- hemodialyzer membrane
- the semipermeable membrane that filters the blood in a hemodialyzer, commonly made of cuprophane, cellulose acetate, polyacrylonitrile, polymethyl methacrylate, or polysulfone.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
hemodialyzer — A machine for hemodialysis in acute or chronic renal failure; toxic substances in the blood are removed by exposure to dialyzing fluid across a semipermeable membrane. SYN: artificial kidney … Medical dictionary
high efficiency membrane — a hemodialyzer membrane that has clearance characteristics that increase progressively with increases in dialysis blood flow rates; this usually implies that the membrane is not a high flux membrane … Medical dictionary
high flux membrane — a hemodialyzer membrane that has a high permeability to fluids and solutes and thus a high rate of clearance of fluids and solutes composed of large molecules … Medical dictionary
diffusion — 1. The random movement of molecules or ions or small particles in solution or suspension under the influence of brownian (thermal) motion toward a uniform distribution throughout the available volume; the rate is relatively rapid among liquids an … Medical dictionary
cellulose acetate — an acetylated cellulose used in membrane filters for a variety of functions; used as a hemodialyzer membrane, it has a greater permeability and higher ultrafiltration rate than cuprophane … Medical dictionary
backfiltration — back·fil·tra·tion (bak″fil traґshən) passage of fluids and solutes in the reverse direction across a hemodialyzer membrane, from the dialysate back into the blood, contaminating nondialyzed blood that may reenter the patient s body … Medical dictionary
polyacrylonitrile — poly·ac·rylo·ni·trile (pol″e ə kril″o niґtrīl) a polymer of acrylonitrile used as a hemodialyzer membrane; it is more permeable by diffusion than cuprophane for larger molecules, but fluid removal is rapid and not entirely… … Medical dictionary
polysulfone — poly·sul·fone (pol″e sulґfōn) a synthetic thermoplastic polymer used as a hemodialyzer membrane … Medical dictionary
dialysis — /duy al euh sis/, n., pl. dialyses / seez /. 1. Physical Chem. the separation of crystalloids from colloids in a solution by diffusion through a membrane. 2. Biochem. the separation of large molecules, as proteins, from small molecules and ions… … Universalium
Hemodialysis — A medical procedure that uses a special machine (a dialysis machine) to filter waste products from the bloodstream and to restore normal constituents to the blood. This remarkable feat shuffling multiple substances about is accomplished by virtue … Medical dictionary