ligamentum collaterale laterale articulationis talocruralis
- ligamentum collaterale laterale articulationis talocruralis
- [TA] lateral collateral ligament of ankle joint: the three ligamentous fasciculi present on the lateral side of the ankle joint (i.e., the l. calcaneofibulare, l. talofibulare anterius, and l. talofibulare posterius) considered collectively. Called also lateral ligament of ankle joint and l. laterale articulationis talocruralis.
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ligamentum laterale articulationis talocruralis — l. collaterale laterale articulationis talocruralis … Medical dictionary
ligamentum — SYN: ligament. [L. a band, tie, fr. ligo, to bind] l. acromioclaviculare [TA] SYN: acromioclavicular ligament. l. anococcygeum SYN: anococcygeal ligament. l. anulare [TA] SYN: anular ligament. l. anulare bulbi SYN: trabecular tissue of sclera. l … Medical dictionary
collateral ligament of ankle joint lateral — ligamentum collaterale laterale articulationis talocruralis … Medical dictionary
lateral ligament of ankle joint — ligamentum collaterale laterale articulationis talocruralis … Medical dictionary
Lateral collateral ligament of ankle joint — Infobox Ligament Name = External lateral ligament of the ankle joint Latin = ligamentum collaterale laterale articulationis talocruralis GraySubject = 95 GrayPage = 351 Caption = The ligaments of the foot from the lateral aspect. Caption2 =… … Wikipedia
Ligament — A ligament is a tough band of connective tissue that connects various structures such as two bones. Ligament is a fitting term; it comes from the Latin ligare meaning to bind or tie. * * * 1. A band or sheet of fibrous tissue connecting two or… … Medical dictionary
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