- barotrauma
- A term previously used to describe injury to the middle ear or paranasal sinuses, resulting from imbalance between ambient pressure and that within the affected cavity. Now mostly used to refer to lung injury due to pressure such as occurs when a patient is on a ventilator and is subjected to high airway pressure (pulmonary b.). [G. baros, weight, + trauma]- otic b. injury caused to the ear by imbalance in pressure between ambient air and the air in the middle ear. SEE ALSO: barotitis media.- sinus b. injury to paranasal sinuses, resulting from imbalance in pressure between ambient air and air in the paranasal sinuses. SEE ALSO: barosinusitis.
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baro·trau·ma -'trau̇-mə, -'trȯ- n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə injury of a part or organ as a result of changes in barometric pressure esp AERO-OTITIS MEDIA* * *
n.damage to the ear, Eustachian tube, or paranasal sinuses caused by changes in ambient pressure, as experienced during air flight or deep-sea diving.* * *
baro·trau·ma (bar″o-trawґmə) [baro- + trauma] injury caused by pressure, especially to enclosed cavities of the body such as the eustachian tube, middle ear, paranasal sinuses, or lung. See also barotitis media.
Medical dictionary. 2011.