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biclonal — BICLONÁL, Ă adj. (med.) cu dublă reproducere. (< bi + engl., fr. clonal) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
biclonality — A condition in which some cells have markers of one cell line and other cells have markers of another cell line, as in biclonal leukemias … Medical dictionary
gammopathy — A primary disturbance in immunoglobulin synthesis. benign monoclonal g. SYN: monoclonal g. of undetermined significance. biclonal g. a g. in which the serum contains two distinct monoclonal immunoglobulins … Medical dictionary
peak — The top or upper limit of a graphic tracing or of any variable. [M.E. peke, pike, fr. Sp. pico, beak, fr. L. picus, magpie] biclonal p. two narrow electrophoretic bands thought to represent immunoglobulins of two cell lines. juxtaphrenic p. (juks … Medical dictionary
Combined small-cell lung carcinoma — Classification and external resources Combined small cell lung carcinoma containing a component of squamous cell carcinoma ICD 10 C … Wikipedia