- vibratory massage
- electrovibratory m.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Massage — The therapeutic practice of manipulating the muscles and limbs to ease tension and reduce pain. Massage can be a part of physical therapy or practiced on its own. It can be highly effective for reducing the symptoms of arthritis, back pain,… … Medical dictionary
vibratory — vibrator ► NOUN 1) a device that vibrates or causes vibration. 2) a vibrating device used for massage or sexual stimulation. DERIVATIVES vibratory adjective … English terms dictionary
Vibromassage — (also called vibratory massage , vibra massage , vibration therapy ) is a type of massage based on the use of mechanical devices for vibration therapy, which pass vibration onto the body surface that is being massaged. Vibromassage has a positive … Wikipedia
vibration — 1. A shaking. 2. A to and fro movement, as in oscillation. [L. vibratio, fr. vibro, pp. atus, to quiver, shake] * * * vi·bra·tion vī brā shən n 1 a) a periodic motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium in alternately opposite… … Medical dictionary
Vibrator — Vi bra*tor, n. One that vibrates, or causes vibration or oscillation of any kind; specif. (a) (Elec.) (1) A trembler, as of an electric bell. (2) A vibrating reed for transmitting or receiving pulsating currents in a harmonic telegraph system.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vibrator — /vuy bray teuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that vibrates. 2. any of various machines or devices causing a vibratory motion or action. 3. a small appliance of variable shape, made to oscillate very rapidly and used in vibratory massage. 4. Elect. a … Universalium
vibrator — vi bra·tor || vaɪbreɪtÉ™(r) /vaɪ breɪtÉ™ n. any of various instruments causing a vibratory action; device for vibratory massage; vibrating electrical device used for sexual stimulation … English contemporary dictionary
vibrators — vi bra·tor || vaɪbreɪtÉ™(r) /vaɪ breɪtÉ™ n. any of various instruments causing a vibratory action; device for vibratory massage; vibrating electrical device used for sexual stimulation … English contemporary dictionary
August Lucae — Johann Constantin August Lucae (August 24, 1835 March 17, 1911) was a German otologist who was a native of Berlin.He studied medicine in Berlin and Bonn, and in 1859 earned his doctorate. He furthered his studies in London with Joseph Toynbee… … Wikipedia
seismotherapy — SYN: vibratory massage. [G. seismos, a shaking, vibration] … Medical dictionary