- lobus
- SYN: lobe. [LL. fr. G. lobos]- l. anterior hypophyseos [TA] SYN: adenohypophysis.- l. appendicularis SYN: Riedel lobe.- lobi cerebri [TA] the major divisions of the cerebral hemisphere; they include the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes, named for the overlying bones of the skull, and the limbic lobe. The insula may also be regarded as a lobe (l. insularis [TA]) because it is separated from the frontal, parietal, and temporal opercula by the circular sulcus of the insula [TA]. SYN: cerebral lobes.- l. clivi obsolete term for the clivus monticuli and the posterior crescentic lobules of the cerebellum, considered as one lobe.- l. dexter [TA] SYN: right lobe.- l. falciformis SYN: cingulate gyrus.- l. flocculonodularis [TA] SYN: flocculonodular lobe.- l. glandularis hypophyseos SYN: adenohypophysis.- l. insula [TA] the area of cerebral cortex located internal to the lateral sulcus and separated from the adjacent frontal, parietal and temporal opercula by the circular sulcus of the insula; composed of short and long gyri separated by the central sulcus of the insula. SEE ALSO: insula. SYN: insular lobe, l. insularis, insular part, pars insularis.- l. insularis l. insula.- l. limbicus [TA] SYN: limbic lobe.- l. linguiformis SYN: Riedel lobe.- l. nervosus [TA] SYN: neurohypophysis.- l. prostatae [TA] SYN: lobe of prostate.- l. quadratus SYN: quadrangular lobule.- l. renalis [TA] SYN: kidney lobes, under lobe.- l. sinister [TA] SYN: left lobe.- l. temporalis [TA] SYN: temporal lobe.
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lo·bus (loґbəs) gen. and pl. loґbi [L., from Gr. lobos] lobe: a more or less well-defined portion of an organ, especially the brain, the lungs, or a gland, demarcated by fissures, sulci, or connective tissue septa.
Medical dictionary. 2011.