barotitis media — Véase aerotitis media. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
barotitis media — (Medicine) inflammation of the middle ear caused by difference in the air pressure on either side of the eardrum (causes ringing of the ears, hearing loss and pain) … English contemporary dictionary
Barotitis — Middle ear problems due to changing atmospheric pressures, as when a plane descends to land. The problems include ear pain, ringing, diminished hearing and, sometimes, dizziness. The word barotitis (pronounced bar o tit is) is compounded from bar … Medical dictionary
aerotitis media — SYN: barotitis media. [aero + G. ous, ear, + itis, inflammation] * * * barotitis media … Medical dictionary
aviator's ear — barotitis media … Medical dictionary
aviation otitis — barotitis media … Medical dictionary
Aerotitis — Middle ear problems due to changing atmospheric pressures, as when a plane descends to land. The problems include ear pain, ringing, diminished hearing and, sometimes, dizziness. The word aerotitis (pronounced aer o tit is) is compounded from aer … Medical dictionary
barotrauma — A term previously used to describe injury to the middle ear or paranasal sinuses, resulting from imbalance between ambient pressure and that within the affected cavity. Now mostly used to refer to lung injury due to pressure such as occurs when a … Medical dictionary
Otic barotrauma — Middle ear problems due to changing atmospheric pressures, as when a plane descends to land. The problems include ear pain, ringing, diminished hearing and, sometimes, dizziness. Alternate terms include aerotitis: aerotitis media, barotitis,… … Medical dictionary
dysbarism — General term for the symptom complex resulting from exposure to decreased or changing barometric pressure, including all physiologic effects resulting from such changes with the exception of hypoxia, and including the effects of rapid… … Medical dictionary