lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae
- lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae
- [TA] pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland: an occasional third lobe that extends upward from the isthmus of the gland across the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone; it is the residuum of the thyroid stalk of the fetus.
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lobus — SYN: lobe. [LL. fr. G. lobos] l. anterior hypophyseos [TA] SYN: adenohypophysis. l. appendicularis SYN: Riedel lobe. l. azygos pulmonis dextri SYN: azygos lobe of right lung. l. caudatus posterior hepatic segment I. lobi cerebri [TA] the … Medical dictionary
pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland — lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae … Medical dictionary
Lalouette pyramid — lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae … Medical dictionary
pyramid of thyroid — lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae … Medical dictionary
lobe — 1. One of the subdivisions of an organ or other part, bounded by fissures, sulci, connective tissue septa, or other structural demarcations. 2. A rounded projecting part, as the l. of the ear. SEE ALSO: lobule. 3. One of the larger divisions of… … Medical dictionary
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Доля — I Доля (lobus, PNA, BNA, JNA) крупная структурная часть железы или органа железистого строения. Доля вилочковой железы (l. thymi, PNA, BNA, JNA) общее название правой и левой половин вилочковой железы, разделенных рыхлой соединительной тканью.… … Медицинская энциклопедия