- 3-methylcrotonic acid
- 3-meth·yl·cro·ton·ic ac·id (meth″əl-kro-tonґik) crotonic acid methylated at the 3 carbon; it is excreted at elevated levels in urine when 3-methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase activity is impaired.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
3 methylcrotonic aciduria — is a disorder characterised by urine that contains increased amounts of 3 methylcrotonic acid. It is caused by defects in a biotin dependent reaction that forms 3 methylglutaconic acid.External links* … Wikipedia
Tiglic acid — IUP … Wikipedia
3-methylcrotonyl CoA carboxylase deficiency — 3 meth·yl·cro·to·nyl CoA car·box·y·lase de·fi·cien·cy (meth″əl kroґtə nil″ ko aґ kahr bokґsə lās) an autosomal recessive aminoacidopathy due to deficiency of methylcrotonoyl CoA carboxylase, which can result from… … Medical dictionary
3-methylcrotonyl — 3 meth·yl·cro·ton·yl (meth″əl kroґtə nil″) the radical of 3 methylcrotonic acid; the thioester formed with coenzyme A, 3 methylcrotonyl CoA, is an intermediate in the degradation of leucine … Medical dictionary
3-methylcrotonylglycine — 3 meth·yl·cro·ton·yl·gly·cine (meth″əl kro″to nəl gliґsēn) a conjugate of 3 methylcrotonic acid and glycine, formed and excreted in excess in the urine when 3 methylcrotonoyl CoA carboxylase activity is impaired … Medical dictionary