriae lienalis.
- stapedial b. of posterior tympanic artery b. arising either directly from the posterior tympanic artery or its parent artery, the stylomastoid artery; supplies stapedius muscle. SYN: ramus stapedius arteriae tympanicae posterioris [TA], ramus stapedius arteriae stylomastoideae, stapedial b. of stylomastoid artery.
- sternal branches of internal thoracic artery [TA] branches of internal thoracic artery that pass medially to supply the transversus thoracis muscle and posterior sternum. SYN: rami sternales arteriae thoracicae internae [TA], sternal arteries.
- sternocleidomastoid branches of occipital artery branches of occipital artery to sternocleidomastoid muscle. One often hooks around hypoglossal nerve. It may arise as an independent b. of the external carotid, in which case it may be referred to as the sternomastoid artery. SYN: rami sternocleidomastoidei arteriae occipitalis.
- stylohyoid b. of facial nerve [TA] b. of facial nerve to stylohyoid muscle. SYN: ramus stylohyoideus nervi facialis [TA].
- stylopharyngeal b. of glossopharyngeal nerve [TA] sole motor b. of the glossopharyngeal nerve to the stylopharyngeus muscle. SYN: ramus musculi stylopharyngei nervi glossopharyngei [TA], b. of glossopharyngeal nerve to stylopharyngeus muscle.
- subendocardial branches of atrioventricular bundles interlacing fibers formed of modified cardiac muscle cells with central granulated protoplasm containing one or two nuclei and a transversely striated peripheral portion; they are the terminal ramifications of the conducting system of the heart found beneath the endocardium of the ventricles. SEE ALSO: conducting system of heart. SYN: rami subendocardiales fasciculi atrioventricularis [TA], Purkinje fibers.
- subscapular branches of axillary artery [TA] branches of axillary artery passing directly to the subscapularis muscle. SYN: rami subscapulares arteriae axillaris [TA].
- superficial b. [TA] b. which passes above or closer to surface; usually in contrast to a deep b.. SYN: ramus superficialis [TA].
- superficial b. of the lateral plantar nerve [TA] mostly cutaneous b. to skin of small and lateral half of fourth toes and lateral side of sole of foot, but also supplies the flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle and the most lateral dorsal and plantar interosseous muscles. SYN: ramus superficialis nervi plantaris lateralis [TA].
- superficial b. of medial circumflex femoral artery [TA] small b. arising from the initial portion of the medial femoral circumflex artery that passes superficially in the superomedial thigh; after giving rise to the superficial b., the medial femoral circumflex artery continues as the deep b.. SYN: ramus superficialis arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis [TA].
- superficial b. of the medial plantar artery [TA] gives rise to superficial digital arteries of medial three toes. SYN: ramus superficialis arteriae plantaris medialis [TA].
- superficial palmar b. of radial artery [TA] the superficial palmar b. of the radial artery that supplies the thenar muscles then enters the palm to communicate with the superficial palmar arch from the ulnar artery. SYN: ramus palmaris superficialis arteriae radialis [TA], superficial palmar artery, superficial volar artery, superficialis volae.
- superficial b. of the radial nerve [TA] cutaneous terminal b. (with deep b.) which runs under cover of brachioradialis muscle to wrist, then supplies skin of proximal portion of the dorsal aspects of thumb, index, middle and lateral half of ring fingers and the portion of the dorsum of the hand located proximally. SYN: ramus superficialis nervi radialis [TA].
- superficial b. of the superior gluteal artery [TA] to upper gluteus maximus muscle. SYN: ramus superficialis arteriae gluteae superioris [TA].
- superficial temporal b. of auriculotemporal nerve [TA] branches of auriculotemporal nerve to anterolateral scalp. SYN: rami temporales superficiales nervi auriculotemporalis [TA].
- superficial b. of the transverse cervical artery [TA] b. of transverse cervical artery that accompanies the spinal accessory nerve on the deep surface of the trapezius muscle. Alternatively arises as a direct b. of the thyrocervical trunk, in which case it is called the superficial cervical artery. SYN: ramus superficialis arteriae transversae colli [TA].
- superficial b. of the ulnar nerve [TA] b. supplying skin of palmar aspect of little and medial half of ring fingers, the portion of the palm proximal to them and the palmaris brevis muscle. SYN: ramus superficialis nervi ulnaris [TA].
- superior b. [TA] b. that is directed upward or cranially or which is highly placed, usually in contrast to an inferior b.. SYN: ramus superior [TA].
- superior cervical cardiac branches of vagus nerve [TA] uppermost of the branches of vagus nerve conducting presynaptic parasympathetic fibers to, and reflex afferent fibers from, the cardiac plexus; branching from the vagi close to the base of the skull. SYN: rami cardiaci cervicales superiores nervi vagi [TA].
- superior dental branches of superior dental plexus [TA] branches passing from the superior dental plexus to the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw. SYN: rami dentales superiores plexus dentalis superioris [TA], rami dentales superiores [TA], superior dental rami.
- superior gingival branches of superior dental plexus [TA] branches of superior dental plexus to gingiva of upper jaw. SYN: rami gingivales superiores plexus dentalis superioris [TA].
- superior labial b. of facial artery [TA] origin, facial; distribution, structures of upper lip and, by a septal b., the anterior and lower part of the nasal septum; anastomoses, the artery of the opposite side and the sphenopalatine. SYN: arteria labialis superior [TA], ramus labialis superior arteriae facialis, superior labial artery.
- superior labial branches of infraorbital nerve [TA] branches of infraorbital nerve to upper lip. SYN: rami labiales superiores nervi infraorbitalis [TA].
- superior b. of the oculomotor nerve [TA] b. of oculomotor nerve supplying the superior rectus and levator palpebrae superioris muscles. SYN: ramus superior nervi oculomotorii [TA].
- superior b. of the pubic bone SYN: superior pubic ramus.
- superior b. of the right and left inferior pulmonary veins [TA] tributaries of the right and left inferior pulmonary veins which receive oxygenated blood from the superior [S6] bronchopulmonary segments of the inferior lobes of the right and left lungs. SYN: ramus superior venae pulmonalis dextrae/sinistrae inferioris.
- superior b. of the superior gluteal artery [TA] runs between gluteus medius and minimus muscles, supplying both, and continuing to reach tensor fascia lata muscle. SYN: ramus superior arteriae gluteae superioris [TA].
- superior b. of the transverse cervical nerve [TA] b. providing cutaneous innervation in upper part of anterior triangle of neck. SYN: ramus superior nervi transversalis cervicalis (colli) [TA].
- superior vermian b. (of superior cerebellar artery) [TA] origin: medial b. of superior cerebellar artery; distribution: superior vermis of cerebellum. SYN: ramus vermis superior [TA].
- suprahyoid b. of lingual artery [TA] b. of lingual artery that runs along hyoid bone; anastomosis: infrahyoid b. of superior thyroid artery and across midline with its contralateral partner. SYN: ramus suprahyoideus arteriae lingualis [TA].
- sural communicating b. of common fibular nerve [TA] the peroneal (fibular) communicating b. of the common peroneal (fibular) nerve; it arises from the common peroneal nerve in the popliteal space and passes over the lateral head of the gastrocnemius to the middle third of the leg, where it unites with the medial sural cutaneous nerve to form the sural nerve. SYN: ramus communicans fibularis nervi fibularis communis [TA], ramus communicans nervi fibularis communis cum nervo cutaneo surae mediali, ramus communicans nervi peronei communis cum nervo cutaneo surae mediali, ramus communicans peroneus nervi peronei communis, sural communicating b. of common peroneal nerve, nervus communicans fibularis, nervus communicans peroneus, peroneal anastomotic ramus, peroneal communicating b., peroneal communicating nerve.
- sural communicating b. of common peroneal nerve sural communicating b. of common fibular nerve.
- temporal b. of facial nerve [TA] branches of facial nerve innervating the superior portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle and other muscles of facial expression above the eye. SYN: rami temporales nervi facialis [TA].
- tentorial basal b. of internal carotid artery [TA] a small b. from the cavernous part of the internal carotid artery to the base of the tentorium. SYN: ramus basalis tentorii arteriae carotidis internae [TA], basal tentorial b. of internal carotid artery.
- tentorial marginal b. of cavernous part of internal carotid artery a small b. from the cavernous part of the internal carotid artery to the free margin of the tentorium. SYN: ramus marginalis tentorii partis cavernosae arteriae carotidis internae [TA], marginal tentorial b. of internal carotid artery, ramus marginalis tentorii arteriae carotidis internae.
- terminal branches of middle cerebral artery [TA] derivatives of the middle cerebral artery, arising distal to the M1 segment (main trunk) deep in the lateral sulcus between temporal lobe and insula; included are the superior and inferior terminal (cortical) branches (trunks) and the insular arteries. SYN: rami terminales arteriae cerebri medii [TA], M2 segment of middle cerebral artery.
- thoracic cardiac branches of thoracic ganglia part of the cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves from the second to fifth segments of the thoracic sympathetic trunk that pass medially and anteriorly to enter the cardiac plexus; they convey postsynaptic sympathetic fibers to, and visceral afferent (pain) fibers from, the heart. SYN: rami cardiaci thoracici gangliorum thoracicorum [TA], nervi cardiaci thoracici, thoracic cardiac nerves, upper thoracic splanchnic nerves.
- thoracic cardiac branches of vagus nerve [TA] branches of vagus nerve to the cardiac plexus that b. from the vagi at thoracic levels, conducting presynpatic parasympathetic fibers to, and reflex afferent fibers from, the cardiac plexus. SYN: rami cardiaci thoracici nervi vagi [TA].
- thoracic pulmonary branches of thoracic ganglia [TA] cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves arising from the upper thoracic paravertebral ganglia of the sympathetic trunk conveying postsynaptic sympathetic and visceral afferent fibers to the pulmonary plexuses. SYN: rami pulmonales thoracici gangliorum thoracicorum [TA].
- thymic branches of internal thoracic artery [TA] mediastinal branches of the proximal (superior) portion of the internal thoracic artery which pass to the thymus. SYN: rami thymici arteriae thoracicae internae [TA].
- thyrohyoid b. of ansa cervicalis derived from the cervical plexus, it contains fibers of the first and second cervical nerves that have accompanied the hypoglossal nerve to the suprahyoid region, then b. from it to reach the thyrohyoid muscle. SYN: ramus thyrohyoideus ansae cervicalis [TA], nerve to thyrohyoid muscle.
- tonsillar b. of the facial artery [TA] primary blood supply to palatine tonsil, with extensive anastomoses with other tonsillar arteries. SYN: ramus tonsillaris arteriae facialis [TA].
- tonsillar branches of glossopharyngeal nerve [TA] branches of glossopharyngeal nerve conducting sensory fibers from the palatine tonsillar fossa. SYN: rami tonsillares nervi glossopharyngei.
- tonsillar branches of lesser palatine nerves [TA] branches of the lesser palatine nerves that extend to the palatine tonsil and/or its bed. SYN: rami tonsillares nervi palatini minores [TA].
- tracheal branches [TA] branches to the trachea. Terminologia Anatomica lists tracheal branches of 1) inferior thyroid artery (rami tracheales arteriae thyroideae inferioris [TA]); 2) internal thoracic artery (rami tracheales arteria thoracicae internae [TA]); and 3) recurrent laryngeal nerve (rami tracheales nervi laryngei recurrentis [TA]). SYN: rami tracheales [TA].
- transverse b. of lateral femoral circumflex artery [TA] early b. of lateral femoral circumflex artery that enters the substance of the vastus lateralis and forms numerous anastomoses. SYN: ramus transversus arteriae circumflexae femoris lateralis [TA].
- tubal b. [TA] b. to a tubular structure. SYN: ramus tubarius [TA].
- tubal b. of ovarian artery [TA] terminal b. (with ovarian b.) of ovarian artery that passes to the distal part of the uterine tube and courses centrally to anastomose with the tubal b. of the uterine artery proper. SYN: ramus tubarius arteriae ovaricae [TA].
- tubal b. of the tympanic plexus [TA] sensory b. of tympanic plexus (of glossopharyngeal nerve) to pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube. SYN: ramus tubarius plexus tympanici [TA].
- tubal b. of the uterine artery [TA] terminal b. of uterine artery (with ovarian b.) supplying medial portion of uterine tube, anastomosing with tubal b. of ovarian artery. SYN: ramus tubarius arteriae uterinae [TA].
- ulnar communicating b. of superficial radial nerve SYN: communicating b. of superficial radial nerve with ulnar nerve.
- ureteral branches SYN: ureteric branches.
- ureteric branches [TA] branches distributed to the ureter. Although not listed in Terminologia Anatomica, ureteric branches also rise regularly from the 1) abdominal aorta, 2) common iliac artery, and 3) internal iliac artery. Ureteric branches from the inferior vesical artery are constant in occurrence and supply the terminal portion of the ureter. SYN: rami ureterici [TA], ureteral branches.
- ureteric branches of the inferior suprarenal artery [TA] branches of the right or left inferior suprarenal artery that descend to supply, with the ureteric branches of the renal artery, the uppermost portion of the ureter. SYN: rami ureterici arteriae suprarenalis inferioris [TA].
- ureteric branches of the ovarian artery [TA] b. of ovarian artery arising as it is crossed by the ureter in the female supplying mid portion of ureter. SYN: rami ureterici arteriae ovaricae [TA].
- ureteric branches of the patent part of umbilical artery [TA] supplies pelvic portion of ureter. SYN: rami ureterici partis patentis arteriae umbilicalis [TA].
- ureteric branches of the renal artery supplies ureteric (renal) pelvis and superior portion of ureter. SYN: rami ureterici arteriae renalis.
- ureteric branches of the testicular artery [TA] b. of testicular artery arising as it is crossed by the ureter in the male; supplies mid portion of ureter. SYN: rami ureterici arteriae testicularis [TA].
- ventral b. SYN: ramus ventralis.ventral primary rami of cervical spinal nerves, under ramus, ventral primary rami of lumbar spinal nerves, under ramus, ventral primary rami of sacral spinal nerves, under ramus, anterior ramus of spinal nerve.
- zygomatic branches of facial nerve branches of facial nerve crossing upper cheek to supply orbicularis oculi muscle. SYN: rami zygomatici nervi facialis.
- zygomaticofacial b. of zygomatic nerve [TA] penetrates zygomatic bone to supply skin of face over zygoma or cheekbone. SYN: ramus zygomaticofacialis nervi zygomatici [TA].
- zygomaticotemporal b. of zygomatic nerve [TA] penetrates frontal process of zygomatic bone to supply skin of face lateral to orbit. SYN: ramus zygomaticotemporalis nervi zygomatici [TA].

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branch 'branch n
1) something that extends from or enters into a main body or source <a \branch of an artery>
2) an area of knowledge that may be considered apart from related areas <pathology is a \branch of medicine>
branch vi
branched 'brancht adj

* * *

(branch) a division or offshoot from a main stem, especially of blood vessels, nerves, or lymphatics; for specific anatomical structures not found here, see under ramus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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